DefectiveWater 542 Posted April 10, 2021 (edited) 1 hour ago, Tonyeh said: I generally don't PvP. But I watched a YouTube vid last night of someone on a Deer Isle server. He was blasting people with all manner of ammo, 308, 7.62, whatever you're having yourself, and the amount of times people just ran away after a direct hit was farcical. Using a Winchester, he hit one guy coming out of a barrack building. A straight whack. The guy he shot just stopped for a second, then legged it away, not a bother. 🙄 What you saw was probably a modded server with adjusted damage values. Less one shotting = good (or should I say, it promotes more "interaction" during gunfights), but there should still be one shot rifles (not ARs... and AR caliber rifles like in 1.12). And some sort of "recovery" system after a firefight if you get hurt. 1 hour ago, Roddis said: our hardcore wet dreams lol!!! Im not a veteran of DayZ but if Im not wrong they took 8 years to add leg fracture...they will never touch aim so deeply. Broken arms are certainly a possibility because broken legs are harder to implement than broken arms (the only variable is being shot, not falling or walking down the stairs like that break your leg). DayZ had broken legs loooooong time ago, but it was very glitchy and bug infested (surprise surprise), but now it works very well. Edited April 10, 2021 by DefectiveWater Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fl1y 6 Posted April 10, 2021 So did we just turn from making infected taugh to nerfing them to the ground? Started a new freshy today. Meleed like 10 zs in packs of 1-3 with fists and got a grand total of one, ONE bleed. They also seem to die a lot quicker. Feels like they are much less of a threat even comparing to 1.11. After how much fun i had in 1.12 the last couple of days it's just a terrible dissapointment. Feels like we are going back to survival game with basicly no survival element. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Derleth 1357 Posted April 10, 2021 18 minutes ago, fl1y said: So did we just turn from making infected taugh to nerfing them to the ground? Started a new freshy today. Meleed like 10 zs in packs of 1-3 with fists and got a grand total of one, ONE bleed. They also seem to die a lot quicker. Feels like they are much less of a threat even comparing to 1.11. After how much fun i had in 1.12 the last couple of days it's just a terrible dissapointment. Feels like we are going back to survival game with basicly no survival element. Seems fists are OP, try the same with an axe and you're in trouble... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Buakaw 274 Posted April 10, 2021 On 4/9/2021 at 1:09 PM, Kyiara said: No worries, we are 😉 "Couple days" is still a lot of time before the actual release. I see everyone is understanding this term a bit different. My bad. Just check the previous udpates and it will give you a better hint. I assume that means the usual schedule, so closer to the end of the month? If not please clarify Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fl1y 6 Posted April 10, 2021 6 minutes ago, Derleth said: Seems fists are OP, try the same with an axe and you're in trouble.. Seems like bleed chance is way too low now. They got me to red health, but with no bleeds at some point. Tried hammer, works like a charm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Derleth 1357 Posted April 10, 2021 15 minutes ago, fl1y said: Seems like bleed chance is way too low now. They got me to red health, but with no bleeds at some point. Tried hammer, works like a charm Bleeds are a bit random, sometimes you get several just from a brief skirmish. I must say I don't mind the bleeds from zombie cuts are a little less severe now, gives you time to fight your way to a safe spot to bandage up. Maybe the weapon damages were tweaked too, although that wasn't in the notes? Axes are still very week though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonyeh 454 Posted April 10, 2021 1 hour ago, DefectiveWater said: What you saw was probably a modded server with adjusted damage values. We don't know this. In any case, I've seen it happen on vanilla too. It's happened to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fl1y 6 Posted April 10, 2021 6 minutes ago, Derleth said: cuts are a little less severe now I would rather say it went from "a reason to avoid melee infected" to "just a rare additional click to bandage". 6 minutes ago, Derleth said: Maybe the weapon damages were tweaked too, although that wasn't in the notes I'm confused with the notes too. But the day before the tweak i had to make 3 heavy hits with a hammer to kill a z and now only two. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DefectiveWater 542 Posted April 10, 2021 (edited) 1 hour ago, Tonyeh said: We don't know this. In any case, I've seen it happen on vanilla too. It's happened to me. Aim better lol, it's all on you. Your mistake, game doesn't have to bend over and give you a free kill if you didn't manage to hit a good shot. If you want to shoot, you better make sure it's a kill shot because otherwise you are giving the other guy a chance to fight back (and clearly that's something a lot of folk here don't want, sorry I had to say it). I do agree that there needs to be an update to the whole injury system (I suggested broken arms already), but I don't feel like we should limit the ability of the player to runaway and shoot back too much. x54r and .308 are one shot kills unless you hit arms/legs and plates, maybe press vest too. If it doesn't one shot, it lowers victims HP by a lot, from what I know it should make them yellow HP which makes them slower, I could be wrong. If you find server info, you can find out what kind of mods they have... simple really, and one deer isle server had adjusted damage values, that's why I said that. Edited April 10, 2021 by DefectiveWater 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonyeh 454 Posted April 10, 2021 (edited) 1 hour ago, DefectiveWater said: Aim better lol, it's all on you. I'm not the one aiming. I'm the one being aimed at. Getting hit with a 308 round should fuck you up. No one should be able to just shrug something like that off. Edited April 10, 2021 by Tonyeh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Liamfinney 0 Posted April 10, 2021 Thank you for reducing the occurrence of the stun from bullets and reducing blood loss in general. But I have to say I miss when you guys would add 2-3 guns per update. 1 just doesnt seem like enough content per 2-3 months Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted April 10, 2021 8 hours ago, Roddis said: - Stagger as they introduced for high caliber, high stopping power (yes 357 should definitively stay here). - A soft/short form of it for smaller caliber. The thing is, if they would have it for .357, they should have it for even 5.45 / 5.56. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Homeschooliazon 87 Posted April 11, 2021 9 hours ago, Tonyeh said: and the amount of times people just ran away after a direct hit was farcical. I broke my sniping record today! I sniped a guy in the stomach (no armor) from 800m with a winnie, on a moving player. He sprinted 300 meters into the next treeline and was gone hahaha. (Stable 1.11) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Buakaw 274 Posted April 11, 2021 I just thought about something.. is it realistic that the screen instantly goes black whenever you die? By headshot, sure... but a bullet in the chest would mean at least a couple seconds until you die, right 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Abolition 8 Posted April 11, 2021 (edited) A bit of feedback After 27 hours on experimental. I like the Zeds in 1.12, the lower clothing damage and blood loss made a lot of difference. Players being forced to make more noise is a good thing especially on a big map like Chernarus, pulling more players towards each other means more interactions and fights. The change to the Shovel and Sledgehammer knockout is a welcome one with Rubber Slugs being the new knockout meta, no more stealth knockouts. Knocking someone out should be hard or make a ton of noise, zeds and players getting more involved is a good thing, otherwise they might as well not be there in the first place. However the zeds while being challenging still have to be manageable without having to rely on cheesing them(climbing on something chest high or locking them in rooms) Newer players first introduction to 1.12 can't be a zed that phases through the player, gets stuck inside the player or hits them from 3 meters away while they are backing up. Easy to kill zeds remove some of the jankiness, hard to kill Zeds highlight the pathing/targeting issues. Zeds turning radius while sprinting seems to be the biggest contributor to some of these issues like running back and forth past an open doorway and running around the player in a circle. Changing how close the zeds can get to the player is something to consider and is highlighted below. I'm a avid soulslike fan and one thing that always strikes a cord with me is creating a challenge that is tough but also fair. If AI are hard to deal with, that needs to be because their attack timings and openings a fast and take practice to deal with efficiently. Not because they have infinite stamina and have RNG stagger chance. RNG is not the way to tackle harder AI, tightening the pathing and attack patterns should be the first step forward. A lot of zeds are spawning inside inaccessible objects/buildings and under terrain, especially around/in the grassy mound part of the hangers at NWAF, this may be contributing to the belief these changes are being made to reduce the overall amount of zeds for performance reasons. Stealth kills are a great mechanic Increase crouch movement speed just a little bit or lowering crouch running noise. Players won't use the stealth mechanic since you have to crouch walk from so far away and it quickly becomes tediously slow closing the distance. There is a balance there somewhere hopefully we can find it. Making melee weapons and tools more available, finding your first simple weapon should take a couple minutes not 10-15mins in some cases Early game is just locking zeds up in buildings. Crafting rags with either more tools or ability to make less rags with hands (maybe one rag per item of clothing) Melee Stamina Cost Melee power attack stamina drain is fine as a fresh spawn but once you start looting it quickly becomes impossible to do more than one power attack. Gun Melee/Weapon Bash is crucial to survival, even the pistol whip takes a good chunk of stamina. Zeds get too close, changing how close they get to the player before attacking or removing the gun raise mechanic for pistols would clean up a lot of the close combat with zeds and remove that awkwardness it creates.(would help with the phase through/get stuck inside the player that happens) Gun melee hit registration needs a tighten up, it feels like the first hit always misses but it's more a case of the zed is too close. The range on the gun melee hits further away than feels right and misses when the zed is within it's strike range( virtually inside the player) Shooting Zeds, with the Zeds being this tough in numbers shooting is the best option other than locking them up, Suppressors feel like they are in a good spot, they are useful and the durability lasts a good many shots. Guns damage very quickly, weapon cleaning kits are very hard to find. Non suppressed aggro range feels good. These a just things I experienced and thought about while testing, most coming from deaths in one way or another. None of this feedback is set in stone in my mind and my experiences wont be the same as others, that's the beauty of DayZ. I know some issues with AI and syncing are unavoidable in an open world multiplayer setting like DayZ, some mechanics need to be tweaked with those kind of issues in mind. Realism Vs QoL gameplay Edited April 11, 2021 by Abolition 3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KommanderWar-94971bcb672f9055 26 Posted April 11, 2021 On 4/5/2021 at 10:30 AM, Roddis said: Well. This is my standard scenario on Dayz. I like to play stealth and to be very aware of my surround. Im one that approach towns crunching just to say. And yes Im not a laser shooter, just a normal one. What usually happen is... I see you first, almost ever, cause usually you rush towns (or whatever) just running, with your weapon already raised. I decide I dont want to interact this time, just shoot, so I shoot you. The first hit make you just aware of me, but you are perfectly fine, you know you have at least 2 to 3 minutes to heal up the wound first that it start to be a real threat to you. You now just start to zig zag around, and I manage to hit you maybe a second time (in 50% of cases let say). Nothing again, you now know that you have less time to heal up, you have to hurry, but you are substantially still 100% able to fight back. So, now you perfectly know where Im and all my RIGHT advantage to had you on my sight first (because I wasnt running around like a duck) its gone and now its just a matter of who dance better and who aim better. Its not unusual that you, with 2 or more bullet inside your character, just turn toward the shots origin and one tap me on the head, because well, I was not zig zagging around and I not even want to, cause it seems so dumb to me to have a fight "dancing". So my opinion is that your right advantage to have a better aim should be somehow compensated to my better playstyle that make me have eyes on you first. This stun could achieve this goal. With it you cant 100% relay just on your laser aim and zig zagging style, you should now start to be more aware of your surrounding, trying to be the first who see the opponent. I agree with you, and just in case it’s not realistic to see cars flying around, drinking invisible water at the source, and not being able to build anywhere. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KommanderWar-94971bcb672f9055 26 Posted April 11, 2021 8 minutes ago, Abolition said: A bit of feedback After 27 hours on experimental. I like the Zeds in 1.12, the lower clothing damage and blood loss made a lot of difference. Players being forced to make more noise is a good thing especially on a big map like Chernarus, pulling more players towards each other means more interactions and fights. The change to the Shovel and Sledgehammer knockout is a welcome one with Rubber Slugs being the new knockout meta, no more stealth knockouts. Knocking someone out should be hard or make a ton of noise, zeds and players getting more involved is a good thing, otherwise they might as well not be there in the first place. However the zeds while being challenging still have to be manageable without having to rely on cheesing them(climbing on something chest high or locking them in rooms) Newer players first introduction to 1.12 can't be a zed that phases through the player, gets stuck inside the player or hits them from 3 meters away while they are backing up. Easy to kill zeds remove some of the jankiness, hard to kill Zeds highlight the pathing/targeting issues. Zeds turning radius while sprinting seems to be the biggest contributor to some of these issues like running back and forth past an open doorway and running around the player in a circle. Changing how close the zeds can get to the player is something to consider and is highlighted below. I'm a avid soulslike fan and one thing that always strikes a cord with me is creating a challenge that is tough but also fair. If AI are hard to deal with, that needs to be because their attack timings and openings a fast and take practice to deal with efficiently. Not because they have infinite stamina and have RNG stagger chance. RNG is not the way to tackle harder AI, tightening the pathing and attack patterns should be the first step forward. A lot of zeds are spawning inside inaccessible objects/buildings and under terrain, especially around/in the grassy mound part of the hangers at NWAF, this may be contributing to the belief these changes are being made to reduce the overall amount of zeds for performance reasons. Stealth kills are a great mechanic Increase crouch movement speed just a little bit or lowering crouch running noise. Players won't use the stealth mechanic since you have to crouch walk from so far away and it quickly becomes tediously slow closing the distance. There is a balance there somewhere hopefully we can find it. Making melee weapons and tools more available, finding your first simple weapon should take a couple minutes not 10-15mins in some cases Early game is just locking zeds up in buildings. Crafting rags with either more tools or ability to make less rags with hands (maybe one rag per item of clothing) Melee Stamina Cost Melee power attack stamina drain is fine as a fresh spawn but once you start looting it quickly becomes impossible to do more than one power attack. Gun Melee/Weapon Bash is crucial to survival, even the pistol whip takes a good chunk of stamina. Zeds get too close, changing how close they get to the player before attacking or removing the gun raise mechanic for pistols would clean up a lot of the close combat with zeds and remove that awkwardness it creates.(would help with the phase through/get stuck inside the player that happens) Gun melee hit registration needs a tighten up, it feels like the first hit always misses but it's more a case of the zed is too close. The range on the gun melee hits further away that feels right and misses when the zed is within it's strike range( virtually inside the player) Shooting Zeds, with the Zeds being this tough in numbers shooting is the best option other than locking them up, Suppressors feel like they are in a good spot, they are useful and the durability lasts a good many shots. Guns damage very quickly, weapon cleaning kits are very hard to find. Non suppressed aggro range feels good. These a just things I experienced and thought about while testing, most coming from deaths in one way or another. None of this feedback is set in stone in my mind and my experiences wont be the same as others, that's the beauty of DayZ. I know some issues with AI and syncing are unavoidable in an open world multiplayer setting like DayZ, some mechanics need to be tweaked with those kind of issues in mind. Realism Vs QoL gameplay PERFECT! 👌🏻 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KommanderWar-94971bcb672f9055 26 Posted April 11, 2021 11 minutes ago, Abolition said: A bit of feedback After 27 hours on experimental. I like the Zeds in 1.12, the lower clothing damage and blood loss made a lot of difference. Players being forced to make more noise is a good thing especially on a big map like Chernarus, pulling more players towards each other means more interactions and fights. The change to the Shovel and Sledgehammer knockout is a welcome one with Rubber Slugs being the new knockout meta, no more stealth knockouts. Knocking someone out should be hard or make a ton of noise, zeds and players getting more involved is a good thing, otherwise they might as well not be there in the first place. However the zeds while being challenging still have to be manageable without having to rely on cheesing them(climbing on something chest high or locking them in rooms) Newer players first introduction to 1.12 can't be a zed that phases through the player, gets stuck inside the player or hits them from 3 meters away while they are backing up. Easy to kill zeds remove some of the jankiness, hard to kill Zeds highlight the pathing/targeting issues. Zeds turning radius while sprinting seems to be the biggest contributor to some of these issues like running back and forth past an open doorway and running around the player in a circle. Changing how close the zeds can get to the player is something to consider and is highlighted below. I'm a avid soulslike fan and one thing that always strikes a cord with me is creating a challenge that is tough but also fair. If AI are hard to deal with, that needs to be because their attack timings and openings a fast and take practice to deal with efficiently. Not because they have infinite stamina and have RNG stagger chance. RNG is not the way to tackle harder AI, tightening the pathing and attack patterns should be the first step forward. A lot of zeds are spawning inside inaccessible objects/buildings and under terrain, especially around/in the grassy mound part of the hangers at NWAF, this may be contributing to the belief these changes are being made to reduce the overall amount of zeds for performance reasons. Stealth kills are a great mechanic Increase crouch movement speed just a little bit or lowering crouch running noise. Players won't use the stealth mechanic since you have to crouch walk from so far away and it quickly becomes tediously slow closing the distance. There is a balance there somewhere hopefully we can find it. Making melee weapons and tools more available, finding your first simple weapon should take a couple minutes not 10-15mins in some cases Early game is just locking zeds up in buildings. Crafting rags with either more tools or ability to make less rags with hands (maybe one rag per item of clothing) Melee Stamina Cost Melee power attack stamina drain is fine as a fresh spawn but once you start looting it quickly becomes impossible to do more than one power attack. Gun Melee/Weapon Bash is crucial to survival, even the pistol whip takes a good chunk of stamina. Zeds get too close, changing how close they get to the player before attacking or removing the gun raise mechanic for pistols would clean up a lot of the close combat with zeds and remove that awkwardness it creates.(would help with the phase through/get stuck inside the player that happens) Gun melee hit registration needs a tighten up, it feels like the first hit always misses but it's more a case of the zed is too close. The range on the gun melee hits further away that feels right and misses when the zed is within it's strike range( virtually inside the player) Shooting Zeds, with the Zeds being this tough in numbers shooting is the best option other than locking them up, Suppressors feel like they are in a good spot, they are useful and the durability lasts a good many shots. Guns damage very quickly, weapon cleaning kits are very hard to find. Non suppressed aggro range feels good. These a just things I experienced and thought about while testing, most coming from deaths in one way or another. None of this feedback is set in stone in my mind and my experiences wont be the same as others, that's the beauty of DayZ. I know some issues with AI and syncing are unavoidable in an open world multiplayer setting like DayZ, some mechanics need to be tweaked with those kind of issues in mind. Realism Vs QoL gameplay 13 minutes ago, Abolition said: A bit of feedback After 27 hours on experimental. I like the Zeds in 1.12, the lower clothing damage and blood loss made a lot of difference. Players being forced to make more noise is a good thing especially on a big map like Chernarus, pulling more players towards each other means more interactions and fights. The change to the Shovel and Sledgehammer knockout is a welcome one with Rubber Slugs being the new knockout meta, no more stealth knockouts. Knocking someone out should be hard or make a ton of noise, zeds and players getting more involved is a good thing, otherwise they might as well not be there in the first place. However the zeds while being challenging still have to be manageable without having to rely on cheesing them(climbing on something chest high or locking them in rooms) Newer players first introduction to 1.12 can't be a zed that phases through the player, gets stuck inside the player or hits them from 3 meters away while they are backing up. Easy to kill zeds remove some of the jankiness, hard to kill Zeds highlight the pathing/targeting issues. Zeds turning radius while sprinting seems to be the biggest contributor to some of these issues like running back and forth past an open doorway and running around the player in a circle. Changing how close the zeds can get to the player is something to consider and is highlighted below. I'm a avid soulslike fan and one thing that always strikes a cord with me is creating a challenge that is tough but also fair. If AI are hard to deal with, that needs to be because their attack timings and openings a fast and take practice to deal with efficiently. Not because they have infinite stamina and have RNG stagger chance. RNG is not the way to tackle harder AI, tightening the pathing and attack patterns should be the first step forward. A lot of zeds are spawning inside inaccessible objects/buildings and under terrain, especially around/in the grassy mound part of the hangers at NWAF, this may be contributing to the belief these changes are being made to reduce the overall amount of zeds for performance reasons. Stealth kills are a great mechanic Increase crouch movement speed just a little bit or lowering crouch running noise. Players won't use the stealth mechanic since you have to crouch walk from so far away and it quickly becomes tediously slow closing the distance. There is a balance there somewhere hopefully we can find it. Making melee weapons and tools more available, finding your first simple weapon should take a couple minutes not 10-15mins in some cases Early game is just locking zeds up in buildings. Crafting rags with either more tools or ability to make less rags with hands (maybe one rag per item of clothing) Melee Stamina Cost Melee power attack stamina drain is fine as a fresh spawn but once you start looting it quickly becomes impossible to do more than one power attack. Gun Melee/Weapon Bash is crucial to survival, even the pistol whip takes a good chunk of stamina. Zeds get too close, changing how close they get to the player before attacking or removing the gun raise mechanic for pistols would clean up a lot of the close combat with zeds and remove that awkwardness it creates.(would help with the phase through/get stuck inside the player that happens) Gun melee hit registration needs a tighten up, it feels like the first hit always misses but it's more a case of the zed is too close. The range on the gun melee hits further away that feels right and misses when the zed is within it's strike range( virtually inside the player) Shooting Zeds, with the Zeds being this tough in numbers shooting is the best option other than locking them up, Suppressors feel like they are in a good spot, they are useful and the durability lasts a good many shots. Guns damage very quickly, weapon cleaning kits are very hard to find. Non suppressed aggro range feels good. These a just things I experienced and thought about while testing, most coming from deaths in one way or another. None of this feedback is set in stone in my mind and my experiences wont be the same as others, that's the beauty of DayZ. I know some issues with AI and syncing are unavoidable in an open world multiplayer setting like DayZ, some mechanics need to be tweaked with those kind of issues in mind. Realism Vs QoL gameplay on damaged weapons i created a suggestion that would be, a mechanic to repair weapons inside green garages that has some tools, if they were functional you would always know where to repair your weapon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roddis 23 Posted April 11, 2021 (edited) 10 hours ago, -Gews- said: The thing is, if they would have it for .357, they should have it for even 5.45 / 5.56. Im one of the few who liked stagger as it was for all weapons. I dont know how it is a 9mm in your body (fortunately) but Im quite sure that even a ''little'' 9mm would make you just cry and shout and only praying for an immediate medical assistance. But PVP masters (all PVPers except me it seems, cause yes I play DayZ to PVP) reclaimed their right to prove their eye-mouse abilities each other, so a compromise was required. Its something if they leave it for the bigger ones, that in fact would just shred you in a mush of flesh at a first hit... Edited April 11, 2021 by Roddis Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DefectiveWater 542 Posted April 11, 2021 (edited) 9 hours ago, Buakaw said: I just thought about something.. is it realistic that the screen instantly goes black whenever you die? By headshot, sure... but a bullet in the chest would mean at least a couple seconds until you die, right Of course it is realistic, a big bullet go boom /s Wouldn't be a bad change if you lived for a second or two just to hear the shot, IMO. Now if x54r and .308 can stagger and can uncon(can it uncon?), does that make players go uncon with only leg/arm shots, or is at least lower torso needed? and how do the new x54r and .308 damage values affect the damage values of arm/leg shots compared to 1.11? Edited April 11, 2021 by DefectiveWater Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BrotherPlum 17 Posted April 11, 2021 I noticed that there was a couple of HUD fixes. How close are we to getting the 21:9 aspect ratio bug, where text is off the screen, fixed? As it stands, you still need to unequip items or drop them from your inventory to read their item descriptions and insulation/wetness status. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Derleth 1357 Posted April 11, 2021 11 hours ago, Abolition said: Gun Melee/Weapon Bash is crucial to survival, even the pistol whip takes a good chunk of stamina. Zeds get too close, changing how close they get to the player before attacking or removing the gun raise mechanic for pistols would clean up a lot of the close combat with zeds and remove that awkwardness it creates.(would help with the phase through/get stuck inside the player that happens) Gun melee hit registration needs a tighten up, it feels like the first hit always misses but it's more a case of the zed is too close. The range on the gun melee hits further away than feels right and misses when the zed is within it's strike range( virtually inside the player) Good post overall, here's a can of beans! I'd like to highlight the quoted bit. Weapon melee was a great addition and I love the animations - but it needs to be included in the current balance tweaks. First of all the bayonet attacks need a major buff, NOBODY uses bayonets attached to weapons because they A) are uselsess, can't even kill a zed in one hit, B) the attack drains too much stamina and once the stamina is gone you can't attack, and C) the bayonet makes the weapon longer and therefore more unwieldy. So what is needed: 1. Weak weapon melee hit. Even when low on stamina you need to be able to use the attack - with less damage and no stagger. Just like regular melee, only no separate keybind would be necessary. 2. Buffed damage for bayonet attacks. Make them worth using - so it is possible to take down a zed or even a player with one good hit. A sprinting bayonet attack maybe? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fl1y 6 Posted April 11, 2021 (edited) 47 minutes ago, Derleth said: Buffed damage for bayonet attacks. Make them worth using - so it is possible to take down a zed or even a player with one good hit. Yeah. Now when even huge splitting axe doesn't kill a zombie with one hit, we need a thing that does and barely weights anything, takes no inventory space, and even doesn't require switching weapons for balance. Sounds totally reasonable. Edited April 11, 2021 by fl1y 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Derleth 1357 Posted April 11, 2021 1 hour ago, fl1y said: Yeah. Now when even huge splitting axe doesn't kill a zombie with one hit, we need a thing that does and barely weights anything, takes no inventory space, and even doesn't require switching weapons for balance. Sounds totally reasonable. And is also pretty awkward to use. I would never use bayonets as my primary melee weapon even if it was strong, but it does need something to make it worth picking up for more than cutting rags. At the very least a "light" attack that you can do even when low on stamina. And if the high damage attack must follow after a sprint - like the sprinting strong attack with normal melee - both it and splitting axes should have the potential to oneshot zeds imo. One thing - this might even be in game but I wouldn't know since I barely ever use it - weapon melee should cause damage/wear on the weapon. Guns aren't meant for bashing... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Buakaw 274 Posted April 11, 2021 33 minutes ago, Derleth said: One thing - this might even be in game but I wouldn't know since I barely ever use it - weapon melee should cause damage/wear on the weapon. Guns aren't meant for bashing... pretty sure it is, I just kept hitting Zs one day and my gun became damaged Share this post Link to post Share on other sites