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Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

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  On 2/26/2021 at 8:36 PM, helpthedeadwalk said:

You seem to have inferred something that it doesn't say at all.  Even if it did, too bad for thinking that backpacks are permanent storage.

Ah okay can you explain it? Its just at the moment the flag sends out a pulse to refresh bases and items every reset, which they've now fixed as it was a bug. So this is now being removed. At the moment items which exist on the ground longer than a reset are kept by flags, items which don't are not. I've personally confirmed this but I'm sure it's anecdotally an obvious occurrence just from playing the game. At least on private servers anyway I ain't tested on official. 

Also a few months ago the devs were very much unaware flags kept any loot around, as I got a response telling me I was hallucinating any bags etc n flags only kept bases n crates etc around nothing else. 

Also noticed on twitter a comment saying their stuff was gone now. 

But tbh I know it's a risk so I use crates. Just saying lot of servers for various reasons incl RP have items kept by flags, so probably just good to warn em if it'll despawn stuff. I can't see how this change wouldn't despawn all loot tbh, bags have 8hr life say. My current server resets every 6, so bags stay. Codeine pills for example stay, as they last 8hrs on ground. But any time lasting 4, will not stay, as it doesn't get refreshed by the flag. 

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I take it there won't be a new experimental anytime soon?

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I bet 1.12 will be on the end of april

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@ImpulZ  Please fix this

  at least you can check bullet physics at server side and dont allow kill us, e.g. through any barrier with MK II  as on video started on 34 second

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Two things I don't understand about that - for one thing why would anyone want to play like that? What is the bloody point? Second, the way the cheat works is obviously by completely disregarding ballistics, any shot fired is instantly implanted in the targets brain without needing to travel using the game's ballistics (hence he can shoot through houses, hills and whatever). But to do that the cheat must be implanted on the actual server in order to overrule and trick server calculations. Clever but oh so stupid.

Servers log everything so tracking that down and banning the player is very easy. Blocking servers from allowing this shit to happen should reasonably be doable, no?

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