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Console Update 1.07

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  On 2/14/2020 at 2:00 PM, lJamesHalel1 said:

I am lucky and I’ve reinstalled the server, restarted multiple times but I have noticed fewer guns(I lowered the spawn rates of pretty much all and seems to have worked) but I do have 2 Questions for @Greensek or @ImpulZ

on several guns there are different variants I.E M4-A1 camo or sawn off variants etc, if I put that to spawn in the world would it?

sawn offs should but I don’t even know if there’s textures for the weapons with the colour changes 🤔

And if I were to add them, do they go by the Standard M4 Tier 3 setup, or do I have to add that line for each for it to register?

The general rule is that if its not in-game already, then it probably doesn't work and/or may cause a crash/hang/etc. That said, the color variants of different items - some guns, axes, etc seem to be an exception. There is a bus, v3s, flare gun and other things that definitely don't work. 

Every item needs its own entry<type> ... </type>. There's no concept of variants or anything like that. You can have different settings for each too - one is heli, one is not or tiers or whatever.

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  On 2/14/2020 at 2:55 PM, helpthedeadwalk said:

The general rule is that if its not in-game already, then it probably doesn't work and/or may cause a crash/hang/etc. That said, the color variants of different items - some guns, axes, etc seem to be an exception. There is a bus, v3s, flare gun and other things that definitely don't work. 

Every item needs its own entry<type> ... </type>. There's no concept of variants or anything like that. You can have different settings for each too - one is heli, one is not or tiers or whatever.

Yeah, I had set up the Coloured versions as only 2 on the map of each type for each gun, some at helis and some not.

Ive only done it for the guns I know are in the game(even if the coloured ones aren’t)

ive seen on all sorts people questioning, thought I may as well try and get a straight answer but I did think that adding the things that aren’t really in the game may not work.

They seem to be missing <usage name> & <value name> so I’ll add that at some point and hope it works.

thank you for the reply though,  I’ve seen you’re a mod on the Reddit forums so you’d know your stuff

Edited by lJamesHalel1

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  On 2/14/2020 at 1:13 PM, lJamesHalel1 said:

I’ve not experienced any bugs that I know of, not any of the old ones anyway.

The inventory bug is still here, just kill a guy and try to loot his gear and half of it will still be stuck on him so you need to grab the clothing with it in to your hands and log in and out with it to actually be able to get it out.

However, I did NOT encounter the inventory-desynch-bug in 4 hours a playing last night, it seems like that might be fixed - so we might actually be able to quick-reload our guns now without having to worry about them getting bugged to the point where they are dead weight.

But my FPS is terrible after the new update and because of that I would probably have chosen to keep playing on 1.06 instead...

  • Beans 1

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  On 2/14/2020 at 5:10 PM, Jonas Levin said:

The inventory bug is still here, just kill a guy and try to loot his gear and half of it will still be stuck on him so you need to grab the clothing with it in to your hands and log in and out with it to actually be able to get it out.

However, I did NOT encounter the inventory-desynch-bug in 4 hours a playing last night, it seems like that might be fixed - so we might actually be able to quick-reload our guns now without having to worry about them getting bugged to the point where they are dead weight.

But my FPS is terrible after the new update and because of that I would probably have chosen to keep playing on 1.06 instead...

Ah I see, I’ve spent the entire day on my private server alone trying to figure out if the files are broke or if I’m just stupid.

asked hours ago and still no word.

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  On 2/14/2020 at 5:10 PM, Jonas Levin said:

However, I did NOT encounter the inventory-desynch-bug in 4 hours a playing last night, it seems like that might be fixed - so we might actually be able to quick-reload our guns now without having to worry about them getting bugged to the point where they are dead weight.

But my FPS is terrible after the new update and because of that I would probably have chosen to keep playing on 1.06 instead...

Trust me its not fixed, not even close. We had inventory desync and ghost bullets like 5-6 times yesteday in one session! DayZ is still broken AF on consoles and I'm pretty sure the devs know it.

The game(play) is broken AF right now, thats the state of DayZ on console! Lot of CEs/Bluescreens. Worse FPS than before (how is that even possible?!?!?!) and still a LOT of desync and inventory issues. Your char still get scuffed and you shoot ghost bullets and/or melee combat doesn't work. You can't fully loot players 99% of the time. You are getting killed by players showing no guns in their hands...

It's basicaly the same as before with 1.06 but even worse. How can you release 1.07 in such a bad state? You guys should be ashamed of yourself!
You haven't fixed "ANY" major issue with the game on console, thats mindblowing imho!
The only good thing about the update is that you don't have a black screen for 15 seconds after you respawn (with 1.06 you had to wait 15 seconds but your char was already in the world and could get attacked by zeds or players). Well done devs, great update...

Seriously, I would consider to get help from a another dev studio to work on this game for consoles. Otherwise your reputation will go down even more. Be transperent and admit that your devs are not able to fix this game on console, that would be huge!

BB DayZ, see you in couple of month when you release another broken update on console. Sad DayZ...

Edited by SillyJoe
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@GREENSEK this update is really disappointing the "GREAT INVENTORY BUG" that was fixed didn't affect most of the console community, in my case it wasn't even noticeable, what is noticeable is when I try to drop my friend an item, he couldn't even see it without relogging, thats not even that bad, what is bad is killing a player who has better guns than me but I have to keep my old guns because I cant trust whatever I picked up from a dead body to not disappear from my inventory, which means relogging and hoping the server registered what I looted which in most cases it doesn't, but the thing that really annoys me is how reloading on console worked flawlessly, untill it was updated to let PC players Hold R and then the action to reload on console did not change yet we got the bug that came with holding R came to console, none of these bugs which are game breaking were acknowledged in this update.

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I will quickly say I've just started the game approx 2 week ago along with a friend. I say this as I'm still learning the mechanics of the game and not familiar with previous bugs and glitches. 

What I Noticed since the patch on ps4 :

Worse framerate, very noticeable drop and juddering. 

Have an issue occasionally when entering  inventory L2 and, R2 doesn't scroll up or down between clothing and slots. Have to exit and enter again and it will work. 

Mic with dpad issue. 

Dropped a jacket to swap and it disappeared along with 42 slotted items. 

Couple of blue screen crashes. 

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  On 2/13/2020 at 4:11 PM, Jesusbltmyhtrd_NotJames said:

Logged in immediately upon completing the new update. Spawned in to find a russian chopper crash. Nadda damn thing. Searched the entire miltary base north of Sinistok, again nadda. Why you felt it unnecessary to not wipe the servers and not fix duping, we'll apparently never know. Im fully geared, i dont need an M4 or an AK but not to have the option, is BS. Horders and dupers ruin it for players who want to play from fresh spawn to geared player surving the world while doing so. Thats the fun. You might as well not even leave the coast, hope you kill a geared duper (p.o.s) cheat. Thank God you introduced the repeater and carnival areas though, cause thats what this game really needed. 

After updates when they change things stuff doesn't show up instantly. It takes a few for loot to start cycling from what I have noticed. 

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  On 2/13/2020 at 6:32 PM, lJamesHalel1 said:

Pretty sure they mentioned it’d be a thing the other day.

They may only give us the options to change loot rates, they will most likely never give us the option to "mod" and I'm not really sure what kinda mods your talking about anyways.  Changing loot rates and stuff like that isn't really "modding" anyways. 

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  On 2/14/2020 at 7:56 PM, TahoeBeast said:

They may only give us the options to change loot rates, they will most likely never give us the option to "mod" and I'm not really sure what kinda mods your talking about anyways.  Changing loot rates and stuff like that isn't really "modding" anyways. 

Well it’s modifying a server, so that’s modding. Not the type of modding you’re thinking of but I’m sure they did mention something about “mods” coming to console, could be wrong but either way the files are better than no files.

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  On 2/14/2020 at 7:59 PM, lJamesHalel1 said:

Well it’s modifying a server, so that’s modding. Not the type of modding you’re thinking of but I’m sure they did mention something about “mods” coming to console, could be wrong but either way the files are better than no files.

I'm not sure they can give us the option for mods on console. There is no way to download another launcher or a place to go and download the mod file's to even play it.

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  On 2/14/2020 at 8:37 PM, TahoeBeast said:

I'm not sure they can give us the option for mods on console. There is no way to download another launcher or a place to go and download the mod file's to even play it.

I think they just updated the PC version so they have easy access to modded servers. Not sure if that means they no longer need another launcher or not though?

unless they’ve done that specifically to implement for console but that’s just assumptions.


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1 step forward and 2 steps back.

So let me get this right, the only thing the NEEDS to be fixed is desync and you guys add permanent fps stuttering? Yay now we can wait for the fps to get better again while we wait for the desync update.... 

Honestly this game is in a much worse state than what it was at launch and that's unacceptable.

Surely you realise your not making any progress in terms of completing a working game, you don't get credit for fixing issues you made and you will never make a satisfying game if you just brush all important issues under a rug.

Every update is worse than the last simply because its yet another update we can't enjoy because of desync. You could make the best game ever, but if it only works half the time who's gonna play?



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  On 2/14/2020 at 5:10 PM, Jonas Levin said:

The inventory bug is still here, just kill a guy and try to loot his gear and half of it will still be stuck on him so you need to grab the clothing with it in to your hands and log in and out with it to actually be able to get it out.

However, I did NOT encounter the inventory-desynch-bug in 4 hours a playing last night, it seems like that might be fixed - so we might actually be able to quick-reload our guns now without having to worry about them getting bugged to the point where they are dead weight.

But my FPS is terrible after the new update and because of that I would probably have chosen to keep playing on 1.06 instead...

what you mentioned is not the inventory bug many pc players complain about, its a bug which is not exclusive to console but since 1.04 had been ruining the game for all of us, its de sync, if you have to pick up a bag or clothing item to be able to pick up whatever its holding, its not going into your inventory, it may do for a short while but it will dissapear randomly or on relog

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  On 2/14/2020 at 7:56 PM, TahoeBeast said:

They may only give us the options to change loot rates, they will most likely never give us the option to "mod" and I'm not really sure what kinda mods your talking about anyways.  Changing loot rates and stuff like that isn't really "modding" anyways. 


  On 2/14/2020 at 7:59 PM, lJamesHalel1 said:

Well it’s modifying a server, so that’s modding. Not the type of modding you’re thinking of but I’m sure they did mention something about “mods” coming to console, could be wrong but either way the files are better than no files.


  On 2/14/2020 at 8:37 PM, TahoeBeast said:

I'm not sure they can give us the option for mods on console. There is no way to download another launcher or a place to go and download the mod file's to even play it.


  On 2/14/2020 at 8:39 PM, lJamesHalel1 said:

I think they just updated the PC version so they have easy access to modded servers. Not sure if that means they no longer need another launcher or not though?

unless they’ve done that specifically to implement for console but that’s just assumptions.


have a look at my post in the xbox new player forums, its the most/accurate information you will get regarding modding.

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  On 2/14/2020 at 8:39 PM, lJamesHalel1 said:

I think they just updated the PC version so they have easy access to modded servers. Not sure if that means they no longer need another launcher or not though?

unless they’ve done that specifically to implement for console but that’s just assumptions.


Yes and I cautiously say that its working well. I only tried logging into my own server, but it was no problem.

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I know that my post will not be considered, but there is less chance that you will review my order, I would very much like to have the (INIT.C) [CONSOLES PS4-XBOX] file or any type of tool available to edit the players' inventory, this is enough for everyone (ADMIN). only that! I hope my appeal is answered, this tool is very important.

  • Beans 1

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Hello, I set up a home in se-046, changed the server, changed it, and set up a home in de-1486 server. When I updated, my home was gone. I'd like to ask you what's going on. Please check it. I hope it will attract your attention. We're going to collapse. It's been two times in a row. I'm in a bad mood

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  On 2/14/2020 at 9:16 PM, helpthedeadwalk said:

Yes and I cautiously say that its working well. I only tried logging into my own server, but it was no problem.

Does that mean you no longer require the second launcher?

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  On 2/14/2020 at 9:05 PM, RyanS1994 said:

what you mentioned is not the inventory bug many pc players complain about, its a bug which is not exclusive to console but since 1.04 had been ruining the game for all of us, its de sync, if you have to pick up a bag or clothing item to be able to pick up whatever its holding, its not going into your inventory, it may do for a short while but it will dissapear randomly or on relog

As far as I see it then it is exactly the inventory bug - when the inventory is bugged so you cant take anything out of it.

Desynch is when you are holding an item in your hands (on your end of the screen) but the game and everyone else sees you holding something else or nothing at all.

The two things overlap a bit from time to time, but they are clearly two different issues so therefore two different names. 🙂

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  On 2/15/2020 at 2:30 PM, Jonas Levin said:

As far as I see it then it is exactly the inventory bug - when the inventory is bugged so you cant take anything out of it.

Desynch is when you are holding an item in your hands (on your end of the screen) but the game and everyone else sees you holding something else or nothing at all.

The two things overlap a bit from time to time, but they are clearly two different issues so therefore two different names. 🙂

yes they are seperate bugs but what you described is desync you can see loot on the screen but the server says no

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That is still what I would describe as the inventory-bug - when stuff is locked in someones or somethings inventory and it cannot be removed.

Desynch in my book is when you are desynched from the server to the point where you see yourself holding an item (or seeing it in your inventory) and it ain't there for other people/the server.

No reason to start an argument about the names we call it when we are talking about the same thing anyway, we basically agree. 🙂

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