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How long do people live? Not noobs, I mean the average pro.

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I want to know how long it takes these geared up friendlies and foes that tool around Churno and Elektro to get all that stuff...and how often they sacrifice it in exchange for an adventure at the coast.

I'm just curious. I'm trying to get a feel for what my expectations should be, where to set reasonable goals.

I'm out in the woods and I'm fairly well off. Now the decision comes, where to go, what to do...and how much do I have to gain or lose?

So how long do you survive on average? How long does it take you get to your preffered set up?

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My average is 8-10 days.

But as soon as I find myself an alice pack(30min), I consider myself back, up and running.

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14 days is my longest, average maybe a week.

Usually I strip search deer stands for good weapons, got some canteens with water and all I need to cook meat so I can avoid cities since I won't need food.

It's all about avoiding the hotspots.

If I die I usually visit cherno, nothing to lose anyway, get myself a backpack, some basic gear and medical suplies and I'm done.

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I avoid Cherno like the plague. Elektro is OK for a quick loot grab with a new char, otherwise I stay clear of that as well. If I want action I visit the NW and NE airfields, Stary and Berezino.

Getting 'decent' equipment (pistol, assault rifle, backpack, the standard tools) is usually a matter of 1-2 hours.

I usually last a couple of days, with 3+ weeks my best. The longer I play the more risks I take though, since IMO nothing is more boring than running around fully pimped fearful of dying.

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Personally, it's random. I've lived for days and raided all the airfields up and down the map east to west and back again and been fine. Then bam, your dead. be it a exploding bus, random sniper shot, server hopper, hacker. it will happen. You should focus mostly on having a good time, because you will die, its just a matter of time. Best of luck to you though and your welcome to come over to us200 I love a good guest =D

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It all largely depends on your luck. "Pro" players will only live slightly longer than a relatively new player honestly. New players can get lucky and survive for an entire week, and pro players can get unlucky and survive for a few hours.

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3 - 6 days for me, then again I like to take alot of risks ;3

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So how long do you survive on average?

Averages don't say much as there are many random factors to death. I'd say usually around 4-5 days' date=' sometimes I die to a door, other times I'm not careful and pull too much aggro on Zeds.

How long does it take you get to your preffered set up?

Depending on where I start between 1 - 2 hours. Preferred set up would be a large backpack, cooking stuff, medical supplies (Morphine/Blood bag), sidearm, rifle + at least 4 magazines for each weapon, 2 canteens, map, compass & binoculars. If I make it that far I'll easily survive several days.

All in all I think the whole repetitive nature of dying, re-spawning, gathering stuff without any long-term goals gets a bit boring sometimes, currently I am trying to counter that with having a little group play with friends.

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So how long do you survive on average?

- 14 days, would be more but got killed few times by hackers and server hoppers

How long does it take you get to your preffered set up?

- less then 20 minutes to get basic equipment like larger backpack, matches, hatchet, hunting knife, tons of beans and water, civilian weapon etc. Extra 20 minutes for military assault rifle, so lets make it less than hours.

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When I focus on survival it is about a week or two until I do something silly and get myself killed. As the other guy said, few canteens and hunting/cooking equipment is all you need really, and weapons and ammo can be obtained from deer stands.

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If I play alone im much more careful and usually live a day or two, but when I play with my friends we tend to die often since we take risks and derp around towns :D But we couldn't care less since it usually takes 30 to 40 minutes to get decently geared.

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Until a hacker nukes the whole server.

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My current character was 19days old when I logged in last night. The death that started the new character wasn't even a proper death...was me accidentaly clicking on respawn instead of options. There was no confirmation so I lost all my stuff there and then. But it didn't take me long to get the stuff I wanted.

Straight away I went to the military tents in Cherno, I managed to grab myself an M4A1 with a couple of mags. That did me for now. I headed to Berezino, stopping off on a few deer stands and small villages on the way, picking up a sidearm, food and water to make the journey. I hit the diner in Berezino, then quickly did super market and hospital, picking up an Alice Pack and a ton of medical supplies. The rest of my gear has come from sticking with my buddies, raiding crashed heli's, other peoples tents and vehicles. I've got everything I now need and more, and our group is kitted out for near enough any situation.

Found best way is stay in a group, stay quiet, stay hidden. Be patient till you have the firepower you need. Then you can be a little bit more aggressive.

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I Always try to have a tent with map,comp,knife,axe etc but with no high grade stuff in it.

Average life is maybe 5-8 days

longest is 15 days with about 110+hrs in-game play

I never go Cherno or Electro or NWair to gear up and wont untill server hopping is fixed. Too many players using the hop as a cheat.

If I have a tent with gear. When I die I make a direct run to the tent to gear up.

Once I have the basics map,comp,knife,axe,bottles and pistol I will then start

Restocking the tent.

Looking for crashed choppers for better weapons.

Once I have better weapons I will start hunting vehicles.

My end game atm is finding a good vehicle then picking up respawned players along the coast and helping them.

This normally involves me getting shot. Then the process starts again.

But the one or two guys you help and the sound of gratitude you hear over direct coms, more than makes up for the people who kill me for no reason other than I have something they cant get without killing someone.

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A week usually if i end of getting bored ill go into cherno or electro and kill people.

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my longest game was 10 days, but then i was too greedy! ...from this point on, i'm up to 3-4 days alive.

the voice in my head says: "stop to play, its onough! you playd 3-4 hours!"

bud my greediness says: "noooouu, this last buiding and then log out!" or "look in the last barrak, maybe there is new loot!!!111elf"

and then I hear the ocean, again ... :(

at this time my char is on the grond of the southern barrak with broken legs. because i rusht in but i wasn't alone, there were already 15 zombies in it. oO

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Average 3-4 days. If my goal was to simply stay alive I could prob' survive for months but would go insane with boredom.

Can take me anywhere between 20 to 90 minutes to gear up. Depending on luck.

Also remember a lot of people play differently and therefore the risks are different.

There are a also a handfull of players I have noticed who always tell how they live over a fortnight, taking part in battles etc etc. But what they never say in the same post is they are always in a large group and have an alt character to take risks who is disposable.

That doesn't apply to most people though. Very few people have alts I think but it always makes me chuckle seeing the same people telling their tales of grand survival.

Most people be they a lone player or in a group only have one character. Buying 2 copies of Arma II seems a bit daft to me but each to their own. They aren't harming the game in any way I can see really.

As soon as I have a backpack , medical supplies and a weapon I consider myself good to go. Normally after that by day one I have map compass decent rifle etc. All the little extra's

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My longest without death was 22 days but i was extremely bored by the end of it. Now if I get a military grade primary, decent secondary, alice pack, and so on I generally take unnecessary risks for fun. I see how many times I can loot NW airfield before getting caught or so on.

I generally don't shoot on sight but after so long with no true objective besides survival, I find I just want to go mess around. I play lone wolf anyways so I don't hurt anyone with my reckless actions.

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Recently, since I've started playing with an intelligent group (well, mostly, but we'll get to that) I've been able to hang around the week to a week and a half. Of course, if we disregard the three friendly fire mistakes (see, told you we'd get to it), I think I'd be on about Day 30 or so.

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