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How long do people live? Not noobs, I mean the average pro.

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As of right now. My oldest character is 5 days old so far.

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Before I started playing with friends, I would often live so long I would be bored and do something foolish just to amuse myself. Either a massive zombie/player massacre until I was taken down or something more creative.

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Well are you talking ACTUAL HOURS or game days? I think if you actually took the hours played it wouldn't be as many days as people are saying.

I would say I can go about 20 Hours on average.

I played last night for 12H and I still have the same character.

It all comes down to player population and risk/reward tactics.

If the player population is almost full, is it worth going to Stary solo and almost guaranteed to run into a player or maybe a group? On top of all those zombies. NO.

If that server is 15/40 then yeah I'd risk it.

If you find yourself on high pop servers, try to scavenge in smaller towns. Or barns.

Don't expect to go to Stary, Cherno, Elektro, NWAF and live.

Go to smaller cities on the West and East coast and try to get items there. Just because it isn't a large city, doesn't mean it doesn't have amazing gear.

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Well are you talking ACTUAL HOURS or game days? I think if you actually took the hours played it wouldn't be as many days as people are saying.

I would say I can go about 20 Hours on average.

I played last night for 12H and I still have the same character.

It all comes down to player population and risk/reward tactics.

If the player population is almost full' date=' is it worth going to Stary solo and almost guaranteed to run into a player or maybe a group? On top of all those zombies. NO.

If that server is 15/40 then yeah I'd risk it.

If you find yourself on high pop servers, try to scavenge in smaller towns. Or barns.

Don't expect to go to Stary, Cherno, Elektro, NWAF and live.

Go to smaller cities on the West and East coast and try to get items there. Just because it isn't a large city, doesn't mean it doesn't have amazing gear.


Berezino is actually one of the best areas to loot outside of the Barracks because of it literally has everything you could want outside of very specific gear that you honestly do not need (really, you really need that M107?). Deer stands, military tents, two super markets, office building, etc. is more then enough to get you supremely geared.

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These so called "pro" players hide out in the wilderness having no risk. I've seen a 30 day character with less zombie kills and player kills than my 2 hour old character. Nothing special in living long, nothing at all.

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My backcountry hermit lived for 33 days, complete with NW runs, stary runs and what have you. I was killed by a server hopper at the northern barracks because I wasn't sure he was a hopper, my squad was running a farm there and I assumed the guy was just one of us. Didn't lose my gear, a buddy gave me an atv ride back to the airfield and I got my gear back. That was saturday-sunday, goin strong on 4-5 days now though I almost bought it in Berezino last night at the hospital.

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Average life about 2 weeks, constantly looting big cities and military areas (with a group!).

Save the odd life that ends in a few hours during the "nothing to lose" phase at each new spawn.

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this is my fourth life, and i've been alive for about five days now. (i have never played arma 2 or dayz before hearing about it on roosterteeth lol)

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I usually average a few days, maybe 3. But the last week I've been playing much more cautiously and am on day 6 I think.

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I've played about 312 hours in the last 36 days.

My longest surviving toon lived for 7 days.

My current toon is on day 6.

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40 days at the moment.


40 days with an AK? How bad is your luck.

Not bad at all, but I prefer the AKM over everything else. 1 shot body kills, zeroing and plenty of ammo,

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8-12 days usually I really don't know how tho since I hang around the airfield

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47 days was my longest, several 20 days but alot in the teens. I generaly go looking for trouble or hitting millitary bases and end up getting shot by people logging in behind me.

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A week average, my longest stint was 22 days. I avoided the coast and only ventured between NWAF > starry > dolina > NEAF > Berezino and then mobile camping.

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I rarely go to Cherno or Electro...when I do it is with friends. I usually live for several days once I get geared up. I stick to the smaller towns to get what I need and move north. I don't even care if I die. It usually only takes me about 30 minutes to get what I need.

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I used to look at the "days survived" counter on the leaderboards as something to aspire to, not anymore. With all the disconnecting from PVP firefights and doing it to simply get rid of zombies it's not a true reflection on a characters longevity.

I watch my own because its the only one I can vouch is legit.

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