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Where does the gear/weapons go?

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If I rent a server and invite players to play on it, after a few weeks a group of 3 players (as an example) decides to leave my server and start playing on another server so they bring what they can carry (large tent, 3 AKM, 2 m4, 3 assault backpacks and so on) and moves to the other server. 2 days later they get killed and raided of all their stuff on the new server. 

Now... Does that mean that all their stuff is on the new server and my server just lost a number of items because they took it with them, or will my server recognise that x amount of items are missing and replace them? 

Or does each server calculate how many number of each items every server should have? 

Lets say all servers are allowed 40 AKM and 30 M4. When they took 3 AKM and 2 m4 to the new server does my server add 5 missing weapons and the new server detracts 5 weapons to always keep the same amount? How does the economy work? 

Otherwise, once again players can move weapons from one server to another and John doe's server got 70 AKM and 100 m4 while my server got 20 AKM and 5 m4. 

For some odd reason i'm still more towards locked character servers because i can't really see a good way to keep items and gear in the right place. 


Have you changed despawn time? Stored and buried weapons and military gear should despawn every 10th day or so... People need to learn to work for their stuff. Besides, it takes 2 hours to get pretty geared with most of the stuff you need

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Once a gun leaves to a new server it frees up a spot on the existing server as the existing server won't track it anymore

Edited by awalsh47

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Rented servers will be private hives, am I not correct? If so, you won’t be able to carry loot between servers since you’ll have a different character on each private hive.

The only servers you will be able to carry loot between are the official ones.


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50 minutes ago, bent.toe said:

does each server calculate how many number of each items every server should have?

It used to be that when an individual server calculated it's own loot economy - any gear CARRIED on your player OR STASHED in a tent or vehicle or barrel etc was NOT COUNTED in the total number for that server loot economy (it was counted as NOT existing, same as if it had left the server or been destroyed) .  So if you took it off the server or put it in a barrel it made no difference, the server counted it as being NOT THERE and added more items to make up the total number IN PLAY - meaning the total number lying around and not "owned"

BUT - I kind of remember "a Dev" saying that stuff stashed  on the server was being .. er .. "temporarily" ..included in the total number to calculate the server loot economy - just to simplify loot economy stuff while they were revamping .. EVERYTHING.   That Dev, who mentioned this as an "aside" - (that's how I understood it) is now a RIP Dev of fond memory, I don't kind of recall who it was exactly but his words stuck in my mind and may his name never be forgot. Peace bro.

And that's MY understanding of where the loot economy is NOW, unless it's been changed again.. everything that LEAVES the server, and everything CARRIED by the player,  does NOT count, but everything STASHED in any way on the server DOES count in the total loot economy number on THAT server  .. ATM.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong or out of date. Thanx.

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I think you were correct but I also seem to remember that was going to be changed in this upcoming patch. That everythingvstashed or buried no longer counts against the loot economy only thr items carried now. Time will tell with the patch drop

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Im pretty sure Pilgrim is correct about that being how it works right now.

Otherwise AR's would still be spawning as the servers would see them as "not existing" if they were in tents or buried and it would be possible to go to a military area on a low-pop server and find them - which it ain't.

Lets hope they change it with the new update, I would hate get locked out of the good loot again just because you were not online at the right interval after a wipe.

And crossed fingers that the friggin god-tents have been fixed, im so tired of 70% of the weapons basically being useless because everyone got LARs and SVDs.

I want to feel powerful with an IJ70 with 1,5 mag and a BK18 with 3 rounds again! 🙂

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