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please let there be light

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I want to start off by giving a shout out to the people over at Bohemia for all the work they have put into getting us the game as fast and well as possible they did a really good job. and im im sure they are well aware there is still a long way to go. I've been playing and while 2 of my friends have been trapped in the cloud for 2 days I noticed the night cycle is quite long. the length however isn't the issue, its how often night occurs within on day of playing dayz. can we please get the creators to lengthen the time the sun is up. 2 hours is not nearly enough time for the players to grind precious time to building faces repairing cars etc. does anybody know what to do when locked in data base or how to avoid it 

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daytime should be longer and night time should Be considerably longer and alot darker you don't even need a light source anymore

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Nighttime is the perfect length, and I like that it isn't TOTALLY dark like in the past.  The moon is nature's nightlight.  In-game moon cycles would be cool, going from full moon (the most light) to a new moon (no light).  Either one, however, you still need some light, just not as much.

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7 minutes ago, Stagman70 said:

Nighttime is the perfect length, and I like that it isn't TOTALLY dark like in the past.  The moon is nature's nightlight.  In-game moon cycles would be cool, going from full moon (the most light) to a new moon (no light).  Either one, however, you still need some light, just not as much.

Lunar cycle is in game now. 

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13 hours ago, DayzDayzFanboy said:

Lunar cycle is in game now. 

Haven't played enough to notice yet.  Good to know.

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Well considering I started a topic a week or so ago complaining about the night cycles length it’s going to be weird, coming from me, defending it, but I think the darkness level is actually pretty spot on in comparison to reality. Your eyes naturally adjust to dark to almost the same degree as the level of darkness in the game. Go sit in a pitch black room and see how long it takes to go from being able to see nothing to being able to see fairly clearly minus little nuances in detail. BI did this perfectly in the update. Nighttime even goes through the natural cycles of different levels of darkness. Nowhere outside a deprivation tank will you ever experience complete and total darkness which was kind of where it was pre update. 

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