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About adementeddolphin

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. adementeddolphin

    please let there be light

    its a great feature and I have no issue with how long it is. im just saying the day time should be a lot longer
  2. adementeddolphin

    please let there be light

    I want to start off by giving a shout out to the people over at Bohemia for all the work they have put into getting us the game as fast and well as possible they did a really good job. and im im sure they are well aware there is still a long way to go. I've been playing and while 2 of my friends have been trapped in the cloud for 2 days I noticed the night cycle is quite long. the length however isn't the issue, its how often night occurs within on day of playing dayz. can we please get the creators to lengthen the time the sun is up. 2 hours is not nearly enough time for the players to grind precious time to building faces repairing cars etc. does anybody know what to do when locked in data base or how to avoid it