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Experimental Update 0.63.149887

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Hello Survivors,

we have a new Experimental update incoming, aiming at the most problematic issues of the current version.

Please verify your game files before playing the new update, and report all bugs you encounter!

Keep in mind that Experimental updates are not available for server files or modding tools yet. Those will be updated with the Stable release of the patch.



  •  Added: Bleeding from infected


  • Fixed: Client/server crashes
  • Fixed: Client/server errors related to in-game actions
  • Fixed: Desync in car's gearbox state
  • Fixed: Infected might teleport towards players
  • Fixed: Player is stuck in gesture animation if his character is restrained
  • Fixed: Restraining player that is looking at a map will break the map, his animations and kill him
  • Fixed: Selected server moves out of page (server browser)
  • Fixed: Player's left hand might extend upon disembarking a vehicle


  • Tweaked: Weather
  • Tweaked: Damage system
  • Tweaked: Size of vital zones
  • Tweaked: Weapons sounds
  • Tweaked: Horticulture (user actions, grow time)
  • Tweaked: Light config
  • Tweaked: Unconscious state


  • Server crashes can cause a persistence wipe. So especially for server owners, try to work with regular persistence backups and if you encounter server crashes, report with your crash dumps to our Feedback Tracker. If you have any proven reproduction steps for persistence wipes, let us know. The team is working on a long-term solution, which unfortunately will take some time.
  • Clothes cannot be taken off restrained/unconscious characters.
  • This update is connected to a complete character/map wipe.


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  On 12/12/2018 at 5:25 PM, whatteverr said:

Heavy attack still default??

Delete /my documents/DayZ and it will be fixed. I did that at the first patch they annouced it - worked. :) 

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  On 12/12/2018 at 5:24 PM, Robert Alexander Hedman said:

Please tell me this is not 1.0 and that you have something bigger and more secretly hidden from us! People are going bananas... :/ please prove them wrong

They have nothing hidden. I don't believe it's been the devs choice to release tomorrow, there were some things indicating that. The devs, I'm sure, don't see it as 1.0 and wouldn't want to call it that, if it was up to them. What we can do now is hope, the people with the money and the power at Bohemia will keep financing the further development of DayZ.

Edited by freerider3434

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  On 12/12/2018 at 5:25 PM, whatteverr said:


I changed keybinds, set LSHIFT to hold breath (listed as "Walk" in keybindgs list)and set LCTRL to sprint. From when I did this, I can perform a normal melee attack and a heavy one holding LCTRL 

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  On 12/12/2018 at 5:33 PM, freerider3434 said:

They have nothing hidden. I don't believe it's been the devs choice to release tomorrow, there were some things indicating that. The devs, I'm sure, don't see it as 1.0 and wouldn't want to call it that, if it was up to them. What we can do now is hope, the people with the money and the power at Bohemia will keep financing the further development of DayZ.

We will see.. What you think they come with for 1.0? new colours of the sky and some rocks beside the house? You cant announce a 1.0 without something to back it up with. they just added farming in this update and its not even huge enough for 1.0 so it must be something else. I dont belive they release a shitty update tomorrow i have hopes for the best for the game and the devs. People will go bananas 


IF they didnt have alot of stuff for the update tomorrow you think they wouldnt save this for tomorrows update instead of dropping this now? i mean comon think ffs..

Edited by Robert Alexander Hedman
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My feedback after tried last Exp build this morning about 9am (Devs please could you answer and let me know about my suggestion at the end of my post ? Thanks)

- today I played for 2 hours, without crash or big stability issues, well session (DE 1-5 server, low population when I joined, no players encountered, all time spent in Berezino);

- infected AI: for me it's a lot better (not excellent, but good for now, than previous builds), for example I was in a house with 3 entrance doors, an infected stand just outside the building and I closed that doors in him face, then I moved upstairs; the infected moved around the building and went inside using another entrance (I closed only 1 door). I can't see any teleporting in all infected encountered, and now they are more dangerous than previous build (too weak when they hit, make too few damage, now they make more damage, still not make bleeding). A bad thing is they spawn near to you, few meters, right in your face: this is not good and in my opinion needs to be tweaked (ok attracting infected after make noise like a gunshot, but at least they should spawn near to you but not in your face);

- different inventory capacity of dress: at least now it makes sense to swap the initial hoodie with other heavier clothes to have more slots (like bomber jacket for example, heavier but 10 slots plus then hoodie), doing an upgrade for the character then only appearance choice;

- cutting down threes with an axe: durability is longer then previous builds but in my opinion needs to be increased again (but after about 10 trees the axe is ruined, OK I think devs want to made harder to obtain planks for base building but really in real life an axe can only cut down 10 trees????). I repaired that axe with a duct tape: really???? That's not good, how it is possible do repair (sharpen in this example)a metal item with a duct tape???

- I read about some people have trouble to remove a magazine from a weapon and can't do that: I found only a IJ-70 with a magazine (7 bullets)and I can normally remove and reinsert the magazine;

- eating cans of food requires less time, this is good.

Clearly the game tomorrow will reach 1.0 but only with a label that rename the version in "Stable 1.0" (only the name, for now the game will be still alpha in my opinion): at the moment the game (with some fix to stability and crash)it's at least playable and fruitable, but the big issue apart from lack of features and content (survival aspects like diseases, body temperature that afflicts your health, fractures, items, weapons, vehicles etc etc)is about persistance that makes no sense and useless the new features introduced in beta version (basebuilding and cars), some suggestions for Devs:

- can you make possible to assign same key to sprint and hold breath in aim? Right now they are separate commands row in keybindgs list, and it's not possible to set same key fot both actions. So can you group those 2 actions in same row and then in the same key? (Like other game I know, usually left SHIFT to sprint and hold breath in aim);

- can you introduce an option to choose when enter ADS you can release RMB click? And not must holding RMB to remain ADS like now, maybe this it's good in melee combat but have to hold all the time RMB when you are aiming it's not comfortable. So, after click MMB when holding RMB, and when you entered in ADS you can release the RMB (and click one time again to exit ADS view). Is it a good suggestion (at least by an option)?;

- maybe spawn with only a shirt and not an hoodie like 0.62 spawn.

Thanks for attention, good luck for the tomorrow release.

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  On 12/12/2018 at 5:38 PM, Robert Alexander Hedman said:

We will see.. What you think they come with for 1.0? new colours of the sky and some rocks beside the house? You cant announce a 1.0 without something to back it up with. they just added farming in this update and its not even huge enough for 1.0 so it must be something else. I dont belive they release a shitty update tomorrow i have hopes for the best for the game and the devs. People will go bananas 

I'd take any bet, that there will be no new features or content released tomorrow. I'm unsure how closely you have been following the communication and development these past weeks, but it's already clear, that we are looking at the best they have right now, when using the exp branch. As I said I don't see it as the devs fault, I imagine they are as upset about it as we are. They have done a tremendous job dueout 2018 especially in the last third of it, really picking up the pace, with, for long periods, daily patches. Now they won't get the praise they deserve for it, as they are not allowed to label it 0.64, but instead are forced to call it 1.0, which I'm sure will bring quite the shitstorm with it. I feel with them and I got my fingers crossed.

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Sorry guys, but this is your 1.0 patch.  What we have today as of this patch is going to be it.  Unless something major happens and this patch just totally bombs then it will be pushed to stable tomorrow and slapped with a 1.0 version number.  These are sad DayZ.  Guess we will just have to wait and pray they pull a No Man's Sky and release a few huge content patches a couple months from now that can get us to what 1.0 really should be.  

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  On 12/12/2018 at 5:44 PM, freerider3434 said:

I'd take any bet, that there will be no new features or content released tomorrow. I'm unsure how closely you have been following the communication and development these past weeks, but it's already clear, that we are looking at the best they have right now, when using the exp branch. As I said I don't see it as the devs fault, I imagine they are as upset about it as we are. They have done a tremendous job dueout 2018 especially in the last third of it, really picking up the pace, with, for long periods, daily patches. Now they won't get the praise they deserve for it, as they are not allowed to label it 0.64, but instead are forced to call it 1.0, which I'm sure will bring quite the shitstorm with it. I feel with them and I got my fingers crossed.

Clearly the best they have right now what we are seeing, so 1.0 they dont have release tomorrow then.. 

And ive been fallowing the project for five years and im very aware of everything everyone who ever worked on this game did, you think they passed it on all the time? They use all the people they can and everyone wants to be part and help make this game better and they have made it SOOOOOO much better the last five months from were it was but now with 1.0 ofcourse the development just stops completely with nothing new or nothing to add at all.

I belive you are so smart dude its gonna be a 1.0mb update with new chicken sound only nothing else

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  On 12/12/2018 at 5:49 PM, Robert Alexander Hedman said:

Clearly the best they have right now what we are seeing, so 1.0 they dont have release tomorrow then.. 

And ive been fallowing the project for five years and im very aware of everything everyone who ever worked on this game did, you think they passed it on all the time? They use all the people they can and everyone wants to be part and help make this game better and they have made it SOOOOOO much better the last five months from were it was but now with 1.0 ofcourse the development just stops completely with nothing new or nothing to add at all.

I belive you are so smart dude its gonna be a 1.0mb update with new chicken sound only nothing else

I'm not sure I understand you correctly. Did I get that right, you expect a big patch with new Content&Features tomorrow?

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  On 12/12/2018 at 5:50 PM, freerider3434 said:

I'm not sure I understand you correctly. Did I get that right, you expect a big patch with new Content&Features tomorrow?

No i expect an update that is 1.0mb and only has chicken sound, ofcourse there wont be anything else in the update anyone understands that you must be dumb to think something else right...

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  On 12/12/2018 at 5:49 PM, Robert Alexander Hedman said:


 but now with 1.0 ofcourse the development just stops completely with nothing new or nothing to add at all.


Uhm what? 2019 will see loads of new features, content and improvements.

Where do people get the crazy idea from that the devs stop development after 1.0. It comes close to conspiracy theories.

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  On 12/12/2018 at 5:53 PM, amadieus said:

Uhm what? 2019 will see loads of new features, content and improvements.

Where do people get the crazy idea from that the devs stop development after 1.0. It comes close to conspiracy theories.

Well i dont understand how you can take what i wrote there seriusly when im bein sarcastic?? 

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  On 12/12/2018 at 5:53 PM, Robert Alexander Hedman said:

No i expect an update that is 1.0mb and only has chicken sound, ofcourse there wont be anything else in the update anyone understands that you must be dumb to think something else right...

Hehe, if you had been following the development for 5 years as you claim, you would be educated enough to know that their office is burning right now, trying to stitch up the current version. I expect a patch tomorrow with final bugfixes, tweaks and balances. If you had been reading the status reports, you would know they did a "feature&content freeze" to move to a "stable platform". They are polishing. What do you believe they had stress test and experimental branch for? Do they have those because they can just drop a big content patch and it works from day 1? I understand you really want DayZ to become the game you love and so do I and while it doesn't give you the right to call me "dumb" or anything else that was completely unprovoked and uncalled for, I believe I can see the reason behind it.


EDIT: Oh and in case you didn't know. They are forced to release 1.0 tomorrow because the Heads of Bohemia clearly pick a barebones 1.0 over missing another deadline.

Edited by freerider3434

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