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When's the next patch

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Does anyone know when the next patch is or even what's on it, because I really don't like playing the game still knowing I have to find another gun because mine is bugged 

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If you're talking about the mag stuck in gun, and not firing..

Drop gun on ground, tap y to put mag in inventory, take gun, and reload it.

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15 hours ago, Bombarding said:

If you're talking about the mag stuck in gun, and not firing..

Drop gun on ground, tap y to put mag in inventory, take gun, and reload it.

Going on from this, I tried to press Y before when it was on the ground. That didn't work for me.. What I do it put it on the ground and then click Y then quickly click A while hovering over the mag. It then gets put back into my inventory.

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Sometimes there's just no way to reload at all. No matter what you try. Think it's a bug. Happens often on the SMG. I've stopped using it because of this.

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Put gun on floor and micromange clip into hands or micromange a clip into gun this way if it's gun model shows aagazine but it attachments show there's no mag. Works as a fix for any gun, everytime. Hope this helps. I've had this issue atleast thirty times wit. A character I had for days and it fixed it 100% of the time for me and my buddies. Alway see if you can change mag on loading into server, render you scopes in & check you aren't getting the arrows for water consumption whilst walking as a rule as soon as you load in. That way you know if the servers decent or not. Too is don't go in 50+ servers at too of the list they get too laggy and cause all sorts of server side inventory and mechanics issues

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What is this word "patch" of which you are speaking of?  Not worry!   In my country we have heard of it many time!   Go play, drink warm blood. feel GOOD. If person say "patch" just shoot head or hit with heavy thing.  Is best way. Is kind for him also. 


Remember old INUIT wise saying:

<< Наслаждайтесь! - братья и сестры - Hаслаждайтесь!
Сделать кровь колбасу в то время как солнце светит, тьма скоро придет! >>

Heghlu’meH QaQ jajvam.


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