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About EnforcingSkullsX

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    Watching from a hill
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  1. EnforcingSkullsX

    Ammo out of the box?

    Also this^ you have to unbox the ammo and then put it in the mag.
  2. EnforcingSkullsX

    Ammo out of the box?

    The AKM takes 7.62x39mm rounds, make sure its exactly that, and not 7.62x54 rounds.
  3. EnforcingSkullsX

    ATTN DEVS - Magazine gun glitch

    @ApexOutlaw Hopefully this fix that Apex posted will work for you, however, I see that your problem may be a little bit different. Even though I couldn't take the mag out it always showed as attached, even when the gun was on the ground. Your problem seems to be that you can't see the mag when you put the gun on the ground, which may make this solution useless. I would try dropping it on the ground anyways and hovering over the blank space where the mag would be, then trying this. If that doesn't work, try holding the gun in your hand and see if the mag stays in the gun, then try the same thing. Best of luck!
  4. EnforcingSkullsX

    What’s the hit times for stuff and thangs?

    I'm hoping it stays how it is with an update a week. I understand that they have some minor things to patch making it much easier to release an update about every week, but hopefully it will still stay fast with bigger updates.
  5. EnforcingSkullsX

    Gunshot volume?

    I agree with @Baroni88. I have no idea how you play this game without a headset of some sort. It seems almost essential and since i have one I think I would simply just not play if I didn't have one. I personally have no problem with the sound of gunshots. I mean heck, if they go all out with the realism they might as well make gunshots loud. It also gives me a nice little jump sometimes to let me know I could always potentially be in danger ;)
  6. EnforcingSkullsX

    When's the next patch

    Going on from this, I tried to press Y before when it was on the ground. That didn't work for me.. What I do it put it on the ground and then click Y then quickly click A while hovering over the mag. It then gets put back into my inventory.
  7. EnforcingSkullsX

    How to survive the quick timers of hunger and thirst

    I do think this would be cool, although I'm not sure if that will ever happen.
  8. EnforcingSkullsX

    How to survive the quick timers of hunger and thirst

    Worms cannot make you sick on Xbox yet as there has been no sickness added. No diseases, etc. I haven't happened to come across a blueberry yet, so I have no idea about that.
  9. EnforcingSkullsX

    How to survive the quick timers of hunger and thirst

    The problem I have with this idea is that I can't actually see some of the screen. I can't see the third arrow down, and also can't even see the thirst icon at all. I know they are working on a fix for this it's just a matter of time. :)
  10. EnforcingSkullsX

    How to survive the quick timers of hunger and thirst

    I couldn't seem to find any wiki info on which ones give what percentages, oh well :)
  11. EnforcingSkullsX


    I'm not sure who use is, but I will contact him when I see they are back up!
  12. EnforcingSkullsX

    Please reduce the need to drink and feed

    I do agree that the hunger and thirst rates could be reduced a tad bit, however, I made a post laying out the points on how to get out of that "slump" that you start off with. I would definitely recommend checking it out if you are always frustrated with how often you have to eat. Using the points I put in there I literally have not seen the yellow hunger bar apart from first spawning in.
  13. EnforcingSkullsX

    So...what do you guys do after playing awhile?

    As others said, tents, base building, all that, are not in the game yet. Basically do what @TangoEckhoXBL said and just use your imagination. Find a sniper and sit above a town and act like you're one of the worlds best snipers, invincible, even. Go kidnap people and put burlap sacks over their heads. LOL. Act like you're the red cross and give food out to people who just washed up on the nasty zombie ridden paradise you're on. Heck, get deep into roleplay if you can find another person to do it to (Probably much easier on PC tbh) this game right now doesn't necessarily have that base building "end game", so you kinda just have to make your own end game for now.
  14. EnforcingSkullsX

    How to survive the quick timers of hunger and thirst

    So that's why I keep only eating the food halfway! I was wondering what was up with that. Great tip! Do you know if there is a website I can find or even a guide here on the forums where I can see the different percentages it takes away with each item? I may even go test it out myself and see how each one performs.
  15. EnforcingSkullsX

    How to survive the quick timers of hunger and thirst

    This was such a good food source for me and my bud when we were in dire need. I'd highly recommend shooting your friend and eating them doing this method if you have no other way, dig away at those worms. (yum) I was also wondering if you could throw them on a stick and cook them, therefore making it boost your food up a lot more than just eating it raw.