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Corey Pond

Replace the Child Breifcase

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I believe that the 'Child Briefcase' backpack is an unnecessary asset in the game, due to it being a backpack which is hated so much, some prefer to have no backpack rather than wear it. I think it should be replaced by a more modern schoolbag, like so




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no .... no ... never remove ... I had such a school bag myself ... he is "good old times" and he fits into the setting ... he is better than nothing.


(My "child briefcase" !)

Edited by Sqeezorz
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3 hours ago, Sqeezorz said:

never remove ..

Agree, that backpack is from soviet and czechoslovakia times ( or 80/90's ) i believe u can find these in Chernobyl etc, so it fits the theme.

Edited by exacomvm
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I rarely ever wear backpacks because I hate how all of them make my character look, in my eyes the child briefcase is the best backpack because of how it works as a fashion statement!

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Another groundbreaking post!

How about colour matching socks to go with the rest of the outfit?

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When I am a fresh spawn I'll take a child briefcase gladly! You will find a replacement soon enough or the materials for an improvised backpack (well in the current game state)

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On 3/11/2018 at 11:45 PM, Corey Pond said:

I believe that the 'Child Briefcase' backpack is an unnecessary asset in the game, due to it being a backpack which is hated so much, some prefer to have no backpack rather than wear it. I think it should be replaced by a more modern schoolbag, like so

How about this: Keep the old briefcase but also add a modern one?

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