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Richard Cacela

Loot In Dayz Stand Alone

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Yo guys , is it better to play on a Public or private server , and how do I get good military weapons , it's because I got to every military base and I never find weapons , I just find mags , bullets , armt clothes and rarly weapons , and then I see players all geared up with like 10 mags of M4 why is that can please soemone explain me how do I get that kind of loot.
Anyway thanks

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21 hours ago, Richard Cacela said:

Yo guys , is it better to play on a Public or private server , and how do I get good military weapons , it's because I got to every military base and I never find weapons , I just find mags , bullets , armt clothes and rarly weapons , and then I see players all geared up with like 10 mags of M4 why is that can please soemone explain me how do I get that kind of loot.
Anyway thanks

They didnt get that by just hitting a military base once they did it by hitting several probably multiple gaming sessions also look for chopper crashes good stuff there as well - really you dont need military grade guns to do okay though - also you should be finding at least an sks thats all you need really its a great gun

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On public servers, military sites will have been stripped clean by server hoppers; eventually you see that, get frustrated and start hopping yourself. This is why I stick to private servers - there are no hoppers so each player has to actually walk to a mil site. You will get your chance after the loot respawns. Try for yourself, but personally, I haven't been to a public server in like two years.

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On 18/05/2017 at 5:15 PM, Kirov (DayZ) said:

On public servers, military sites will have been stripped clean by server hoppers; eventually you see that, get frustrated and start hopping yourself. This is why I stick to private servers - there are no hoppers so each player has to actually walk to a mil site.

How do you find a private server that doesn't kick you out? 

Sorry for the newbie question, I have been away from DayZ a couple of years, I'm joining back just now (just after buying a new tower PC).

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3 minutes ago, Robert Neville said:

How do you find a private server that doesn't kick you out? 

Sorry for the newbie question, I have been away from DayZ a couple of years, I'm joining back just now (just after buying a new tower PC).

Well, in the EU area there shouldn't be any problems with good servers. As a rule of thumb, just avoid clan 'kick=join' servers and you're good. HC ones never kicked me. Usually I tend to stick to German PVE or mixed servers and I've never had any issues with that. You're bound to find something for yourself!

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Most of the privately rented public servers are complete kick-fests after a new patch. Happily that can't be the case with .62 because they're different chars...

OP, the other option if you want great gear is to go and find the tent/barrel stashes that the hoppers create. I find if one can summon the requisite patience this is usually the best option - certainly was for me in .61. Stashes should be starting to appear about now-ish. Look at the map and visit some of the areas you think might be good candidates. 

Oh, and bear in mind that the changes to foliage may have had an effect on this. 

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2 hours ago, Mookie (original) said:

 Look at the map and visit some of the areas you think might be good candidates.

Is it still the map edges? Just curious, I've never even once mustered the patience to run this thing.

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20 hours ago, Kirov (DayZ) said:

Is it still the map edges? Just curious, I've never even once mustered the patience to run this thing.

Yes, usually western and northern. But there are other classic spots like Bashnya, or the rocks in the far south east. I'm not convinced people will have had time to amass big stashes yet though. Mil loot seems much rarer. If you're running to Tisy or NWAF expecting an El Dorado of FALs, M4s and SMERSH vests, think again.

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On 5/12/2017 at 7:17 PM, Richard Cacela said:

Yo guys , is it better to play on a Public or private server , and how do I get good military weapons , it's because I got to every military base and I never find weapons , I just find mags , bullets , armt clothes and rarly weapons , and then I see players all geared up with like 10 mags of M4 why is that can please soemone explain me how do I get that kind of loot.
Anyway thanks

I might get flamed for this but don't waste your time playing legitimately on public servers when there are players server hopping all over the place to take all that good loot you are running hours to get to. On private servers if you make the journey, you get the goods, generally speaking. 

Public servers tend to be more active in terms of player interaction and PvP encounters, but many of the players you encounter will be geared to the teeth from server hoping on other servers, and even exploiting on their own public servers they own (don't kill the messenger guys, I don't like it any more then you do.) On private servers people are generally much more stealthy, and it also seems like there is a lot more kos, because everyone you see ran pretty far to get where they are and they looted their stuff legitimately. It's not uncommmon to go without seeing a player for over an hour on private servers. 

Note: Official public servers were broken away from the rented public hive, meaning there is no exploiting on those servers, but they are not as popular as they should be right now because there isn't an effective way to filter for these servers yet. That is coming in the next update. 

Edited by Solopopo
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if you will Play public then make this on "Veteran Servers"

Server hopping ? Yes

Kick by Admin ? No

Random shutdown/resets ? No

All empty on Milbases ? No (no transver from Loot to hoarded Servers)

And at Moment because see above, more lowpop.

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