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How to "Despawn" Ruined Vehicles?

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There are several vehicles scattered around the map that do not work and cannot be repaired. Some look like they are wrecked, others I am not sure. It would be great if there was a way to repair or despawn them. I have heard that if you take all the items & attachments off, then blow up or shoot them until they blow up that they will despawn. I haven't seen a single vehicle despawn since they were released about a week ago, and it's getting to the point that all the vehicles in the server are wrecked. It also seems since the damaged vehicles aren't despawning, new ones aren't respawning either. Does anyone have any helpful tips or information?

Edited by JBURNS489
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I can concur to some degree. 

I play on a private hive server sometimes. The other day I found a car that had crashed into a cabin west of Kamenka. Feeling rather a**holeish, I stripped the tires and battery off and stashed them away someplace safe. I came back 2 days later to retrieve my car, if it was still there.. it was... 10 feet in the air, floating. Couldn't even access it. 


Its still there today. 

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In order to despawn and let the vehicle respawn at the next restart do the following: strip the vehicle totally (doors, wheels, battery, etc.), also make sure that the inventory is empty. Then start shooting or hitting the engine block until you see a fireball or you can't enter the vehicle anymore. From our tests we noticed that the chainsaw works very good, if you have better suggestions please let us know. I wouldn't suggest shooting the engine block because it takes a ridiculous amount of bullets, a drum mag of 7.62x39 sometimes doesn't even do the trick. Also make sure that the vehicle stays empty and stripped, specially before the restart. Otherwise it will probably not despawn and you will have to wait until the next restart.

If all goes well the vehicle despawns and a new one will respawn.

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6 hours ago, JBURNS489 said:

It also seems since the damaged vehicles aren't despawning, new ones aren't respawning either

Yes, its confirmed that only 30 vehicles will be on the map at one time so would explain why they are not respawning.

The irony being they brought vehicles back to stable so that the masses would help with testing, but have made it a struggle to test vehicles when they are hard to find.

Private servers with persistence wipes are a good source of finding vehicles but obviously they can only be used on that hive and will be wiped with a restart.

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4 hours ago, SacrificeDayz said:

Yes, its confirmed that only 30 vehicles will be on the map at one time so would explain why they are not respawning.

The irony being they brought vehicles back to stable so that the masses would help with testing, but have made it a struggle to test vehicles when they are hard to find.

Private servers with persistence wipes are a good source of finding vehicles but obviously they can only be used on that hive and will be wiped with a restart.

They are respawning if you destroy them completely but it takes too much effort at the moment to destroy one. I do hope they change this soon or at least in the future. When there was no vehicle persistence in Experimental you could be reckless with them because they would respawn at the restart. Now you need to be careful driving them but still, sometimes you can not avoid it because of a crash, frame drop, stutters, hangs, etc.

I'm pretty sure they are getting some good feedback and data from us, that you can not find a vehicle is probably because people already took them. This means that they get tested anyway. The only problem would be that destroying them is a pain and most people don't know how to make them respawn so they will get tested less and less the further the patch progresses.

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Despawning vehicles is a lot of work right now.  IMT already shared most of the relevant information about how this is done.  I have always found the shotgun to be the most efficient gun to destroy vehicles, with Thurman's chainsaw plan taking the prize for overall efficiency and sustainability.

Hopefully, there will be more options for repairing vehicles already in your possession.

 In the meantime, if you are feeling frustrated with a lack of vehicles on your server, I would be willing to help clean up a few here and there; for a price.  Acceptable forms of payment include FAL magazines, VSS magazines; pristine shotshells, .308 rounds, or Sp-6 rounds, and any spools of metal wire you might have left over from earlier in this patch.

Here's a nice little picture of IMT, ColdAtrophy, and me killing a sedan that was hanging by a thread before Hell parked it up on a platform.

Edited by emuthreat
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I have a Private server we have the same problem with this, is this game related or server related, can this be fixed with a persistence wipe, will this keep happening Evan after the wipe, In other words would you have to keep doing a persistence wipe after the vehicles get ruined? 

This would not be a good thing.

Thanks Kavo

Edited by CeltS_Kavo

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A full persistence wipe will return vehicles to their spawn points.

But even on a relatively quiet public server, our small group of dedicated players has destroyed an average of 3-5 vehicles per day.  We estimate about 60% of vehicle deaths to be caused by desynch or client crashes, the rest being cause by "sweet jumps" and the general desire to wanna go fast.

After Cold looked into the damage statistics, and we timed the strike rate, it seems that a fire ax is likely the most efficient way to destroy a vehicle.

I don't know about your server @CeltS_Kavo, but most people would probably not enjoy rebuilding their camps on a weekly basis, because people are too lazy to recycle.


It is also worth noting that @Pook (DayZ) had done destroyed the vehicle long before coming back with coffee.  It really doesn't take too long...

Edited by emuthreat
Holy shit! Pook is using the forums.

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It's also worth noting that if you just hold down the left mouse button the character will continuously swing their melee weapon. Thus you can make vehicle recycling an AFK activity. Usually by the time you're back with a cup of coffee the car is "dead".

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