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Guy Smiley

This game sucks (the life out of you).

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After over a year break from DayZ, this game is coming along really good and I haven't been able to stop playing it.  The infected are finally a threat, guns aren't strewn about everywhere and you aren't geared to the nuts within the first 30 mins.  DayZ is going to be amazing once it gets out of Alpha.


Now with that said it still has it's faults but they are slowly getting worked on.  The audio is still a little out of whack.  The infected are still making screaming sounds after you kill them and it's still hard to pinpoint the direction where they are coming from.   Some towns and cities have horrible frame rate drops but again, most of this will be ironed out soon.  The devs have been doing a great job with the building of the new game engine so keep it up and can't wait until this is out of Alpha.



Edited by Guy Smiley
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Click baited. Didn't get the usual satisfaction from realizing your not complaining. 1/10


Edit: Wasted my 300th post on this to boot. 0/10

Edited by hrdrok
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40 minutes ago, zin0 said:

No it doesn't :}

That moment when you only read the titles.... Very well done Guy, you got us all!

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2 hours ago, IMT said:

That moment when you only read the titles.... Very well done Guy, you got us all!

lol no i read the whole thing 

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18 hours ago, zin0 said:

lol no i read the whole thing 

Alright, I guess your answer can count both towards his title or his first sentence.

46 minutes ago, boneboys said:

This game sucks...

Is now known as...


Damn it, you ruined the joke Bone! :(

Edited by IMT

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5 hours ago, boneboys said:

This game sucks...

Is now known as...


Oh come on.  Titles don't always reflect the negativity of the topic, jeez.

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