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Alright. Let me start from the beginning. Early 0.60, i found the cle to be just fine. There was a variety of everything spawning everywhere. Now..... loot is....... retarded af. The only real place where you can acquire a civilian gun is balota. And hell, the only thing that spawns there now is the izh 18, the izh 43, 1911's, derringers, pm73s, makarovs, trumpets and sporters. If you check the pub [used to be a good place for civ guns anywhere on the map in early 0.60] nothing spawns, not even a trumpet. These pubs and the other gun buildings in civvie areas used to spawn winchesters, mosins, blazes and pretty much any civvie gun you could imagine [except sks]. now, early 0.60 shit ONLY spawns at prison island as a rare spawn in the little green sheds. FIX YOUR SHIT BOHEMIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Note, now there is only 1 hunting stand on the entire map that spawns the sks, it is the one below devils castle.


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It is kind of broken in places. Try the extreme north and upper east coast.

Although, it's best not to cry from the hills, when you can't read the smoke signals. ; )


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That which evacuates from the south end of a bull.  Loot isn't "broken as fuck".  That's a huge overreaction.  Looking forward to .61


Edited by barnabus
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On the extremely unlikely chance that Loot has now suddenly become "broken as fuck" I jumped in to see for myself.

The only thing worthy of being called "broken" is your own poor little heart, my man.

You have had the mis-fortune to have maybe had a run of poor lot distribution from the CLE.

As it appears to me right now, my chances of finding the average varieties of loot (both military and civilian) have not changed a single bit over the last few weeks.

I know it has become quite stagnant in these forums as we all hopelessly await the new build....but have some patience and extend them the regular amount of courtesy we all afford the dev team as they struggle to finally stabilize the CLE.

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No civil weapons? Dude, you go into any inland town as a bambi and go out as Rambo. Word.

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I reckon he is crying about the coast having been picked clean on his server.  

Here's some advice:  Play the game, use your legs, and get the hell off the coast for a couple hours.

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