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Sorry for interrupting you, or wasting you time but i would like to file a report.

Three years ago, upon the release of the game i had been globally for a false report. What had occurred was during my experience i had been equipped with a gun that had been dropped after death, it seemed to be that i re-spawned in same place multiple times, every time picking up the weapon, i had killed a count of three players and was banned after till this day. I was sending this report to see if i am able to have the account unbanned for me to be able to join the community once again.

My ban id: #19b34b

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It would probably be more achievable/easier if you buy yourself another copy of the game and never cheat again. Though the majority consent will be for you not to come back to the community - they're an unforgiving bunch :).

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Sounds Phishy...

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If you can’t do the time then you shouldn’t do the crime.

(In this instance, "Time" is -FOREVER- and "Crime" is -HACKING-.)


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10 hours ago, TheCorruptedHeart said:

Sorry for interrupting you, or wasting you time but i would like to file a report.

Three years ago, upon the release of the game i had been globally for a false report. What had occurred was during my experience i had been equipped with a gun that had been dropped after death, it seemed to be that i re-spawned in same place multiple times, every time picking up the weapon, i had killed a count of three players and was banned after till this day. I was sending this report to see if i am able to have the account unbanned for me to be able to join the community once again.

My ban id: #19b34b


No one here can unban you, you have to contact Battle Eye at [email protected]


Second, you can not be banned for picking up a hacked item, only if you, yourself, hacked to bring it in game.



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Hello there

As opthers have pointed out, we neither issue nor administrate BE bans.



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