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Ander (DayZ)

Database cleanup [2012-07-03]

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Will we be able to manually remove the tent on our own?

Even if we blow them up, drive over it, pack tent and do all sorts of stuff(likewise for wires,etc)

They would just come back after server restart.

Hope this is fixed soon :)

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Rocket's at Rezzed already? The lazy person (that's not what I said originally) - doesn't start until Friday :-)

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My tents on US77 went poof :(. Not sure if they will come back next server restart or not. I saved them just last night before going to bed. Is this just a server issue or were they wiped by the cleanup? Had some gear in them I didn't want to lose and I know they already sustained 1 server restart (I place them, put item I don't need in them, wait for server restart, items gone, I know it's now safe to store things, hopefully this is slated to be fixed in 1.7.2?) but now ALL of them on US77 are gone. Going to check another server I had a camp on (was moving to US77) to see if my tents there are gone too. Will edit post.

EDIT: Tents are fine on other server, even ones that been up for around a week after I died. I hope the auto cleanup comes soon, I don't mind if they hang around a day or two after you die but if they are there for 2-3 weeks it starts to get....cluttered. Anyways must have been a bad server reboot on the US77 server. Will try to email the admin and see if he can restart the server. Maybe the hive was down at the time of the restart or something.

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I placed a tent yesterday to move shit from my vehicles, but when I logged in this morning it was empty, and the vehicle I repaired was damaged again (the fuel tank and hull was red, but it was green before the server restarted). All of my items in the vehicles loaded properly though.

Is this happening more due to the DDoS from a few days ago, or is it something 1.7.2 will fix?

I had the same happen to me last night..upsetting lost some mighty good loot.

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This has probably been asked a few hundred quintillion times, but what is the current status on a fix for the "creating character" issue? I hate to be a bothersome burt, but I'm just curious on the subject.

Thanks <3

Also page king

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But I spent so long flooding that one fire station completely with wire fences! IT WAS A WORK OF ART! AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

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There's a workaround' date=' go prone. Creep up to tent and keep looking around till you get gear option.

Also nice hidden tent you got there ;)


No, it doesn't help. I've got only broken leg due crawling near the tents))

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Silly question Anders, but are helos spawning? the only reason I ask is, ive had reports of some spawning even on newer servers? do you know if the cleanup you did couldve done that or?

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Thx for cleanup!! Finally was able to find volga and a bus =) Great job!

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DayZ noob here but I just have to put my two cents in. I've only been playing this game for just over a week but I'm lucky enough to have gotten into it with a couple of friends. We now have survival skills, 4 tents a bunch of vehicles, decent weapons and an intense hatred of other players.

Like everyone else on this thread we have suffered with item deletion, tents going haywire, vehicles disappearing and bugging and just general issues you'd expect from a game currently in alpha. My friend has OCD and so just had to make sure we had a fresh tent setup for all of our high value weapons and ammo, sod's law, this was the tent whose contents vanished yesterday, not the one with our blood and food, but all the bloody weapons :)

Still no complaints. Keep working on this game, it's awesome, can't tell you how much we are enjoying it, havent stayed up untill 6:30am on a game in years. Our Gaz disappeared yesterday, our weapon tent was wiped, a tractor blew up killing one of us and then I flipped an ATV which caught fire on me immediately; we stole a car from a rival camp, then wrecked their camp for being too close to ours, a guy spawned in the car we stole and we killed the poor bastard.

The only thing I'm concerned about is the item deletion, silenced weapons and NV googles take too much effort to aquire only to have them get erased, that aside this game rocks.

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Glad to hear tents will go away when destroyed with 1.7.2, a single badly placed tent can give away a whole stash as it is.

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If you have interacted with your "empty" tents recently, then it wont despawn until it's not used for at least 7 days.

As for choppers. No "flying" choppers are legit at the moment:

I will update vehicle thread when I do add in choppers - but any choppers found ingame atm are most likely "cheated".

(not too be confused with the normal spawned crashed chopper areas)

Vehicles may disappear on following conditions:

- after server reboot the vehicle never loaded in properly due to lag between the server and hive. (fixed by restarting server one more time)

- last known save was somewhere else than where the vehicle was when server restarted (fixed by tracing back to last known position where you exited the vehicle or saved it manually by tracking back the same path)

- cheated vehicle that was never spawned through database.

- legacy vehicles removed several weeks ago.

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Hmmm I saw a chopper flying Yesterday night in FI1 so is it possible that was an old chopper or are those also erased? I haven't saw it today though.

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* Various improvement and changes at backend in preparation of 1.7.2.

* Cleanup of objects:

- Removed legacy wire fences' date=' tank traps and sandbags that are older than time itself (before we started tracking their age).

[i']In the future we'll start cleaning up unused wire fence, tank traps and sandbags that arent "maintained" in a certain period of time.

What constitutes as unused and unmaintained? how do you use / maintain wire / tank traps / and sandbags? Can you help me out with this one?

Because I'm currently building my friends and I a base using these 3 items and will be pretty pissed if they just start disappearing for no reason.

I mean you can already remove them manually in game with a tool box (for wire & tank traps) and a entrenching tool (for sandbags).

Maybe just make it so you can't build / put down these items unless you have those same tools you need to remove them? (toolbox for wire & tank traps and entrenching tool for sandbags respectively)

I'm almost done building the base, it is almost finished, once I'm done I plan on taking photos / video for Rocket, the rest of the DayZ Dev Team, and just the DayZ community in general to see!

The base building tools we already have (wire / tank trap / and sandbags) are already pretty powerful and you can make pretty impressive bases so far with those 3 items alone, I can't wait till rocket adds more to the game for the whole base building concept / aspect!

Please don't ruin the base building aspect of the game before it even gets off the ground!

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Vehicles may disappear on following conditions:

- after server reboot the vehicle never loaded in properly due to lag between the server and hive. (fixed by restarting server one more time)

- last known save was somewhere else than where the vehicle was when server restarted (fixed by tracing back to last known position where you exited the vehicle or saved it manually by tracking back the same path)

- cheated vehicle that was never spawned through database.

- legacy vehicles removed several weeks ago.

Does using vehicle inventory count as "refreshing" or do you need to move them around?

I also noticed earlier that you mentioned clearing stuff at different rates if they're in or out of bounds. Is using a vehicle stashed out of bounds at least once every 48 hours often enough to prevent it getting reset?

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Tents are tagged to the owner. The person who initially set up the tent. (from what I understand) If that person dies the tent can be looted. But it is no longer tagged to any player and will disappear after an amount of time. A week i think.

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(anyone remember old Ultima Online and refreshing houses? sort of like that)

Oh my god... Ultima Online. I miss that game so much... Of course, T2A and before that. Man, you hit me with a giant brick of nostalgia.

Can we expect the final version of DayZ to feel like the post-apocalyptic-survival-FPS-zombie-oh-shit-I-smell-a-sniper-in-that-forest-horror competitor for old UO?

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I have a quick noob question about tents.

Say I put up a tent... is that tent universal?

Meaning, if I log into say US 1 and set up a tent then tomorrow log into US 2 will the tent be there or are they server bound?

-Thank you

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I have a quick noob question about tents.

Say I put up a tent... is that tent universal?

Meaning' date=' if I log into say US 1 and set up a tent then tomorrow log into US 2 will the tent be there or are they server bound?

-Thank you


The only things that are not server bound are your current statuses, status effects, equipment in your inventory and in your backpack. Everything else (tents, vehicles, destroyed buildings, etc.) are server bound.

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Items are serverbound.

Vehicles and items out of bounds are subject to removal. No guarantees at all that they will survive long. Infact I have a few tents on my list for removal that are stored in green acres!

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