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[DGN] Johnny

#DayZ Logic

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The maps are either grafted to magnetic north or have no declination. Which allows magnetic azimuths to directly convert to grid azimuths without penalty.

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^^^Props to you for using the word "azimuths" twice in a single sentence.

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- Either there is a water barrel fairy that waters all the barrels of chenarus, or barrels by default have a water presence inside them. This can be seen when you put dry clothing into barrels. Which begs the question, why can you not collect water from barrels?

-If you spray-paint or hacksaw weapons, it makes the ammunition inside disappear. =)


Edited by [DGN] Johnny

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I don't know about grenades when I try to find out about them I die (this may be some very rare kind of glitch)

Here is my question:

When you pull the pin on a grenade can you walk about holding it or do you stay in the throwing position ?
If you are holding a grenade in your hand with the pin out when someone handcuffs or duct tapes you, do you drop the live grenade ?

just wondering, ya know

(also -off topic - if you put 5 or 6 grenades in a plate carrier you should be able to craft a suicide vest, right?)

Edited by pilgrim*

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On 23/04/2016 at 10:20 AM, [DGN] Johnny said:

- Either there is a water barrel fairy that waters all the barrels of chenarus, or barrels by default have a water presence inside them. This can be seen when you put dry clothing into barrels. Which begs the question, why can you not collect water from barrels?

-If you spray-paint or hacksaw weapons, it makes the ammunition inside disappear. =)


If you can pick up an empty barrel how come you cant empty the water out of it?
If you put gear in a barrel with (no) water in it, it gets soaked
You can die of thirst wearing soaking gear you got out of an empty barrel that still has no water in it
If a cooking pot is full of water you can empty it (that seems simple?)
You can pour water from a cooking pot into a barrel but you cant pour it back
You can fill the pot with with gear then fill it with water and it holds the same quantity of water as an empty cooking pot
You can also fill the pot with gear but nothing even gets damp, and you can still pour water out of it
If you put the dry gear from your pot full of water into an empty barrel it will get wet
lf you put soaked gear from a barrel into a cooking pot full of water eventually the gear will dry out

cooking pot = dry gear + never died of thirst
barrel = wet gear + no water

Edited by pilgrim*
x x
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How come helicopters are flying around and crashing with only crew on board in the post apocalypse emergency ?  
In the wreck there is only crew gear

To be realistic at all there should be at least one of the following :

- a crate of 500 bandages
- 200 blood bags
- eight zombies tied to stretchers (that would explain the crash, right?)
- 3 or 5 crates each of ten new automatic weapons
- 100 blankets
- 20000 rounds in packs
- a crate of 800 antibiotics
- 50 quilted jackets
- a high level UN/ONU observer with really good shoes, a very flash suit, and a silk tie with a gold tie pin


Edited by pilgrim*
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Shoot a guy once in the chest with a Mosin

That bullet will go through all seven cans of food, blow a backup up, ruin his plate carrier, destroy both of his canteens, shred his TTSKO top, puncture each morphine and adrenaline shot and destroy every single round in the bag. =)

Edited by [DGN] Johnny
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On 25-2-2016 at 2:37 AM, Whyherro123 said:


Even more amusingly, the in-game map is supposedly a "tourist map". Take a look at it in the "Inspect" view, it has English and Chernarussian written on the front, with photos of popular destinations on the cover!

It should really have city/town names in English and Cyrillic on there......

this is a topic that's not even worth making.. the amount of heat that brings.. pfffff xD
the clear logic of this town not having ANY english street names whatsoever.. either:

forces you to cheat (out of game map)
have no life and learn the entire map by heart (every road/mountain/hill/building/patch of forest
learn cherno-russian/cyrillic

neither of these 3 options appeal to me if I'm being honest here xD

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- Nail a guy in the chest with a Mosin. Watch that dude run a sub 12 minute two mile afterwards. (Cripple Effects are planned for development from what I've heard)

- Servers not having a minimum graphic settings requirement, either static or adjustable makes a large portion of the game concept orientated more than stratagem in practice. Translation? Low graphic can often remove all plant life, leaves, and even entire forests. It can make buildings see through (this may be a 1PP bug, or a building type bug and not necessarily a graphic setting issue), and fail to render the color of clothing while rendering the model, showing players as giant white blobs sometimes from 500M all the way to 25M. (It's Alpha. =p )

Edited by [DGN] Johnny
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- You can be drenched but also Hypertermic at the same time. Chernarus must be worse then a rainforest.

- If i try to chamber the wrong round into my gun DayZ think its a good idea put down my gun and put the ammo to my hand -.-

-There is tones of guns but for some reason there is barely any magazines.

-Zombies seem to have longer range on their attacks then my Fireaxe.

-You get random info about the guns you have, but not the important thing like what ammo they need.

-People complain about bandits, yet without them the game would have no other threats besides bugs.

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