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My first kill

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Hi folks

I just made my first kill after 360 hours play and it was pant-soilingly scary. I was exploring the upper floor of a building in a village in god knows where when I heard what sounded like someone on a silenced pistol rampage. I went prone and whipped out my carbine with three rounds and listened for footsteps below. Sure enough the guy(or girl) entered my building and my heart-rate went through the roof. I heard them coming up stairs and as soon as they appeared I opened fire. I missed and they returned fire and missed also and managed to retreat down stairs. Heart thumping I listened intently to their panting down below, then a grenade flew up the stairs and exploded on the landing. I kept quiet waiting for their next move and shortly they peeked, at which time I realised I had only one round in my carbine so switched to fully loaded magnum. In a flash they were up on the landing spraying bullets round and I emptied the magnum in their general direction which was rewarded with a groan and untidy collapse of my target.


Phew, I survived and my heart was now slowing to what passes for normal. Sadly, on checking his/her body it was clear my indiscriminate panic spraying of rounds had ruined not only their day but their gear also. When I checked my own gear I found to my amusement that my hunters pants were ruined ( I was wondering what that smell was) so after calming down a bit I got the hell out of Dodge to seek some new pants and more adventures.   

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You never forget your first time.

Mine was in krasnostav, the blaze had just been introduced and I had picked it up. Was looting the town and saw a hunters backpack in a house, went to pick it up and a bullet whiz zed past me. I ran but instead of running out the house ran up the stairs to a small landing and waited. It felt like hours but the guy eventually ran into the building, picked up the bag and ran past the bottom of my stairs; I ran down and shot him in the back of the head as he ran across the street.

That was about 100 hrs into the game, since then I've logged another 600+ hrs but I never leave a firefight without my heart racing or my hands shaking a little. It's why I love this game.

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My first time was easy.


I logged into a server with 3 or 4 people in 0.57, and I saw a truck. I went to it, and there was a guy looting. I came from the back and shot him in the head.

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Mine was almost like yours shiny57. Logged out in a barn overlooking a town the night before. I log in and decide to check the town for gear. I walk in and see guard towers, mil base!! I run in to one of the barracks and close the door behind me. Vest in the shower, awesome! Next room has combat boots, sweet! Middle room has some ammo...then i hear a gun being loaded...shit someone must be close.

I go prone and close the door.

I hear a door open. Nothing. No footsteps. No voices. Then my door swings open -my eyes widen and my heart races- then i see a full army geared dude strafe over wearing a jackal mask and i open fire, he does as well, bullets flying everywhere then he drops. Adreneline is pumping i check my self and not one bit of damage, ROY!!! INVINCIBLE!!! (Shanghai noon ref)

In a pannic i search the dude, ghillied akm, all kinds of mags and ammo, hicap vest and the like. All ruined but i cant seem to get his gun off him. I try and try moving it but no luck. I realize he might have friends in the area so i say fuck it and bolt.

Never forget your first time lol i think ive only killed 5 or 6 people since, i prefer to avoid high pop big towns for the most part lol

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360 hours before your first kill? Wow. That's what I love about this game. So much fun to be had without actually opening fire on another player.


I am new to this game and wanted to have sort of a nice guy approach. I'm 60 hours in and had my first encounter today with a hostile bandit. 


So there I was walking around the SE side of the military base collecting all this great loot hopping from one barracks to another. I walk around the corner and meet face to face with a masked man, shotgun in hand, raised, my SKS was lowered with 4 rounds in the mag. I didn't fire (nice guy approach), he wasted no time in pulling the trigger however, but instead of hearing the blast of his shotgun followed by my life flashing before my eyes, I hear ...*click* *click*, he was out of shells. I could see him reaching for his axe and I let my SKS spray connecting with maybe 2  rounds out of the 4 I had, terrible accuracy on my part due to my panic and disbelief I was alive. He was bleeding pretty bad as I ran around to the other side of the building, switched to my CZ61 and blitzed him. I emptied my magazine into the bandit as he was sitting there bandaging himself. No mercy. He pulled the trigger first, but I left him in a pool of his own blood. Lucky I guess.

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360 hours before your first kill? Wow. That's what I love about this game. So much fun to be had without actually opening fire on another player.


I am new to this game and wanted to have sort of a nice guy approach. I'm 60 hours in and had my first encounter today with a hostile bandit. 


So there I was walking around the SE side of the military base collecting all this great loot hopping from one barracks to another. I walk around the corner and meet face to face with a masked man, shotgun in hand, raised, my SKS was lowered with 4 rounds in the mag. I didn't fire (nice guy approach), he wasted no time in pulling the trigger however, but instead of hearing the blast of his shotgun followed by my life flashing before my eyes, I hear ...*click* *click*, he was out of shells. I could see him reaching for his axe and I let my SKS spray connecting with maybe 2  rounds out of the 4 I had, terrible accuracy on my part due to my panic and disbelief I was alive. He was bleeding pretty bad as I ran around to the other side of the building, switched to my CZ61 and blitzed him. I emptied my magazine into the bandit as he was sitting there bandaging himself. No mercy. He pulled the trigger first, but I left him in a pool of his own blood. Lucky I guess.

Lmao rookie mistake on his part. I bet from now on he'll be tripple checking his rounds before he enters any hostile environments!

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My first kill was probably around 8 or 9 hours into playing and quite a while ago now. I was looting the big shipwreck north of Berezino when a guy ran at me with an axe. I blew his brains out with my Mosin. It was a good day.

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This was a long time back, when only the SKS, Mosin and M4 were in the game. I only had about 50 hours into the game at that point though. I was running with my friend between Kamyshovo and Elektro, fully geared (I had M4 with several couple-mags, friend had an SKS), and we met up with a new spawn. We decided to try out the newly implemented handcuffs, and to our delight, they worked splendidly. Our newspawn friend was now handcuffed in the middle of the road begging for release. About 2 minutes into our interrogation simulation (beating the shit outta him with our fists while screaming random question at him), he told us he had friends coming for us. About 3 minutes later we see about 10 (yes, 10) newspawns running down the road. They reach us and demand that their friend be released, we said "not unless you have ammo or food", and because they were fresh and had not looted anything, they had none of those items. All of a sudden the handcuffed guy broke free (turns out one of his friends actually had a hacksaw and had secretly sawed it off), and they unleashed a hella scary battle cry. They charged us, fists raised. Me and my friend booked it down the road, and managed to get far enough away to turn around and look. They were still coming, so while my friend went prone and started firing, and crouched and sprayed the living hell outta my couple-mags. I watched bodies fall upon bodies and blood spray from every bodily area. It was a massacre. Now that I think back on it, it seemed fun, but in the moment I was scared for my life and that had been my first-ever PvP situation.

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Because I have pretty crappy internet I lose nearly all my fights due to lag and desync.

When I think back on my experience I realise I have only ever gotten 2 kills in 300 hours that I can remember.


The first time went like this...

I am a hermit 99% of the time but this time I was teamed up with another player I'd met in-game a few days earlier. We were looting in Novo, up in the north, when I hear a very loud shot. My friend drops dead instantly. I take cover and try to figure out were the shot came from. Within seconds I took a hit but didn't drop. Not knowing were the shots were coming from I just ran into the closest building and bandaged up. While sitting there I heard movement above me. They were on the roof of the building I had just run into. I knew the only way onto the roof was the ladder on the side of the building so I tried to move as silently as possible to a position I could see the ladder from while still inside. Then I waited. ...and waited. I thought he had logged out and I was convinced he wasn't there anymore... but fear had me frozen in position. What if he's still there? After about 10-15 minutes I hear movement again and he starts coming down the ladder. My heart races as I fear he'll see me, He'll come get me. I unload a fully loaded SKS into the side of his rib cage as they were climbing down. All the shots hit but I still fear he's somehow alive. I left through the other side of the building and head for the trees. I flank all the way around and see their body at the base of the ladder. Fear turns to excitement that I lived, that I get to loot their body. As I'm doing just that, my friend arrives. He had been running back all this time. He looted his old body and we shared the snipers loot and were off.

It was the most scary and stressful experience in my life, let alone gaming. 

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Ah, I remember my first. it was back in .55 and I was looting the military installation in zelenegorsk in the jailhouse building. I get to the top bunk room and walk in only to see a guy crouched behind the beds possibly waiting in ambush. I run out as he fires shots from an ak74 but luckily for me none land on me. I move to the back end of the hall, stuck since he could shoot me if i run for the stairs. After some waiting he goes for the door and after a brief shootout which only left me with feces ridden pants. I had gunned him down with i believe an akm and looted his body for spoils. I had gotten too panicky and emptied 2/3rds of a mag into him so it was virtually all ruined. But, oh ell. I had survived.


Nowadays I've lost count of how many i've killed. (even though I typically play friendly) Oh how time flies.

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Mine was in Cherno. I went into the factory building down by the docks and there was a guy there. I said Hi and he went for his mosin so I shot him with my pistol. Thats also the story of how I found my first Mosin with a long range scope.

 This was back in dec 2013, I had only played for a few days.

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I dont remember my first kill in SA but I remember my first kill in the mod around 2012, it haunts me to this day because I made a huge mistake and I can never forgive myself


I was in Cherno and met a guy who was bleeding he said he was friendly and we ran into the church, he started bandaging himself and I was a newbie (it was my first encounter with a player ever)  and didn't know what the animation was and I thought he was pulling out a gun to kill me and I hit im in the head with an axe


Then I just only heard a sad and disappointed voice "Really man, really?" 


If you're reading this I'm sorry

Edited by Sperglord
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My first kill was in some wooded area somewhere probably near the South East coast. I hadn't been playing long, had never played the mod, so the whole feel of the game was new to me. All of my encounters previously had ended in me being killed, probably due to the fact I had no mic. Anyway, I've got an SKS and I see this guy running in the woods horizontally with me maybe 200m away and my first thought was to instinctively shoot. I stopped, held my breath and let go one shot and to my surprise he dropped instantly. I don't think I'd ever be able to repeat that shot.


My scariest moment, however, was again back when I started. Still had no mic and was again running around in the woods (I got lost, a LOT, back then) when out of no where this guy wearing a bright yellow hard hat and nothing else comes rushing at me with an axe. I swear he chased me for a good 10-15mins, it was probably the most intense feeling in DayZ I've ever had, and I've had a few squeeky bum moments.

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Hey guys! I play Brother Espa on Experimental! I generally try to act the Hero and help people out get geared and share my loot as good gesture. There have been a few occasions where I've been held up though by Bandits and been left with nothing, which is still better than just random KoS. My first kill though was a few days ago where I had just loaded my magnum in the church courtyard when I heard, "Hold it!" so I spun around to see a guy with a makarov aimed at me and decide to unload the magnum and boom. A second passed and I checked my body and I had no damage! Their body was just slumped on the ground so I went to check to see if I could tie up and bandage them, etc. . But they were dead. It was kind of a crazy situation, but I generally avoid players for now. Post up and clip down bandits though ;D 

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My first was in west militarybase..  I was driwing a car just for fun, i didn´t have map, i didn´t know the game just found militarybase from middle of woods and think that probably here is nobody because location... i was wrong :blush:

i found sks, some bullets, boots and second after that some german child just start to shoot me, i just hit fire button like grazy and fireing stop..

after that some shots land next to me. if i had diarrhea ill shit my pants.

Minute after that i got killed, so happy ending for five dollar...

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Im hoping on playing Day Z today when my new parts for my PC arrive (my current PC can hardly run any game whatsoever) so should i expect to be 'lonely' in the game?? 360 Hours play time before your first kill!?!?! I'm hoping thats in game time and not real time because i don't think i've ever put that much effort into a game before. Lol

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Im hoping on playing Day Z today when my new parts for my PC arrive (my current PC can hardly run any game whatsoever) so should i expect to be 'lonely' in the game?? 360 Hours play time before your first kill!?!?! I'm hoping thats in game time and not real time because i don't think i've ever put that much effort into a game before. Lol

You won't be lonely if you carry a vintorez in plain sight. It's how I play, avoiding big built up areas and the south coast and exploring the interior. If you want a lot of action go south, young man. The 360 hrs is according to steam.

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I have little over 200 hours in and have killed 3 people in total. 1 asked to be killed for a better spawn, 2 tried to kill me first. Death on the other hand is another thing...guess my nice guy approach doesn´t pay off that well ;)

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I dont remember my first kill in SA but I remember my first kill in the mod around 2012, it haunts me to this day because I made a huge mistake and I can never forgive myself


I was in Cherno and met a guy who was bleeding he said he was friendly and we ran into the church, he started bandaging himself and I was a newbie (it was my first encounter with a player ever)  and didn't know what the animation was and I thought he was pulling out a gun to kill me and I hit im in the head with an axe


Then I just only heard a sad and disappointed voice "Really man, really?" 


If you're reading this I'm sorry

Let it go man, let it go......

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Fun exercise- I haven't found my first in anger kill yet... but I found my first kill ever.






Ah yes... and my first kill in anger.



Edited by ENO75

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