Parazight 1606 Posted June 30, 2016 The server is legit! The server only restarts after the sun has gone down. I've put in a number of hours there and it seems very stable. Never been kicked. Str8 8/8 m8! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eno 1049 Posted July 1, 2016 Thanks Parazight. We've had 2x acceleration on for awhile now and enjoyed it but nighttime is still not really having the impact that it should what with the gamma "hax" so generally we're staying away from it. We also heard a rumour (that we think we can write off as false) that the overheating bug was exacerbated by the time acceleration. We turned time acceleration off to test it so now we can pretty much just let the server reset on its own without any manual input. Should be daytime only until night isn't what it is now. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
philbur 476 Posted July 3, 2016 (edited) Hey Guys! I have been hitting your server lately but usually it has been low pop. Tonight I actually ran into a few guys (the first one was looting the NWAF and I was waiting for him in a barracks. Just as I hear him coming in I hit my Mic button and.....nothing.... Forgot to enable my instead I gave him the finger and expected to be shot in the head. What do you know....the guy turns around and screws off leaving me to do the same. I had my weapons shouldered as usual and I wonder if that was the reason he decided not to try his luck. Either way....I am happy to be here, and look forward to not killing the "good" guys. Going down past Zeleno to the coast then going to stay around Balota and Cherno till my luck runs out. I have 40-round Stanag Mags and a few attachment parts for M4s if anyone needs them. I am sticking to my Hunting rifle and Python, in case anyone has .357 Edited July 3, 2016 by philbur Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eno 1049 Posted July 3, 2016 (edited) Eh philbur- not sure if you use the same in game name? Haven't seen you around... Possibly different time zones? (Disregard, just found you in the log!) You are right in that we are often low to mid pop but when our regular group is in it quickly swells to full. Thursday and Friday night were packed and all manner of stuff went down. Last night was pretty quiet but many of our guys took a break so we didn't quite achieve our "critical mass" number of people (about 15). I'm working around zelenegorsk right now and we've got most of our group scattered. I think we are doing okay with m4 parts but if you're still in need of .357 let me know and I'll put a stack in a barrel south east of Zelenegorsk for you in Drozhino. I'll screenshot it for you if we need to set that up. See ya, Edited July 3, 2016 by eno map details 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TasteforBrains 1 Posted July 4, 2016 Just wanted to introduce myself and my friends: Rena, Ronin, Kai, Brett, and YourBoyRoy. We have decided to make Helpy Helpers our home and have been enjoying it so far. I know there are currently 40 people on the server, where is the most action usually? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eno 1049 Posted July 4, 2016 (edited) 12 hours ago, TasteforBrains said: Just wanted to introduce myself and my friends: Rena, Ronin, Kai, Brett, and YourBoyRoy. We have decided to make Helpy Helpers our home and have been enjoying it so far. I know there are currently 40 people on the server, where is the most action usually? Eh Taste... Glad you guys reached out! Those are mostly familiar names- yours included. We've seen Rena and Ronin working together the most- We've seen Kai quite a bit but the other two I'm not as familiar with. In fact I'm pretty sure we were tracking Rena and Ronin the other evening in a vehicle around Kabanino / Grishino but we lost them as they went further north. To be honest I expect much of the "action" per se to take place in the traditional areas. You know, the Chernos, the Elektros... Berezino is hit or miss since the NEAF is just not worth the jog anymore. Obviously the NWAF is still highly contested territory though as Philbur points out above even that can be a peaceful experience. If we're around the NWAF unless we have a distinct advantage in numbers it's generally going to result in someone shooting someone. Mishkino is what it is... and the heli hook has been the arena for bloodshed several times- particularly around Zelenegorsk. We (the Helpy Helpers) tend to work on the peripheries of those areas since those are the places where you have a realistic chance of actually having a dynamic encounter- ie: it's not ALWAYS going to be KOS for your own safety. Every old dog needs to get into a gunfight every now and then so sometimes we take our peace buttons off and wade into Cherno or the NWAF like everyone else. As the host while we do have access to logs that can show people are being shot, punched, stabbed, axed etc we can't see where any of it goes down. I presume with some of the sheer volume of activity in a short amount of time that it's just a general tornado of PVP going on in Elektro / Cherno / Wherever. It's funny, actually, since we've known you guys were around but there is no record of us having had an encounter. Quite often at night our guys are talking about you... wondering where you are since we tend to cover a lot of ground but have never bumped into you for better or worse. With that said- if you guys want to live in harmony with us then we can take the conversation offline and we can figure out (in general terms) where you guys are "working" so we can deconflict our activities. If you guys want to duke it out in long term and unregulated rivalry (basically just letting it play out the way it is)... we'll just keep doing what we're doing. I think both could be fun. As our server regular membership numbers climb, there's a much, much higher chance of seeing 40/40 on the server regularly so I'm glad you guys stick around. Our group right now (the ACTUAL Helpy Helpers) is about 13... though it's an informal number. We've got guys with 2000+ hours and some with a few hundred that don't play that often and everything in between. We'll usually have 4-6 online during the normal peak hours so if we have you guys in there and a couple randoms that pushes us up to our critical mass of about 12-15. Once we're there, it doesn't take long to hit 40 as we've done almost all weekend. Edited July 4, 2016 by eno 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hokares 2 Posted July 4, 2016 Rena here. O.O I DID NOT KNOW I WAS BEING FOLLOWED. Server admins why you do this i am just happy flower trying to grow some pumpkins and zucchinispleasedonotshootomgPEACEANDLOVE. While I might be toting weapons, they are usually not for my use as I often just run around with a silence pistol and an axe for zombie protection. Most often - I will be carrying food, so if you see me just ask me if I'll share some supplies I'd really much prefer it! (>.<) Also noticed someone shooting me as I left Severograd much earlier today, but then after logging off (because it scared the shit out of me) I noticed 0 people on the server. O.O Ghosts??? I swear I was shot square in the back and then 3 more times around my feet. Anyways, keep doing what you guys are doing and keep up the great work! o(^_^)o I've only bought and played Dayz for about two weeks or so, but I've been having a great time, despite the tragic deaths every so often (Person who shot me Bogota while I was looking at a roadsign, CURSE YOU! You must have taken my civilian tent T_T). If you see me say hello! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TasteforBrains 1 Posted July 4, 2016 8 hours ago, eno said: With that said- if you guys want to live in harmony with us then we can take the conversation offline and we can figure out (in general terms) where you guys are "working" so we can deconflict our activities. If you guys want to duke it out in long term and unregulated rivalry (basically just letting it play out the way it is)... we'll just keep doing what we're doing. I think both could be fun. As our server regular membership numbers climb, there's a much, much higher chance of seeing 40/40 on the server regularly so I'm glad you guys stick around. Our group right now (the ACTUAL Helpy Helpers) is about 13... though it's an informal number. We've got guys with 2000+ hours and some with a few hundred that don't play that often and everything in between. We'll usually have 4-6 online during the normal peak hours so if we have you guys in there and a couple randoms that pushes us up to our critical mass of about 12-15. Once we're there, it doesn't take long to hit 40 as we've done almost all weekend. Thanks for the reply eno. I think I speak for most people that it's more fun to co-exist in the server but still have some fun fire-fights. In my opinion, the whole prospect of running into a pack of the server admins at the NWAF or Myshinko is more fun than purposefully making sure we don't hit eachother. Those hair-raising encounters are what make the game fun for me. However, if you guys need something, let us know! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hokares 2 Posted July 4, 2016 Clearly we don't feel the same about encounters XD 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eno 1049 Posted July 5, 2016 (edited) 1 hour ago, Hokares said: Rena here. O.O I DID NOT KNOW I WAS BEING FOLLOWED. Server admins why you do this i am just happy flower trying to grow some pumpkins and zucchinispleasedonotshootomgPEACEANDLOVE. While I might be toting weapons, they are usually not for my use as I often just run around with a silence pistol and an axe for zombie protection. Most often - I will be carrying food, so if you see me just ask me if I'll share some supplies I'd really much prefer it! (>.<) It was just you two on the server and 3 of us. To be honest we were entertained by the the rather unorthodox shifting... have to admit is was fun to listen to the gear jamming... We weren't tracking to kill you- we were, however, interested in making contact. We weren't sure how that was going to play out- which is why I concur with the statement below. 1 hour ago, TasteforBrains said: Thanks for the reply eno. I think I speak for most people that it's more fun to co-exist in the server but still have some fun fire-fights. In my opinion, the whole prospect of running into a pack of the server admins at the NWAF or Myshinko is more fun than purposefully making sure we don't hit eachother. Those hair-raising encounters are what make the game fun for me. However, if you guys need something, let us know! I think you'll get unanimous approval among our group in this regard... 1 hour ago, Hokares said: Clearly we don't feel the same about encounters XD Funny enough- one of the encounters I stumbled into on our logs a few days ago was you texting to someone about offering them a backpack... Didn't look like they took it- whoever it was... but it gave us a bit of a sense that you were playing the game with good intentions. Don't think it was us taking pot shots at you... other thing about the server pop is that it doesn't update immediately and will sway at anchor between sooner and later on its own accord. I checked the log and I don't see anyone actually hitting you- but interestingly enough we've had that happen a few times now to a couple of our own guys. Not sure if there's treachery afoot or not- however most of the script kiddies don't waste their time on low pop servers- which I think it was throughout the day today. I don't know if all our guys will buy into this idea- but I'm going to post a screen shot of my character configuration... Might be fun to run a bounty on screenshots of each other in game. Not sure what the prize would be but we can come up with something if folks like the idea. Alive worth more than dead! Edited July 5, 2016 by eno 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emuthreat 2837 Posted July 5, 2016 22 hours ago, TasteforBrains said: Just wanted to introduce myself and my friends: Rena, Ronin, Kai, Brett, and YourBoyRoy. We have decided to make Helpy Helpers our home and have been enjoying it so far. I know there are currently 40 people on the server, where is the most action usually? We saw you guys take the bus through Vybor the night before last. Lost sight of you by Kabanino. If you want to make contact in the server, I suggest using conspicuously placed protector cases with notes inside. Anywhere along the western corridor would likely get found within a day or two. We are pretty reasonable and willing to talk and cooperate, but do not mind having a rival group, either. If any of you are very new to the game, and interested in learning some basic skills and strategies, I can organize a guided terrain navigation tour; hunting, fishing and cooking clinic; and show you how to quickly and efficiently get camps established. Whatever helps... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hokares 2 Posted July 5, 2016 Ah they actually ended up taking the backpack I think? It was an upgrade, and I had two, so I figured why not. Our group does tend to like getting vehicles running, so it wouldn't be a first time getting shot at in a car >.< Luckily we were never really hurt. As the gatherer /medic of our group, its in my interests to replenish lost items and food, so I suppose my alignment towards non-violence makes sense in that light. The others are a bit more violent, though I know RoNin is usually friendly as well (unless in a hostile environment). As for the gear jamming T_T You may have been hearing me struggle. I am officially the worst at operating vehicles in this game and you cannot pay me to drive them. lol As someone relatively new, I only struggle with 1) understanding heat values of clothing and the effects of water on clothing and 2) knowing how to cure the different types of sicknesses that people get. Specifically when to use tetricycline antibiotics, when to use charcoal tablets, and when to use a syringe to inject antidotes. Usually if anyone in our group gets sick its just, eat a bit of each pill. XD I've done my fair share of experimentation with chicken, and I've concluded that its a bad idea anyway you go about it. That idea to do a bounty seems like a fun idea, I'll just be hiding behind some trees. >.> I will definitely be leaving some trolly notes around, haha, though I don't really have the protector cases to spare. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eno 1049 Posted July 5, 2016 We could probably work out a neutral zone to meet up if folks want to clinic and develop or otherwise enhance their experience. No shit folks- if you're at all interested in exploring different aspects of the game, emu is THE guy. We can timeout our aggressions (for whoever wants to) and help build on enriching the experience. We have some guys coming in who are pretty new- maybe we can figure something out. Out of those boundaries... We'll let it play out the way it plays out! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eno 1049 Posted July 5, 2016 (edited) Okay... let me be the first to post my image- Get a photo of me alive going about my business and we'll figure out one thing. Get a photo of me dead... and we'll figure out a lesser thing. I think it's fair to say out loud that the armband is our trademark... if we get griefers acting like admins / HH then we'll just murder them with prejudice. I'm looking for a pair of those designer sunglasses if anyone wants to do an swap for something! Edited July 5, 2016 by eno Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eno 1049 Posted July 5, 2016 (edited) double post. Edited July 5, 2016 by eno Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hokares 2 Posted July 5, 2016 May I ask what clinic-ing is as an activity? Is it just a camp formed specifically for the purpose of treatment? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hokares 2 Posted July 5, 2016 44 minutes ago, eno said: Okay... let me be the first to post my image- Get a photo of me alive going about my business and we'll figure out one thing. Get a photo of me dead... and we'll figure out a lesser thing. I think it's fair to say out loud that the armband is our trademark... if we get griefers acting like admins / HH then we'll just murder them with prejudice. I'm looking for a pair of those designer sunglasses if anyone wants to do an swap for something! How on earth do you avoid overheating with all of that excess clothing on??? O.o I'm in a tactical shirt and I can barely keep from the "hot" status when I'm not moving. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eno 1049 Posted July 5, 2016 (edited) 1 hour ago, Hokares said: May I ask what clinic-ing is as an activity? Is it just a camp formed specifically for the purpose of treatment? Hmmm- was thinking more in terms of an "in game clinic" to help people with the game. Clinic like a course / tutoring session. Go around and learn some of the crafting, fishing... leather clothing.. tanning hides... tanning armbands (like ours but not like ours) etc. 1 hour ago, Hokares said: How on earth do you avoid overheating with all of that excess clothing on??? O.o I'm in a tactical shirt and I can barely keep from the "hot" status when I'm not moving. I don't find this getup is too, too bad. I'm mean the whole mechanic is fucking stupid at this point but that's alpha. It's important for me to stay drenched so I just move from pond to pond and stay moist. As long as you're drenched or at least wet it does slow the heating up and if you're staying still does lead to rapidly cooling off. Heating up isn't a huge deal provided you are able to stay hydrated. I'm pretty well set up in that respect and healthy so it minimizes the chance of getting sick from drinking from ponds. Edited July 5, 2016 by eno Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emuthreat 2837 Posted July 5, 2016 Wanted: Pristine Green Cowboy Hat. Name your price. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hokares 2 Posted July 5, 2016 2 hours ago, eno said: Hmmm- was thinking more in terms of an "in game clinic" to help people with the game. Clinic like a course / tutoring session. Go around and learn some of the crafting, fishing... leather clothing.. tanning hides... tanning armbands (like ours but not like ours) etc. I don't find this getup is too, too bad. I'm mean the whole mechanic is fucking stupid at this point but that's alpha. It's important for me to stay drenched so I just move from pond to pond and stay moist. As long as you're drenched or at least wet it does slow the heating up and if you're staying still does lead to rapidly cooling off. Heating up isn't a huge deal provided you are able to stay hydrated. I'm pretty well set up in that respect and healthy so it minimizes the chance of getting sick from drinking from ponds. Oh! I didn't know being healthy minimized the chance of sickness from pond water. To be honest, I was lugging a giant gasoline can of water from Severogard this morning because I was constantly getting thirsty in the north near Ratnoe and there was no water source besides the dozens of ponds. I think a tutorial area would be nice! I know some returning players and some new players that could use some tips for survival. While tanning seems cool, I haven't actually seen any animals except for deer. While I know that rabbit traps are a thing, I've always found PET bottles to precious to cut up. 52 minutes ago, emuthreat said: Wanted: Pristine Green Cowboy Hat. Name your price. I will keep a lookout good sir! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eno 1049 Posted July 5, 2016 (edited) a Edited July 5, 2016 by eno Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eno 1049 Posted July 5, 2016 (edited) 7 hours ago, Hokares said: delete Edited July 5, 2016 by eno Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eno 1049 Posted July 5, 2016 (edited) delete Edited July 5, 2016 by eno Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eno 1049 Posted July 5, 2016 (edited) 7 hours ago, Hokares said: While I know that rabbit traps are a thing, I've always found PET bottles to precious to cut up. Fuck sakes... forums are on some lag / delay mode that's causing spam posts... then they don't edit right away... then they do. Anyway. Keep in mind the PET bottle trap is for fish (cut the top off and put a worm inside... believe they only work in the ocean- not in ponds). The rabbit snares are wire crafted with a stick. As for the clinics I'm sure Emu can figure out a place off the normal beaten path that can server as a natural "cease fire" area to develop skills. And hey... if the clinic gets ambushed then that's DayZ. Edited July 5, 2016 by eno Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hokares 2 Posted July 5, 2016 9 hours ago, emuthreat said: Wanted: Pristine Green Cowboy Hat. Name your price. I HAZ YOUR PRISTINE GREEN COWBOY HAT Where would you like to meet? ^_^ 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites