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.58 question

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Do you think players will still hover around coast after getting geared?

Edited by BobMcnjr

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Kitted playes will have bases close to the coast with multiple backpacks, vehicles and storage. They will die in Electro, commit suicide until they spawn close to camp. Once they get to camp, they gear up and pilfer their loot pile a little more and then they will be back in action in a matter of minutes. They will have better gear than they can get at the admin buildings currenlty. Then, the next day, they make their loot run with one of their vehicles and server hop until they get their base restocked. Then they will jump from server to server looking for a fight, because they can get their stuff easier with that system than they currently can. It will just be a vicious cycle... a fun one though (espeically if you find their base and only take enough to keep you going to.)


The coast will not be clear. 

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With the way loot is distributed in 0.58, there will probably be less* players hovering on the coast. Better weapons and gear spawn inland, and ammo isn't really that common on the coast. It also takes more time and effort to get top tier military gear, so boredom doesn't set in as quickly to drive you back to the coast. But of course, only time will tell

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With the way loot is distributed in 0.58, there will probably be less* players hovering on the coast. Better weapons and gear spawn inland, and ammo isn't really that common on the coast. It also takes more time and effort to get top tier military gear, so boredom doesn't set in as quickly to drive you back to the coast. But of course, only time will tell

Correct me if I'm wrong. Loot spawns based on building class, it's not that better weapons and gear spawn inland. It's just easier to find because it is less picked over. The coast loot is sucked dry from fresh players with empty pockets.

Edited by Coheed_IV

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With what I've understood about the new loot distribution, I think a lot will begin to go inland vs. the coast. Probably for the mere fact that loot will have a better chance of spawning there and camps will have a little less visibility then on the coast. We shall see!

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You have to go to the north and west for high grade gear, so staying along the coast is pointless in .58.


If the CoD kids want to stay along the coast to do their thing, they'll be doing it with pistols and shotguns and hopefully get bored real quick and move on.


Also with .58 DayZ is starting to be the game it's supposed to be and the way loot spawning works, hovering on the coast won't get you much of anything. 

Edited by R.Neville

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CoD kids... lol


I like how people equate the pvp aspect of this game to these run and gun games. .58 will make it even more like a CoD match for you as people will not have to spend all that time looting up. They will just go to their camp, gear up and be right back on the top of hospital in Elektro within 20 -30 minutes, with pristine PvP gear.


It does not matter where the loot is, people will go and collect it and bring it back to the coast and stash it. When it comes time for battle, they will never be far away from a full set of gear. Gear that, by the way, the devs could only have introduced for PvP players. All that military gear, the ghillie suits, none of it is for fighting zombies or growing crops. It is for killing another player. Land mines and bear traps are not for the wildlife or the zombies... PvP only. This survival simulation NEEDS the PvP players.


The coast will always be the coast. There will always be people on the coast with rifles. Look at the SVD, there are all kinds of those on the coast, someone had to go to the west where they spawn and hop from server to server to get one, and they still come to the coast to shoot some n00bs and other PvP players.

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CoD kids... lol


I like how people equate the pvp aspect of this game to these run and gun games. .58 will make it even more like a CoD match for you as people will not have to spend all that time looting up. They will just go to their camp, gear up and be right back on the top of hospital in Elektro within 20 -30 minutes, with pristine PvP gear.


It does not matter where the loot is, people will go and collect it and bring it back to the coast and stash it. When it comes time for battle, they will never be far away from a full set of gear. Gear that, by the way, the devs could only have introduced for PvP players. All that military gear, the ghillie suits, none of it is for fighting zombies or growing crops. It is for killing another player. Land mines and bear traps are not for the wildlife or the zombies... PvP only. This survival simulation NEEDS the PvP players.


The coast will always be the coast. There will always be people on the coast with rifles. Look at the SVD, there are all kinds of those on the coast, someone had to go to the west where they spawn and hop from server to server to get one, and they still come to the coast to shoot some n00bs and other PvP players.


Right now with .57 it is what it is and equating it to CoD/BF is pretty much spot on. The CoD kids reference, points to the attitude of a lot of people playing the game right now and think that DayZ is going to remain what it is now. Run to a guardhouse gear up, go shoot someone in the face ad nauseam.

This can no longer be done in .58, gear is not easy to acquire and is only going to get harder to get with coming updates.


With .58, you're going to have to find that gear first to fill up that tent. Putting a tent along the coast will get it found and raided, so that will be a pointless endeavour.


You obviously have not played .58 and don't really know what's coming. If you did you would know that your statements are mostly incorrect.


I would suggest anyone who doesn't know what .58 is bringing to go play Exp or read up on it, because .58 is going to start bringing the game back to what it should be.

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Y'all can debate your PvP's and your PvE's and your PP's.


Doesn't matter to me. I'll be in a bush munching on crickets, stuffing my barrel with cow guts to eat later and growing out muh beard.

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Topic cleaned, just because the OP asked a question in a simple manner does not mean it is a #shitpost.

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Correct me if I'm wrong. Loot spawns based on building class, it's not that better weapons and gear spawn inland. It's just easier to find because it is less picked over. The coast loot is sucked dry from fresh players with empty pockets.

You are wrong ;)

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Also with .58 DayZ is starting to be the game it's supposed to be and the way loot spawning works, hovering on the coast won't get you much of anything. 


All it does for now is that the players (groups) hover the airfileds and milbase by mysh and kill everyone that passes by.

All the while building their stockpiles.

So if you do not play at once the server does a REAL restart you will most likely go against those odds with a sporter or longhorn.

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With .58, you're going to have to find that gear first to fill up that tent. Putting a tent along the coast will get it found and raided, so that will be a pointless endeavour.





1) rent server

2) find tent and setup at coast

3) shutdown server (it is allowed)

4) loot on another server  then go to where your tent is  - start your server place loot in tent shutdown server

5) ???

6) profit


Boom you will have a very secure base to restock you just need to fill it up from time to time.

It will be done and nothing can be done about it except playing on a single server private hive.

Edited by Rauchsauger
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1) rent server

2) find tent and setup at coast

3) shutdown server (it is allowed)

4) loot on another server then go to where your tent is - start your server place loot in tent shutdown server

5) ???

6) profit

Boom you will have a very secure base to restock you just need to fill it up from time to time.

It will be done and nothing can be done about it except playing on a single server private hive.

You really think these loot rats are gonna buy their own server just to be able to have a safe stash so they can server hop pvp with it ? That's the most outrageous thing I've heard in a long time, really . You know it costs like 90$ a month to rent a server ? I really don't tbink server hopping will be an issue , but to OPs point , yes people will still try and be on the coast, that's what morons do , they do what they want instead of what's best for them ... But thay doesn't change the fact that Neville is right : acquiring high tier loot isn't as easy as you think it is right now , when stable hits sure some guy can find an empty server but trust me I've been going to empty servers constantly to try and find some weapons on .58 experimental and even up west in vybor I can only find a RAK with no clip , A makarov with one bullet , and finally found a cr 75 clip , so that's a start . .58 won't stop deathmatch at the coast but it will curb it a little bit .

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You really think these loot rats are gonna buy their own server just to be able to have a safe stash so they can server hop pvp with it ? That's the most outrageous thing I've heard in a long time, really . You know it costs like 90$ a month to rent a server ...

90 bucks a month is not much. If you split the cost it is next to nothing.

Edited by Rauchsauger
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