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Why aren't zombies carrying anything?

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I'm 100% sure that before they turned into zombies they had some items on them, why can't we loot them? Things like canned sardines in their pocket should be ok to eat because it was canned, and maybe some have ammo in their pockets

Edited by Sperglord
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Not programmed yet, but already planned. It's coming, don't worry about it.  ;)

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Idk man, they've always kinda been zombies, the creators made them that way, just like every time we poof into existence as a replica of the standard white man we have the same stinky stuff, it's just how the creators want us. They control our entire world :l

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Is this going to lead into a "I should be able to kill a zombie and find an AK, plate carrier, tank, and jet fighter thread"


The last 2 I made up but people already want those anyway

Edited by leader.one

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Is this going to lead into a "I should be able to kill a zombie and find an AK, plate carrier, tank, and jet fighter thread"


The last 2 I made up but people already want those anyway


It's not unreasonable for people to want a feature as simple as being able to search corpses for useful items. Things like matches or keys to an Audi A8 would be extremely useful in an apocalyptic situation.

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It's planned.


The zombies are not going to carry items on them until you kill them and access their inventory. That way the items are generated on the spot. Same with clothing. They'll probably "Burn" or "mesh" whatever random set of clothes on the zombie, and when you access the inventory, that specific outfit generates but when you take it off, it's still on the zombie. Take away a little realism for server performance.

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How about wallets, car keys, pictures of loved ones, you know? Practical every day stuff, not a random-ass can of baked beans.


Nobody carries canned food in their pocket on a normal day.

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How about wallets, car keys, pictures of loved ones, you know? Practical every day stuff, not a random-ass can of baked beans.


Nobody carries canned food in their pocket on a normal day.

But they were survivors once too and I doubt they were living a normal life and then bang one second and they're zombies/dead.

You keep beens in your pocket too. 

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How about wallets, car keys, pictures of loved ones



Seriously though, excellent idea. Six to midnight.

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The military zombies should have hand guns and ammo.

That's actually less likely than you might think. Soldiers often do not run around with weapons on person and even those who do might not carry a handgun but rather a rifle that most likely gets dropped when they become a zombie. So most likely you would find bandages, knives, pens and paper on them. And if they did carry a weapon they would probably still have the magazines but not the gun itself.

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A soldier without a pen is no soldier at all. That's what I've learned in CFB Kingston.

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Something I rearlised the other day is that running into house after house after house to look for loot is a shit & boring mechanic. Looting zombie corpses is at least gratifing and engaging assuming you killed the zombie in the first place.

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But they were survivors once too and I doubt they were living a normal life and then bang one second and they're zombies/dead.

You keep beens in your pocket too. 


Considering how having a full can of food shoved into my pants pocket will be awkward, heavy, and make it difficult to run, no, I won't be keeping any "beens" in my pocket.


Instead, I would keep "beens" in my backpack, like any other human being. 


The Devs REALLY need to change up the "inventory space" mechanic. The only space on my person that I could feasibly stick a can of food would be the knee-pockets on my cargos. My jeans wouldn't fit a can of food.

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I would absolutely lose it if zombies would pretend to eat you after killing you OR if they'd drag corpses. That would be epic and so much fun. Imagine a zombie killing your friend then begin to drag his corpse away. Talk about creepy and awesome...

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How about wallets, car keys, pictures of loved ones, you know? Practical every day stuff, not a random-ass can of baked beans.


Nobody carries canned food in their pocket on a normal day.


Believe it or not i used to keep a can a spam with me, just never knew if i might had needed something to eat in an emergency. I still leave the house with a couple of snacks most dayz like a granola bar or something similar, something about a little food with you in case you're needing a small pick me up during the workday or whatnot.

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