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Day Z Urban Legends

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So, I have something to add to this a-mazing topic. So, me and my friend were headed from stary, we were both just a couple weeks in so we knew some stuff, but not a lot. I was near Zub castle and he was farther up north, when we found a small camp, we stole a Gaz from the small camp and some other stuff, wanting to get away we drove west and then south.

my friend saw a heli crash on the northern slope of green mountain so we tried to hide the GAZ in some bushes and I carried the zombies while he looted. He found the m249 he wanted and we bolted, I got shot and he got shot on our way back to the Gaz, but the guy shot the tire out of the car when he was trying to ruthlessly murder us.

This is where it gets weird, my friend gets back up there, and the GAZ is still there, the guy went to get a tire, I was down south near kemenka, I decided to just go over the top of GM, strange thing is, I never saw a damn thing, just trees and some tall rocks, no outpost, no zeds, no tower. Nothing.

I got to a place where I could see the car, so I stayed there while my friend went for a tire. I always heard... Footsteps, behind me, turned around, and nothing. I also turned around and saw numerous tents, only to be thwarted by them being low poly rocks...

I never felt more uneasy...

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There is a small hut to the north of the NW Airfield in the middle of a forest. Six or so zombies spawn around it, though the building is non enterable. I stumbled across it in the middle of the night whilst lighting a fire to cook meat. The fire's glow highlighted it for me and it scared the bejeesus out of me. It reminded me of the buildings you see in horror movies - i am glad i couldnt enter it.

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My story starts off by finding a bus someone stashed south of the NW Airfield. It was very dark out (moonlit night), and I didn't see anyone around with my NVG, so I hopped in. I checked out the gear, just a few weapons with no ammunition plus some chemlights and such. I hopped back into the driver's seat and drove off, heading to Devil's Castle. I stopped the bus in some trees and got out, advancing towards the castle in a crouch-walk. Soon though I alt-tabbed out because a friend sent me a Skype message, after going prone under some trees away from the bus. When I alt-tabbed back in, there was a massive firefight going on all around me. There were two dead bodies near me, and a bandit (or survivor, I couldn't tell) in a Military outfit shooting a FN FAL somewhere behind me. I was facing him, and was afraid to turn around because I assumed they didn't see me and simply thought I was another dead body. It wasn't long before he too was dropped. Then, I heard a cascade of footsteps coming from behind me so I disconnected ASAP. When I reconnected in the same server maybe a half hour later, I had found myself teleported to Little Hill near a helicopter crash site. I never found out what really happened, or who those people were that were fighting, but I found a camo suit and PP-19 that day.

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Have you heard the one about the Helicopter being brought down by a single makarov bullet?

Apparently there is a video - of which no one has seen.


Edited by DemonGroover
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Ghost of green mountain.. its freaky as shit. It is like someone talking directly in front of you but you cant see them. Its like an old lady voice...... i don't want to go up there again.. lol

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ваша душа принадлежит мне сейчас.

I lost my soul atop of Green Mountain

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Im not aware of any specifics, but aparently when you go to green mountain at night bad shit goes down....a whole range of strange stuff happens, survivors die never to be seen again, its like the bermuda triangle of DayZ

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Have you heard the one about the Helicopter being brought down by a single makarov bullet?

Apparently there is a video - of which no one has seen.

Or lived to link to others.

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I was on Green Mountain while nighttime with 2 friends tonight. First there was nothing special but than I noticed a guy with a ghilie suit on the the other side of the road. I told my friends they shall lay down and I shot a few times on the guy with the ghilie. He ran away. I think he logged off. A few minutes later the guy was running towards us with an axe, trying to hit us. I ran after him but than he was gone. I think he logged of again.

I think it was just a player but anyway, there were only 5 people or so on this server so it was weird.

We wanted to make a Video about green mountain on nighttime to proof some urban legend and luckily this happens. So I caught this on tape but we speak german so most of you wont understand what we say.

Anyway, if somebody want to see this I can link the video tomorrow.

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Did you guys hear about the scary hog near Green Mountain, that, when you hit it with a crowbar it starts to scream like a Banshee and then it ALT-F4's you out of the game?

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I was on Green Mountain while nighttime with 2 friends tonight. First there was nothing special but than I noticed a guy with a ghilie suit on the the other side of the road. I told my friends they shall lay down and I shot a few times on the guy with the ghilie. He ran away. I think he logged off. A few minutes later the guy was running towards us with an axe, trying to hit us. I ran after him but than he was gone. I think he logged of again.

I think it was just a player but anyway, there were only 5 people or so on this server so it was weird.

We wanted to make a Video about green mountain on nighttime to proof some urban legend and luckily this happens. So I caught this on tape but we speak german so most of you wont understand what we say.

Anyway, if somebody want to see this I can link the video tomorrow.

Any video is good. I'd like to see it.

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I finally got my favorite gun, and I want to get some other supplies, and then head to GM, anyone got tips for me when I am fighting the demonic tentacle beast from the 6th dimension up there?

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I finally got my favorite gun, and I want to get some other supplies, and then head to GM, anyone got tips for me when I am fighting the demonic tentacle beast from the 6th dimension up there?

Whenever i go there i waste ammo because the Zeds seem to respawn from the gates of hell like nothing i have encountered.

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First and foremost I am not a believer in the DayZ -Urban legend thread. I get it, Its fun to tell ghost stories around the campfire. But I had something happen tonight that made me question my belief and I'm here hoping someone can debunk it. I began around Elektro followed the coast north til I hit the northeast airfield looking for loot and vehicles. I follow these maps http://southcoastbeanwars.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Crashed-Heli-Map-v7.jpg & http://southcoastbeanwars.com/dayz-maps/Vehicle-spawn-map.jpg . By the time I made it to the helicopter spawn sight that is directly west of Pobeda Dam, I entered a field that had a few goats and a couple cows. I shot the goats for meat and kept heading west. When I had come to the west end of the field, I had spotted what I thought was a boar. I pulled up the iron sights on it and moved in for the kill. Almost instantly it started moving like a zed crawler on speed, but it was too big to be a boar or Zed crawler. I put 12 AKM rounds into it from 150m( I would guess), only to see a cloud of black smoke hit the ground. First thing I did was a 360 check to make sure nothing fishy was going on. Then I Alt-Esc to check if my Fraps is going, of course it is not so I start fraps and I move in to see what I have killed.. I see nothing but a dark stained texture on the ground. I am uploading a video ATM, if anyone can debunk this from what I have. I would appreciate your info.

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Oh man. I just logged onto a night server. By myself. I spawned near Balota, and went immediately to the military compound with the 4 deerstands. Nothing scary happened, dodged some zombies, crawled a bit, got a PDW and 3 mags in the second deerstand. Made my way across the un-haunted airfield to the not very creepy tower. Found an M4A1 and 3 mags (3 mags twice? woot.) There was an AKM that may or may not have been cursed but I already had the M4 so what the billio, right? Snuck out the back fence, a zombie heard me and agroed but I lost him almost instantly in the pine trees at the treeline north of the fence.

Turned so the clouds were coming straight over my head, (that's how you find west.) Looked abouyt 45 degrees to my right, spotted a tree, turned to face the tree and started running through the woods. Did I mention it was dark and I was by myself? Ran to zelenogorsk by heading north west until I clipped the powerlines, then followed them into town. There were zombies between me and the supermarket of not doom, so I snuck in quietly, so as to conserve ammo and not alert any nearby survivors with needless weapons fire.

Made it to the supermarket without being possesed even once, found an alice pack just inside the door, then a map, a compass, a knife and a few tins of food and drink, even a canteen. No matches or axe though. Went to check the buildings nearby, found an axe, went back to the supermarket and found matches and a tent. Headed up to green mountain. There was plenty of moonlight so I could see well enough, got to the tower and found an ATV there which needed some tires and an engine. I heard a noise behind me and turned to see something dark, outlined by a bright light behind it. What new horror was this? Then, the thing spoke "Turn the computer off, your dinner's ready hon." I alt F4ed.

Edited by datguy
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Datguy, I'm never gonna sleep again, you never make stories like that again, I am now terrified!

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So it was my 2nd day playing Dayz and all I just kept spawning on the shore and heading to Cherno or Elktro and I was getting killed all the time by bandits or zombies until I got tired of that and the next time I spawned in I ran to a nearest town, Got a Makarov some food and drink and then I headed to NWAF. I only made one stop at one town to get food because it was getting dark.

I was approaching the airfield and I knew it was very hostile territory because of videos I've seen before, This was my first time at the airfield so I took my time to actually crawl anywhere close to the hangars and by that time the sun was no longer visible but there was stil la lil bit of light. I was coming in from the opposite side of where the control tower is. It's a wide open space. I was prone and then i saw a dead guy with a ghillie suit. I was so excited because of the ghillie suit. Still prone, I approached the body and turns out he was loaded with everything. NVG, rangefinder, high powered sniper, an assault rifle and plenty of ammo for both guns.

Then it got creepy. I took all the items and then the ghillie suit last and it glitched me into the ground so I wa swimming on the gorund(I've heard of this glitch) but then it quickly put me back to normal. I started crawling away from the body and then I heard footsteps behind me and I thought it was a trap and I was about to die. So I turn around hoping to shoot whoever was going to kill me and there was nobody there. Remember this was in an open field so there was no way someone could run and hide. And then I noticed the body was gone too. I got scared but I just thought it was buggy sounds so I kept crawling away. And then I heard the footsteps again but this time they were closer. I quickly looked all over again and there was nobody there so I just stopped moving not knowing what to do. And then in the chat someone with a numbers only name like "67325" said: "Hello Mr. Sanchez" (the username I had).

I was so scared I decided to get up and run away withou even looking back into the forest. After a few minutes of non stop running I went prone and looked back where I was running to make sure noone followed me. I was under a tree for a few minutes and then I heard it again.............. footsteps behind me. i didnt even turn around this time. I just quit the game and didnt play til the next day.

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Any video is good. I'd like to see it.

Here is the video

It begins at 1:40

First contact at 4:39

Second contact at 6:23

Edited by Skoomer
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I happen to have a rather chilling tale myself. Though, unlike a few tales that are tossed from town to town, this one does not end with death - no, instead we continue to dwell on, still holding the fear and paranoia that the strange, unexplainable chain of events left us with...

I suggest the light-hearted do not continue to read, lest they forever become too wary of what hit us.

It was night. My watch showed the time of 6:15 PM - strange, I thought, we should still have a few hours of daylight left. Regardless, my friend and I continued to head south-west through Chernogorsk, picking up some basic supplies that we had recently become in need of - food, drink, and one-or-two bandages. We wandered through the town, having just left the eastern medical tents with a nice pack of supplies. Morale was high, and even though shrouded by darkness and the undead, we continued to laugh and smile.

We were heavily armed, which most likely contributed to our more "off-guard" nature. We were still wary, though.. though obviously not enough. I was carrying a nice .50 cal DMR rifle and a silenced pistol, accompanied by several clips for each, while my friend held an M4A1 CCO - his handgun was unknown to me at the time.

We made our way to the supermarket, zig-zagging through the streets in an efficient direction. Suddenly my friend stopped.

"Did you see that?" he asked, most unnerved.

"See what?" I said, only a little concerned.

He paused before replying, most likely searching for words. "I just saw a figure run across the road."

I looked across the road, down each street I could see without moving. "I don't see anything.." I said, now worrying slightly as the darkness got to me.

We continued to the supermarket. We decided to enter from separate doors - my friend coming in though the back entrance, and I through the main doors. As I went around the store by myself, my eyes twitched to a movement through the big broken windows.

Instantly, I told my friend. "Possible hostile in front of store. On guard, weapon ready. Open fire if need-be." This put us both on full alert as we continued to enter the store.

I climbed up the steps, as my friend watched the back entrances to catch the imposter if he tried to leave. I got to the counter - the whole main room was empty.

"No visual," I said.

"Neither," replied my friend.

We continued into the store, looting all that we could fit in our packs.

"Do you ever get that feeling?" my friend asked.

I laughed a little. "What feeling?"

"That you're being watched.."

I stopped laughing and looked at him. "Deven, don't scare me," I said.

"No, really, I mean it. The sense that someone has their eyes on the back of your head.."

Again, I laughed. "I'm sure you'd feel it if someone had their eyes on your head - must be quite slimy, I guess."

And then suddenly, over the VOIP came a chillingly slow "Guuueeessss wwwhhhoooooo!"

I darted around, as did my friend, to see a survivor holding a hatchet staring at as from the doorway behind the counter. We instantly opened fire on the man. But, though it should have been obvious, I was holding a .50 CAL in my hands.

The city was pierced by a tremendous roar of my bullet.

"Fucking hell, Harry! Why did you shoot him with a 50?" Deven said, already running from the store.

I followed, looking behind me to see hoards of the undead flowing into the building after us. "I had my pistol out! I swear I did! I remember changing when I came in!"

We proceeded in a hurry to our Jeep, parked on the edge of the forest north of Chernogorsk. We got in, and headed to the nearest road.

"Fuck's sake!" he said. "That was close!"

"Yeah. Tell me about it. But did you see a death message from the man?" I asked.

"No.. perhaps we left him unconscious."

Even though he had been shot several times by an M4A1, and once by a sniper rifle, I didn't choose to argue.

We followed the road north of Chernogorsk, going towards the town of Nadezhdino, just talking along the way. We arrived there, looted a little, and left, not wanting any more drama. Then, we decided to take the sloped road from Nadezhdino to Kozlovka, hoping to pick up a final lot of loot for the day.

We were driving up the road, the Jeep having a little trouble, though managing to tackle the harsh slops from Nadezhdino.

"Woah! Did you see that? Something just ran across the road!" my friend said.

"Ugh!" I was getting annoyed by all this. "When we get to the top of the road, pull into the verge and we'll set up camp - we're obviously being followed."

We crept up the slops, and eventually pulled into the trees on the brow of the hill. My friend left the lights on to give us some sight in the trees. We set up a tent in the small lit patch and decided to take a breather.

Footsteps neared, and I pulled out my pistol.

"ME AGAIN!" came a scream from next to the Jeep. I turned, only to see the silhouette of the hatchet man in the blinding light of the vehicle's headlights. I aimed down my M9's iron sights, and opened fire with my friend.


I was holding my .50...

I had hit then engine block of the Jeep. Almost instantly, it exploded into flames. All I could see was a body fly away from the car a few feet, a hatchet in his hand.


"What the hell!?" said my friend, as if asking what happened. However, I was more interested in the body I saw. I walked over to it, only to find a charred corpse holding a hatchet on the floor, lit by the burning Jeep behind me. I inspected his body.

His name was Innocent, it appears he died from The Haunted.

No death messages ever appeared for either times we "killed" Innocent.

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I've heard tales of an NPC sniper that pursues you relentlessly.

I am Definitly not an NPC *wink*

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Now the coordinate in question one square over from a radio tower, so I figured the zombies probably came from there, but it was odd that they were all military, unless there's something I don't know about radio towers.

that Radio tower is the cursed GREEN MOUNTAIN

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