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Theories on what happened to me!

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So, death has become quite common for me playing day z, which is fine, I have come to terms with it.

But I hate not knowing sometimes what caused my death!


I'll tell you what happened this time.....


I was running about in a town to the west, I hear the hum of a truck slowing down, I explore and find a guy running about, gets in the cab and starts driving again, I chase him down shouting to stop.


Surprisingly, he stops (even with my ak drawn), I ask for a ride and he accepts. 


We travel towards stary sobor, having a confusing conversation as neither can hear one another over the engine sounds. I turn down the sounds to try and hear him, but he still can't hear me.


We approach a road on a hill and he slows down to a very slow trot...... then the lights go out. You are unconscious, shortly followed by you are dead.


So, big question is, What happened here?


Did my newly found compadre betray me and lead me into a trap?

Did he also fall victim to a deadly ambush?

Did he fight valiantly to avenge his newfound friend?

Or did I fall victim to a random bug....


We will never know..... But ideas would be appreciated!



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His friend killed you. Arranged over ts, I suspect.


That's why he slowed down.

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I suspected as much, but I feel so betrayed! I'd like to think he ran around screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" firing in all directions like a mad man.

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  On 7/3/2015 at 8:18 AM, crabbc2272 said:

So, death has become quite common for me playing day z, which is fine, I have come to terms with it.

But I hate not knowing sometimes what caused my death!


I'll tell you what happened this time.....


I was running about in a town to the west, I hear the hum of a truck slowing down, I explore and find a guy running about, gets in the cab and starts driving again, I chase him down shouting to stop.


Surprisingly, he stops (even with my ak drawn), I ask for a ride and he accepts. 


We travel towards stary sobor, having a confusing conversation as neither can hear one another over the engine sounds. I turn down the sounds to try and hear him, but he still can't hear me.


We approach a road on a hill and he slows down to a very slow trot...... then the lights go out. You are unconscious, shortly followed by you are dead.


So, big question is, What happened here?


Did my newly found compadre betray me and lead me into a trap?

Did he also fall victim to a deadly ambush?

Did he fight valiantly to avenge his newfound friend?

Or did I fall victim to a random bug....


We will never know..... But ideas would be appreciated!


Couldn't the truck have crashed or one of the million other truck bugs? Lag could have played a role there idk

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The frustrating thing here is not knowing.


Would love to have a replay of your final moments.


Obviously don't think it would happen due to snipers position being given away ect ect.... But still like on cod being able to watch your killers POV as he snuffs out your light.

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Not everything is an friend ambush in this game, it takes a ton to setup sometimes.


The ambush happens because of the loud truck, someone hears it then you may or may not hear a pop from gun off in the distance.




it was a crappy common lousy bug.

Edited by TheSneakyDude

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yeah as a guy said above it sounds like a setup. i did the same thing except i used the truck to bring folks to my group then we would hold them up then let them go. the best part was when they found out they were in a trap and we would come out of the brush and surround the truck. haven't did it in awhile folks get hip to the same ol tricks if you don't switch it up.

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Hills can really slow down trucks and if he slowed down at all because he was unsure of the road or had some lag and didn't want to crash then the hill can end up bringing the truck to a crawl so that isn't totally grounds for suspecting him. The other possibility is that the driver was dead and THAT was why the truck started to slow down. If I heard a truck and had something like and SVD or Blaze with a scope I would probably line up on the driver and pop him so the truck didn't escape. If you are good you can shoot them through the windshield and not ruin the truck. Once he was dead the passenger is just sitting there not moving and would become a prime target before he hopped out and started to zig-zag. 



The other thought, if you died and not the driver might be that someone decided they would take out the person likely to hop out and start shooting at them. The driver typically won't jump out and will hope the truck protects him or is at least ruined so that the other guy doesn't get it, but any passengers might bail out of the slow moving truck and pull a gun. In fact my friends and I have approached areas like that when using a truck. I slow down, they hop out and get into position and then I continue on into a city possibly drawing out targets for them to pick off, either people slinking away from the truck noise or those trying to shoot me out of the truck. So maybe someone decided to pop you first then went after the driver. 

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I'm putting my money on a collision. When you're being driven around, you're not seeing what the driver is seeing. You might have seen a lazy stop, but he might have slammed full speed into one of the dozen new road blocks scattered around the mid-west of the map.

I've tried to snipe people through truck windows, and unless you have the right angle, it's very hit or miss (pardon the pun). Sometimes you'll nail them, and other times you'll just see sparks ring out around their head shortly followed by them speeding away.

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  On 7/3/2015 at 8:32 AM, freethink said:

His friend killed you. Arranged over ts, I suspect.


That's why he slowed down.


I'll put a can of beans on this.

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