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The issue is my system at home has had a full rebuild and the p drive has been lost until i can find the time to baby sit the hole p drive build again i'm unable to build anything.


I'f i get time this weekend (if i'm not called into work) ill hook my old hdd up and retrieve the server details and build the p drive on that.

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  On 10/14/2015 at 3:27 PM, R4Z0R49 said:

The issue is my system at home has had a full rebuild and the p drive has been lost until i can find the time to baby sit the hole p drive build again i'm unable to build anything.

I'f i get time this weekend (if i'm not called into work) ill hook my old hdd up and retrieve the server details and build the p drive on that.

Great, thanks for looking into it, hope you get it done fast and do not have to look too long.

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I know it might be a while for 1.8.7, but what about a minor patch for The loss of backpacks when putting on skins is the most requested fix. I was looking into the code and if I read it correctly, is this all in player_switchModel.sqf?  If I read it correctly, it looks like the file changed completely for 1.8.6 and then in github I believe it was reverted back.


This file is in the client, so I don't want to have to patch the mission.   Do I have this right?


I guess I'm asking for which would be a client-only patch.

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Everything should be up and running on my side again. Test server is up and running with files on github.

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  On 10/31/2015 at 3:58 PM, R4Z0R49 said:

Everything should be up and running on my side again. Test server is up and running with files on github.

Nice, looking forward to the new patch!

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In the 1.8.7 changelog it says fixed zombie AI and movement, does that refer to their inability to hit anything 50% of the time?

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  On 11/3/2015 at 3:10 AM, Lukethero said:

In the 1.8.7 changelog it says fixed zombie AI and movement, does that refer to their inability to hit anything 50% of the time?



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  On 12/19/2015 at 1:53 PM, skigoggles said:

Recently had some players say that MedBoxes are disappearing when they get near to them. Has anyone heard about this? Could this be related to the Bohemai A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015?? : https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186695-a2a2oa-patch-18122015/


I've certainly noticed the issue with weapons and scoping/zeroing....


Are you running an antihack?

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  On 12/19/2015 at 1:53 PM, skigoggles said:

Recently had some players say that MedBoxes are disappearing when they get near to them. Has anyone heard about this? Could this be related to the Bohemai A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015?? : https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186695-a2a2oa-patch-18122015/


I can confirm this. Happened to me three times since the update.

Edited by RomanZ

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Has anyone else noticed excessive weapon/head sway when using binoculars or when zoomed in with a scope? It seems to have come with the latest Arma 2 patch and I find it utterly annoying. My dude can't seem to be able to hold still for more than a few seconds...

Edited by RomanZ

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  On 12/19/2015 at 2:37 PM, RomanZ said:

I can confirm this. Happened to me three times since the update.


We know about this one thanks.

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Can anyone remind me what tents and stashes do by default after death?

They disappear after X amount of hours, don't they? Or is it X amount of server restarts?

In the server config, can that time be extended?


If a server keeps the default behaviour, can anyone explain a way to keep some

persistent gear, so you don't have to start completely from scratch every time you die?

Otherwise, what's the point in collecting any more gear than what you can carry?



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If the server you play on run vanilla dayz mod, tents and stashes stay as long as they contain something. However to be able to upgrade a tent or a stash you cant do it after you have died. Its only the char that built the stash or pitched the tent that can upgrade them.


Hope this helps.

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i am having some issues installing the server.


i used to run a dayz server and a epoch server a few years back so i thought i new how to install one. i even edited the hivext.dll for currency for epoch. so not particularly a newbie. but i am have issues with getting the server to run. (maybe i am a little rusty!)


i have installed all the files copied arma2 into the arma2oa folder etc. the server seams to start, but the hive info does'nt seam to stream in the console. when i connect i get kicked with a player has no id error. the database actually looks a lot different to what i used to see, before it was 1 file (query) to run on the sql server but now there are many. do they need to be run in any particular order? does anything need to be configured within the database files themselves? it seams like the hivext.dll is not running?



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All of the SQL files just need to be run.


Is there anything in the RPT file or console that shows the ID? In my case the ID was NULL or ERROR or a number that I knew was not a STEADMID(I think they start with 76....).  It started after the recent arma2oa.exe patch release. The solution was to run arma2 and possibly steam on the client as ADMIN.  There was a recent post on reddit which discussed this too.

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Quick status no info on a release date, No word from our release source yet. Soon as we know something so will you.


Base building, due to a good amount of issues still around we are going to pull the ability to build new bases from stable until we can get some more testing in and remove a few more of the exploits and issues. 
Achievements will also be removed from stable so we can work on new achievement goals and bring in a new UI for players to see what achievements they have.


Soon as we get more info on a release ill update.

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I've noticed an unexpected behavior with self blood transfusions, which I believe is a bug. If you have in your main inventory a transfusion kit, a bag with whole blood you previously filled, and a regular blood bag (say, O-), and then select "Use Blood Bag" on the whole blood bag, the regular blood bag is used instead, restoring much less than 4k blood. You're left with the whole blood bag in your inventory.


If, on the other hand, you have only a regular blood bag and a transfusion kit (no whole blood bag), there is no option to give yourself a transfusion (which I believe is the intended behavior).

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Ok quick update. It seems Eugen is out of work due to illness hence the delay in release. Hicks is currently going over the patch notes and trying to work something out for a release day.

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Ok release day.


I have a small build issue on my side but wont have time now till the weekend to fix. I'll have the files pushed to David(bis dev) by the weekend ready for Monday release.



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