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EDIT: my bad I misread your reply, thought you said you were keeping it here instead of GitHub so I had it backwards.  I see you already answered this in your GitHub comment.



Okay.  I posted on github as well because I wasn't sure if it was a bug or working as intended.  Can you expand on how vehicle damage needed more randomness?  I'm 100% onboard with randomizing spawn location and frequency, but to me vehicle damage used to be perfectly fine.  If anything, it was already too easy as you didn't really need engine, scrap, or fuel parts to get it running (understandable as the game limits you to how much damage parts can have before the vehicle blows up).  All you needed was four wheels.  It's gone from that to not needing anything to get a vehicle driving.  We have yet to find a vehicle that needed anything to be bolted on to become mobile.  With the settings currently on US434 the game feels more like one of the vehicle heavy derivative mods rather than regular mod on vanilla settings.

Edited by Bullet_Catcher

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"[New] - Able to sharpen knifes now."


How do we do this?  I have tried many variations of tools/rocks/gear and had no Right-Click option appear.

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  On 7/1/2015 at 4:31 PM, Skint said:

"[New] - Able to sharpen knifes now."


How do we do this?  I have tried many variations of tools/rocks/gear and had no Right-Click option appear.


You can use a brick to sharpen your hunting knife.

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Back in may I posted an issue on the GitHub about how glitchy the zombies were acting in 1.8.5 (they run past you, can't target you properly, and miss you with most of their hit attempts which renders them almost harmless while simultaneously making them really hard to hit with a melee weapon).  They're still acting the same way in  I forget, was anything posted on what is causing this or whether or not it will persist in the next update?  It's a bit of a bummer because there was a large influx of SA players that came over to the mod during the Steam sale and they got an inaccurate picture of how the zombies in the mod behave because of their current state.



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You answered your own question on github the animations got moved back to the smooth transition but none of the attack system was updated to match this change. Im afraid zeds will never be perfect we will always have bugs the more we try to tame the beast of ai the more issues we run into from both the community and game. Agents the main source we use for zeds just does not have the control needed to be useful with a melee type character as they still have animal behavior. 


I'll try and settle it out a little more but the mix of local/remote and the lack of control is the big problem we are having.


We still class the mod as an alpha for a very good reason.

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  On 6/27/2015 at 4:56 AM, cikez said:


Is anyone else having issues with gear disappearing after a server restart? I am having players telling me stuff is disappearing out of there backpacks and even the backpacks are disappearing.


I am also still having this issue and cannot figure out why. I included the line before it.. It looks like it might be an error it something the DZMS AI are spawning but I went into their weapon config and changed the weapons to the latest classnames.

23:55:31 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMinor) 2 AI Spawned, 2 units in mission.23:55:32 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.'.23:55:32 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.23:55:32 Warning Message: '/' is not a value23:55:32 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon  with scope=private23:55:32 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.23:55:32 Warning Message: '/' is not a value23:55:32 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.23:55:32 Warning Message: '/' is not a value23:55:32 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.23:55:32 Warning Message: '/' is not a value23:55:32 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.23:55:32 Warning Message: '/' is not a value23:55:32 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.23:55:32 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.23:55:32 Warning Message: '/' is not a value23:55:32 Warning Message: No entry '.model'.23:55:32 Warning Message: '/' is not a value23:55:32 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'.23:55:32 Warning Message: '/' is not a value23:55:32 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'.23:55:32 Warning Message: '/' is not a value23:55:32 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'.23:55:32 Warning Message: '/' is not a value23:55:32 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'.23:55:32 Warning Message: '/' is not a value23:55:32 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'.23:55:32 Warning Message: '/' is not a value23:55:32 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'.23:55:32 Warning Message: '/' is not a value23:55:32 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'.23:55:32 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array23:55:32 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'.23:55:32 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array23:55:32 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'.23:55:32 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

Did you run Database-Classname-Update-1.8.6.sql ?  Incorrect weapons names will cause them to disappear or maybe even get kicked by battleye.


Also, I have DZMS running with and all I needed to change was the names of the weapons.  I can't tell from your errors, but I suspect a typo or a weapon/item/magazine in an array incorrectly (should be weapon, is an Item). Something like that.

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Yes I have ran the SQL file to update the weapon class names. I also noticed there are still some weapon classnames that are not in the SQL file to update. This could be the issue but I dont know if those weapons just need to be completely removed or if they have updated class names.

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  On 7/3/2015 at 6:56 PM, R4Z0R49 said:

You answered your own question on github the animations got moved back to the smooth transition but none of the attack system was updated to match this change. Im afraid zeds will never be perfect we will always have bugs the more we try to tame the beast of ai the more issues we run into from both the community and game. Agents the main source we use for zeds just does not have the control needed to be useful with a melee type character as they still have animal behavior. 


I'll try and settle it out a little more but the mix of local/remote and the lack of control is the big problem we are having.


We still class the mod as an alpha for a very good reason.


Cool, thanks for the answer.  I can appreciate the difficulties you guys encounter working with the limitations you have.  If you want to try some specific things out, PM me, myself and a couple of my buddies would be more than willing to jump into a test server and slaughter some zombies to give you feedback on it.

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  On 7/4/2015 at 8:10 PM, Bullet_Catcher said:

Cool, thanks for the answer.  I can appreciate the difficulties you guys encounter working with the limitations you have.  If you want to try some specific things out, PM me, myself and a couple of my buddies would be more than willing to jump into a test server and slaughter some zombies to give you feedback on it.


Thanks for now its more about time i really don't have any with work.

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  On 7/3/2015 at 10:01 PM, cikez said:

Yes I have ran the SQL file to update the weapon class names. I also noticed there are still some weapon classnames that are not in the SQL file to update. This could be the issue but I dont know if those weapons just need to be completely removed or if they have updated class names.


You have to edit the DZMS config files to update their hardcoded weapons names.  


DZMS\ExtConfig\DZMSAIConfig.sqf - you need to update the DZMSWeps0, 1, 2, 3 arrays.  DZMSWeaponCrateList.sqf - need to update all arrays (not 100% sure if vanilla uses this)


What classnames are not still around and are not getting updated?

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  On 7/6/2015 at 2:49 AM, skigoggles said:

You have to edit the DZMS config files to update their hardcoded weapons names.  


DZMS\ExtConfig\DZMSAIConfig.sqf - you need to update the DZMSWeps0, 1, 2, 3 arrays.  DZMSWeaponCrateList.sqf - need to update all arrays (not 100% sure if vanilla uses this)


What classnames are not still around and are not getting updated?


Yes sir. I did update the DZMS config to include the new weapon class names but it still seems like I am getting "out of date" class names in my database. I do not know if these were ones that were in there before that just do not get updated from the new SQL file or if there is a piece of code that is "spawning" them that I am not aware of.

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  On 7/6/2015 at 9:14 AM, cikez said:

Yes sir. I did update the DZMS config to include the new weapon class names but it still seems like I am getting "out of date" class names in my database. I do not know if these were ones that were in there before that just do not get updated from the new SQL file or if there is a piece of code that is "spawning" them that I am not aware of.

 If you want to post DZMSAIConfig.sqf & DZMSWeaponCrateList.sqf I'll take a look. 

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  On 7/6/2015 at 10:16 PM, cikez said:


For Weapons I see in DZMSWeaonCrate.sqf - need to use "Mk48_DZ" (you have an extra _). So need the following


// Light Machineguns
DZMSmgList = ["M240_DZ","M249_DZ","Mk48_DZ","MP5_DZ","MP5_SD_DZ"];



For Items you see to have a bunch of Epoch things like "ItemGenerator, MortarBucket", etc.

DZMSConSupply = ["CinderBlocks","MortarBucket","ItemTankTrap","ItemPole","PartGeneric","PartPlywoodPack","PartPlankPack","ItemTentOld","ItemTentDomed","ItemTentDomed2","ItemSandbag","ItemWire","workbench_kit","ItemGenerator"];



My changes I made for vanilla Is Epoch based on  and needs these new names?  The reverse issue could be true that either you need all of the new names or none. Make sense?


I know for sure that when I forgot to fix one weapon class name, that's the error I got.

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Ok thanks. Lets try that. I changed what you suggested. Thanks again!

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Why are we discussing 3rd party scripts in this thread about the Vanilla release...? Just asking.

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New question - for the battleye filters in do I just do a full replace?


Looking at the addweaponcargo filter which is much smaller than before. I don't fully understand the syntax but it looks like a whitelist/include now as opposed to blakclist/exclude.

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  On 7/12/2015 at 1:30 PM, R4Z0R49 said:

We are in the middle of testing a new launcher should make it easier for players to find vanilla only servers.


http://www.dayzmodLauncher.com (alpha version).


Nice! I'll create a download section on my website with a download link if that's okay with you? :)

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  On 7/9/2015 at 2:29 PM, skigoggles said:

New question - for the battleye filters in do I just do a full replace?


Looking at the addweaponcargo filter which is much smaller than before. I don't fully understand the syntax but it looks like a whitelist/include now as opposed to blakclist/exclude.

Yeah let the new ones overwrite the old ones!



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Bit of an update we are in the middle of updating the AI move and attack systems. Hopefully it will be included in the next dev build.

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