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DayZ Mod

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The ideal place to post bugs is:


Please make sure they are listed to the DayZ project. Feature requests can also be made through this system.

Full Download:

Client Files: http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/
Server Files: http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/

Mission File: http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/1.8.6/dayz_1337.chernarus.pbo

DB SQL: http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/1.8.6/SQL%201.8.6.rar

DB Update: http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/1.8.6/Database-Update-1.8.6.sql (Only required for existing databases. See Notes)


* [Prerequisites] - Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 x86 Redistributable (LINK)

* [Prerequisites] - Battleye Filters must be updated manually by server admins. (Link)

* [Prerequisites] - Updated to the newest beta using Steam.



* [server-Admins] - You must download and run this SQL query to change old item classnames to new ones. Before use back up your database. For each server instance change the @instance variable at the top of the query and execute. Run once per instance you use. (LINK)

* [server-Admins] - New Database update please run once. Only required for existing databases. (LINK)

* [server-Admins] - Experimental Vehicle Spawn System has now been merged into the normal SQL update
Please Note inventory is still being updated on all vehicles admins can feel free to create random loot items while they wait for one from us.


Changes V1.8.6.1:

[Fixed] - Players joining the wrong group during login. (Would cause group icons to show up)


Changes V1.8.6:

[New] - Attachments can now be removed.

[New] - Added new permanent fireplace system for base's.

[New] - Added models for GPS as well as AK-47, SA-58, G17 and Bizon magazines.

[New] - Added working nutrition values to melee fire system.

[New] - Added new An2 Variant

[New] - Added New UH1H_DZ Variant.

[New] - Vehicles now have a respawn delay after being destroyed.

[New] - Gates ca now be dismantled by its owner.

[New] - Combination lock added to replace the current lock.

[New] - Herbal Drink Recipe (chance to clear infection).

[New] - Antibiotics have updated to be a multiple use system.

[New] - Random spawn system for Antibiotics and matchbox's

[New] - Added GP-25 HE, smoke, flares to loot spawns

[New] - Added 30rnd AK74 SD mag to loot spawns

[New] - Able to sharpen knifes now.


[updated] - Weapons on the back of players now go into the players body on death.

[updated] - Food consumption rate has been slowed down to give a better balance.

[updated] - Weapon & Attachment overhaul.

[updated] - Logs and Planks can now be used as fuel in fires.

[updated] - AntiWall hack has been fixed.

[updated] - Viral zeds now have a chance to hold a box of antibiotics holding 1 tablet.

[updated] - Hospital loot has been updated replacing the old antibiotics with a box of 6.

[updated] - InfectedCamps has been updated replacing the old antibiotics with a box of 2.

[updated] - Lowered fog intensity.

[updated] - M1014 can now use 2 round MR43 magazines.

[updated] - MP5, PDW, L85 and M16 can now only use their respective magazines (STANAG for L85).

[updated] - M249 can now only use M249 belts and STANAG magazines.
[updated] - Cleaned up binocular view. http://i.imgur.com/Q98t5Nd.png


[Fixed] - During upgrade of a tent the placed should no longer move during the upgrade process.

[Fixed] - Re-added level 7 ghost model for fences.

[Fixed] - Achievements system updated everything should now sync correctly.

[Fixed] - Removed annoying benches from barracks. (again)

[Fixed] - Experimental spawn system for vehicles. 

[Fixed] - Tent models.

[Fixed] - Dragging while unconscious is now working again.

[Fixed] - Humanity bug.

[Fixed] - Splints running wrong file.

[Fixed] - Ammo duping/Refilling on skin change

[Fixed] - Added missing melee weapons to zed damage system ("Fishing","BatNailed")

[Fixed] - Changed FN FAL full auto back to burst after it was changed by new Arma2OA beta.

[Fixed] - Server child 306 damage updates will no longer be called for each vehicle for the first 10 seconds of the vehicles life.


[Removed] - Legacy attachments have now been removed from loot tables.

[Removed] - SledgeHammer from mineStone system

[Removed] - Removed SA58P from loot spawns

[Removed] - Burst mode from SA58.



Want to contribute? Or have we missed your name?
Please contact R4Z0R49 on http://dayzmod.com/forums/


Quick Install Info:


  • Download Full Client Files.
  • Navigate to your arma 2 operation arrowhead directory
  • Extract the @Client- into your arma 2 operation arrowhead directory.
  • To start DayZ use a command line string like the below

ARMA2OA.exe -mod=@Dayz; -noFilePatching -skipIntro -nosplash -noPause -world=Chernarus

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Yesterday's Update

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Wikia Update: With most information being true, it's not entirely up to date. But with your help, we could provide information much faster  :) Only up to makes you instantly think how long back that was! That was almost 2 years ago. Surprises me as much as it does to everyone else but rest assured, it'll be up to date but with some time. Along the lines, I have plans on reaching out to those who post wonderful videos(mainly series) about vanilla DayZ Mod only. This way, it'll expand the community circle to a more broader one for newcomers seeking information on the mod, especially those coming from Standalone and seeking a classic experience with the mod.
I'll be going over the goals I plan on doing to make it enjoyable and informative and progress will gradually be checked off upon completion.
If you have experience with formatting and editting and you wish to do your part for the DayZ Mod community, message me and I'll fill you in.
I will provide in-depth information on overall items, features and other survival mechanics that are present in DayZ Mod. Most legacy information will be in use as a reference and may be scrapped due to big differences in the current mod.

  • Updating information progress: In-Progress
  • Community Fan Services(Appropriate Media only; Photos and videos): In-Progress
  • (If you'd like to see anything else, fill me in and let me know)




Want to give a quick update on the wiki. You may see the work that's done on here: http://dayz.wikia.com/wiki/DayZ_Wiki
Progress is now steady and with changes/goals including..

  • Polls changing by approximately every 2 weeks. Last change to poll was around when Standalone was released.
  • Community featured videos, first one being from Karlus Bojangles! Congratulations! (You may watch featured video in this post)
  • Additional updated information.
  • Reaching out to the DayZ Community more.
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Edited by TIC321
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Tons of people are being kicked for addweaponcargo restriction #0

Edited by iConnorN

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Great stuff! I especially like the weapon attachment system.

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  On 6/4/2015 at 8:26 PM, iConnorN said:

Tons of people are being kicked for addmagazinecargo restriction #0



Dev Team is not responsible of BattlEye Filters. Server Admins are. If you need help and he happens to be around, PM facoptere

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And this is the thread where servers admins are most likely to see it.

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  On 6/4/2015 at 9:31 PM, iConnorN said:

And this is the thread where servers admins are most likely to see it.


Actually alot of the server admins from the bigger servers are part of the dayz slack group they help with testing and feedback as well as the filters. I be leave the bigger servers have already fixed most of the filter issues once they have it 100% they will push to github for everyone else to use.


Pretty much anyone can join they just need to request access.


filters updated https://github.com/DayZMod/Battleye-Filters

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when dismantling the gates, I have noticed there is no return of component parts. Is this meant to be?

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FYI for server owners the battleye filters have been updated again.  This latest update removes the annoying addweaponcargo and addmagazinecargo kicks from empty string i.e. #0 "" 0:0

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I need to help for spawn vehicles in my server after install the version


I not solved the problem, can you help me?

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Quick fix released to server admins on slack to fix the skin change with loss of backpack. Waiting for info about hotfix release.

Official server updated.

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  On 6/6/2015 at 5:30 PM, R4Z0R49 said:

Quick fix released to server admins on slack to fix the skin change with loss of backpack. Waiting for info about hotfix release.

Official server updated.

how the new method of spawning vehicles, on my server are not spawning, before used this line in startServer.bat. \ MySQL \ bin \ mysql.exe --user --password = = dayz dayz host = 127.0. 0.1 --port = 3306 = --database HiveMind --execute = "call pMain (1)", now do not know how it works. :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:

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You will need to update your db with the extra tables needed to run vehicles. its all included in the sql files

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  On 6/6/2015 at 5:30 PM, R4Z0R49 said:

Quick fix released to server admins on slack to fix the skin change with loss of backpack. Waiting for info about hotfix release.

Official server updated.


where can i find this hotfix?

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  On 6/4/2015 at 8:26 PM, iConnorN said:

Tons of people are being kicked for addweaponcargo restriction #0

You havent updated your filters




Read the rest of the thread and assume you know this. :P

Edited by B@ker

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Great patch, me and my handful of regulars are enjoying it a lot.

Edited by Kerbo

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Fantastic patch Razor and company!  Really digging the weapon attachments.  Also the mixture of harsh weather with more abundance of antibiotics seems to work pretty well, though it does seem a bit too easy to find them.  The new binocs are great too.  Keep it up!

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  On 6/5/2015 at 4:12 AM, R4Z0R49 said:

Actually alot of the server admins from the bigger servers are part of the dayz slack group they help with testing and feedback as well as the filters. I be leave the bigger servers have already fixed most of the filter issues once they have it 100% they will push to github for everyone else to use.


Pretty much anyone can join they just need to request access.


filters updated https://github.com/DayZMod/Battleye-Filters


Can I please be included in the Slack group, I am hosting vanilla and would like to contribute and identify bugs early! thank you!

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  On 6/8/2015 at 7:23 PM, UK431Soul said:

where can i find this hotfix?


You have to jump on slack or wait until we can push a release.


  On 6/8/2015 at 10:51 PM, DayzHolic said:

Can I please be included in the Slack group, I am hosting vanilla and would like to contribute and identify bugs early! thank you!


Send me your email and real name in a pm.

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I used the provided SQL file to update "most" of the classnames to the new ones. Is there a way to mass remove classnames that are not in that SQL file? I am receiving this error:

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.'.Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.Warning Message: '/' is not a valueWarning Message: Error: creating weapon  with scope=privateWarning Message: No entry '.displayName'.Warning Message: '/' is not a valueWarning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.Warning Message: '/' is not a valueWarning Message: No entry '.type'.Warning Message: '/' is not a valueWarning Message: No entry '.picture'.Warning Message: '/' is not a valueWarning Message: No entry '.Library'.Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.Warning Message: '/' is not a valueWarning Message: No entry '.model'.Warning Message: '/' is not a valueWarning Message: No entry '.simulation'.Warning Message: '/' is not a valueWarning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'.Warning Message: '/' is not a valueWarning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'.Warning Message: '/' is not a valueWarning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'.Warning Message: '/' is not a valueWarning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'.Warning Message: '/' is not a valueWarning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'.Warning Message: '/' is not a valueWarning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'.Warning Message: Size: '/' not an arrayWarning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'.Warning Message: Size: '/' not an arrayWarning Message: No entry '.muzzles'.Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

It also seems when this happens players get stuck at the "Loading and initializing DayZ Mod"


Any ideas?



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Looks like a missing weapon in the config list is this during a player connecting or is it from the vehicles loading.

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It seems to only be when a player is connecting but it does not do it after a restart. It seems to start doing this about and hour or 2 after a server has restarted.


Once it starts doing this players have issues connecting and it starts popping up "Loading and initializing DayZ Mod".




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did you run the sql update?


Sorry for the delay long hours at work 

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