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About DayzHolic

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  1. DayzHolic

    AGGRO GAMES Vanilla DayZ Mod

    added : Team Speak: ts.aggrocity.com
  2. DayzHolic

    AGGRO GAMES Vanilla DayZ Mod

    Banner added with link to our web-site.. Although I dont understand why GameTracker thinks my server is in Finland..
  3. DayzHolic

    AGGRO GAMES Vanilla DayZ Mod

    Come and join the party we are running latest update
  4. DayzHolic

    AGGRO GAMES Vanilla DayZ Mod

    Thanks vinyljunkie, the mod is better than ever! credit to the dev team! I think epoch is going the wrong direction.. more base and crafting will make vanilla even better! I will be making some youtube tutorial about base building on vanilla soon, hopefully brings more players back to the mod! Also wondering if you guys can add me to slack group I would like to contribute and identify bugs early!
  5. DayzHolic

    DayZ Mod

    Can I please be included in the Slack group, I am hosting vanilla and would like to contribute and identify bugs early! thank you!
  6. DayzHolic


    Got it thanks it works fine now, instance ID is 1337 by default!
  7. DayzHolic


    I left it as 1, what should it be?
  8. DayzHolic

    AGGRO GAMES Vanilla DayZ Mod

    Come and join the fun, Day one join the fun!
  9. VANILLA DAYZ MOD by AggroCity Go live tomorrow!!! Please make sure you join our server website for go live info, simply go to events tab and see Calendar for more info about Go live event.. Server WebSite: www.AggroGames.enjin.com or click here Server IP: Team Speak: ts.aggrocity.com Server Name: US/EU Vanilla Dayz Mod ( by AggroGames.enjin.com It's Veteran difficulty & 100% Vanilla DayZ Mod...
  10. DayzHolic


    Thanks all working fine, however the tool doesn't show vehicles or tents/stashes for some reason! players online can be seen on map tho!
  11. DayzHolic


    Thanks, I have xamp installed and I can start Apache, I have configured all the settings I just don't know where in xamp to put the folder and how to start it up? would appreciate if you can explain a little more on how I can get it running with Xamp..
  12. DayzHolic


    https://github.com/R4Z0R49/DayZAdmin can anyone provide quick guide on how we can run this from local computer connecting to remote host? if this is supported for please help we are trying hard to get the tools to monitor our server , the only thing we need is good anti-hack and admin tool! i prefer it to be not in-game one...
  13. DayzHolic

    Map possibilities?

    This would be awesome addition, maybe upgrade to current areas (new military bases) Chernarus is very much over played, so adding more buildings and opening more up would be great addition!