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Notice: All those who get stuck at loading

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A data issue was affecting around 1500 users preventing them from loading into the game. This has now been corrected.

Those 1500 users would be unable to connect at all. We're very sorry about this, but please to say it has now been fixed and they should be able to connect.

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Also if someone could confirm it is actually working ACTUAL. that would be great :P

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i'll be able to confirm this in half an hour when i'll be back to home. Yesterday, i tryed to join servers from 1:00 PM (french hour) to 11:00 PM and couldn't play at all

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gets past loading but stuck on Waiting for server response on every server. It sometimes done the "waiting for server response" before you made the fix

ok i managed to load on a US server, will try some more

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1st tentative to join a server : IT WORK !!! woooooot if fuck*** work !!!!

yesterday tentatives to join a server: about 1K not a single worked!!


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Not affected, but i'll chime in to say great work rocket, and whoever else is working on the code and backend.

You are one of the best devteams I've ever seen, hat off :)

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Anyone stuck at waiting for loading, please email your RPT files to dayzdevteam@gmail.com with "Waiting for host bug" in the subject line urgently.

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Waiting for server response is a different issue (server load being too high). Waiting for loading was about character data being messed up or something...

Thanks for fixing this, I was able to get in now.

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errrmmmm where do i find this RPT files? i tried looking in both arma 2 and arma 2 OA can't find it.. little help pls? i can't get on either stuck at waiting for server response. Also if i wait long enuff i get on as a bired ???? wired

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Also waiting for server response... and i have the lowest ping on the server...

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Hmm, so has the "waiting for server response" issue been resolved?

I don't mind waiting, but I'm not really sure what is going on since I just bought arma for this mod (as many others) and havn't been able to play yet.

People were talking about waiting, does that mean that the "Waiting for server response" is like a wait room before you spawn but it didn't take that long before patch 1.5.7?

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From what I understand, 'waiting for server response' is NOT waiting for the server that you are connecting to to respond. So if you choose let's say 'Virginia 6', and get that message, it's NOT V6 that's the problem.

The problem is that there is a central server. You know how no matter where you connect, you have the gear and location that you had on other servers? Yeah, that has to be co-ordinated somewhere. There is a central server that keeps that information. It needs to get that information to 'Virginia 6' before you can start playing. Because of the explosive popularity of this mod in the last few weeks, that server gets hammered at certain times of day. It's unfortunate, but at present, I'd guess there's no way round it.

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The problem still seems to be there, tested on FR1, FR2, FR3 and OHIO 1. :(

EDIT: I'm getting the 'waiting for server response' message, which I guess isn't what's being talked about in this topic...

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Generally, I find that if a server is giving me "waiting for server response" there is no use trying to wait. Only one time out of the many that I did choose to wait did I get into the server, able to play. Just hop on another server, if that one gives you the same, do it again. You should eventually get in one that will allow you to connect.

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Every time I find myself on the "waiting for server response" I always get in eventually, sometimes it's 5 minutes, sometimes it's 15 - rarely longer. Have a little patience, simply waiting for longer than you may be used to will likely get you in.

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