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Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

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For a 1pp server try SNG 2 or AUS/NZ 2, those severs haven't been picked clean yet.  On SNG 2, just north of electro is a small dock, I just saw a burlap sack there, across the street is one the guard houses I was talking about, there was a set of attachable pouches.  I am logging out to hit the hey, the sun has just come up on the server and time for me to hunker down until sunset.

Thanks for the tip, I play mostly on 3p servers though. Tried a 1p server on Experimental not long ago though, but there weren't any zombies. How is spotting zombies and players in 1p? My guess it's harder than in 3p because you have less FOV.


Welp, just died to two players chasing me out of Pushtoshka, no words just shots :( . The chase lasted about 10 minutes, maybe more. Had my heart beating the whole time and it was awesome, even landed a shot with the winchester on one of them. And the conclusion I got from that death is that the current iteration of CLE might kill off private servers until it's a bit more smooth. Put probably 6+ hours into this character, had pretty much everything that I could want by searching almost every house all the way from Berezino to Pushtoshka by going all the way to the northern towns then west. I wouldn't have been nearly as geared if I didn't have a whole lot of luck. And I wouldn't have found jack if it I didn't start playing a day after the persistence wipe. Imagine 3-6 days after one?

All in all I just don't think I can bare doing it all over again. I think that this iteration of CLE will drive players onto public even more than what it's like on stable. I just can't bring myself to pick berries and find nothing for an hour+. Oddly, I'm glad that this game is taking this direction with hardcore survival but, I feel like it needs to be toned down just a bit or made a little less monotonous by making scavenging for food a little more interesting.

Change of topic, anyone tried fishing with a fishing pole this patch? I tried it out but got bored after 5 minutes of spamming F. Anyone know how long it will take?

Also, PSA! spray painting a gun with a mag in it may delete the magazine.

Had this aswell with last wipe. I spawned at Berezino and went looking for some animals. When I checked one house I found loot so thought what the heck.

Was checking a house and found a nice Autumn Hunter Jacket but couldn't pick it up. While I was struggling with it I suddenly heard BAM and saw the text "You are dead". No "hello", no "put your hands up!", no "are you friendly?". Just banditry, the bastard. And I wasn't even carrying, just had a farming hoe on my back.

Though you'd expect that at Berezino. I always played at low populated server with 5 people on it including me and the person I played with. Went to military base near Vybor and found AK-heaven. So I thought lets go to a high populated server and pick some bandits out.

Went to Berezino and it was literally a warzone out there. AK shots, M4A1 shots and some other gunshots constantly. Guess Berezino is a very unfriendly place.


Sorry you died, too bad you didn't drop 'em, but that's DayZ.

Anyways, I agree that food scavenging could use some razzle dazzle so to speak.

Can confirm that Fishing is in and working well.

On the fishing, I find that if "there is no movement" for about 30 seconds of f spam, I just move around and re-cast, seems to work well, not sure but I think it resets every time you reposition and re-cast.

Hope that helps, don't give up!

Yeah, I love the fishing. I'm a bit disappointed that you can't get worms without a tool though. But I loved the way I was living like hobo in the woods fishing and cooking them with my stick.

I even wish that there even would be less food and more things to make your own food and stuff. Everyone who is complaining about starving obviously sucks at the game.

If you follow this simple formula you will never have to starve again: spawn -> make stone knife -> get your energy and water to 4000 by eating berries and/or apples -> search some towns for a rope and a tool to dig worms with -> find either a metal wire or a fishing hook (else get the fishing hook from the rabbit bones by cutting them with the knife) -> go to an ashwood tree cut a stick off with the stone knife -> craft the fishing pole and equip it -> find some worms -> fish -> go to an oak tree and cut off bark twice -> create hand drill -> create fireplace with sticks and bark -> light fire -> cook fish with stick over the fire -> profit & enjoy

At this way you will never ever die.

Edited by IMT
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How I fish:


I cast, then I just chill for a bit. It takes a random amount of time before there is "some movement" and I don't think doing anything with F actually speeds it up. So I'll hit F pretty sparingly and take in my environment. Just taking a moment to look at the pond and the sky, it's usually pretty rewarding. Once I see some movement, I check again pretty regularly. I only start hitting F more frequently once something is "investigating the bait", usually I only hit it 3 times before there is a bite though.

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How I fish:


I cast, then I just chill for a bit. It takes a random amount of time before there is "some movement" and I don't think doing anything with F actually speeds it up. So I'll hit F pretty sparingly and take in my environment. Just taking a moment to look at the pond and the sky, it's usually pretty rewarding. Once I see some movement, I check again pretty regularly. I only start hitting F more frequently once something is "investigating the bait", usually I only hit it 3 times before there is a bite though.


Oh right on, what do you think is the average time it takes per cast to get a bite?


Sorry you died, too bad you didn't drop 'em, but that's DayZ.


Anyways, I agree that food scavenging could use some razzle dazzle so to speak.


Can confirm that Fishing is in and working well.


On the fishing, I find that if "there is no movement" for about 30 seconds of f spam, I just move around and re-cast, seems to work well, not sure but I think it resets every time you reposition and re-cast.


Hope that helps, don't give up!


Yeah I know and that's part of the reason I love this game. That post was immediately after my death (still had some tachycardia and shakes while writing it lol) so I was pretty frustrated. But I still stand by my points. Maybe if we could craft wooden hooks? Break off ashwood branches from the bush variants with our hands? Use vines or isolated threads from shirts/jackets to use as a fishing line? Use netting for fishing? Maybe some easier ways to hunt (spears comes to mind) if they can get enough wildlife in the game for it to be viable. I would much prefer berries and apples to be supplementary to hunting and fishing, rather than a staple until at least an hour into a characters life (Unless you start playing within a few hours of a pers. wipe).


Edit. The problem with bone hooks and guts (in place of rope) is that it means we have already found food. I mean hell just look at the total amount of things needed for fishing, a shovel for worms, an axe for an ashwood stick, a fishing hook or bones to make one (further requiring a knife), and rope or guts (which would also require a knife). By the time I have found all of these things I'm already geared, green, and have plenty of food. It's just not accessible to the players who actually need to use these methods.


TLDR Hunting, fishing and gathering need to be simplified and made more accessible early on

Edited by Bandikoot

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anyone know where to get a SKS? been searching BMP's and stuff and found one in a hangar but i lost it...had a pristine PU scope to.

and are the heli crashes just broke? no loot or anything because i cant find any loot at them.

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Edit. The problem with bone hooks and guts (in place of rope) is that it means we have already found food. I mean hell just look at the total amount of things needed for fishing, a shovel for worms, an axe for an ashwood stick, a fishing hook or bones to make one (further requiring a knife), and rope or guts (which would also require a knife). By the time I have found all of these things I'm already geared, green, and have plenty of food. It's just not accessible to the players who actually need to use these methods.


TLDR Hunting, fishing and gathering need to be simplified and made more accessible early on


You made some mistakes here which are probably confounding you. :)


You don't need an axe for an ashwood stick! You only need a knife in your hands and you'll have the option to cut off an ashwood branch. Worried about the knife? Never fear! Just search in rocks for a rock with which you can make an improvised knife!


The only "finished" good (not improvised) you need to start fishing is indeed a shovel or hoe (arguably possibly an ice pick or mining pick as you can use these to dig gardens and digging gardens gives a chance at a worm). What I do is whenever I find a shovel or hoe, I use it to resupply myself to 10 worms and then leave it behind, I don't typically carry one around. You need some sort of cordage for the rod, it's true but as you say you don't actually need rope for that. If you just find a metal wire you can make a snare and a rabbit will give you the guts necessary to make the rod. There's also the option for using human guts (do humans drop guts? I guess they do but never actually tried it). Or even some slower moving farm animals like sheep you might be able to kill without a ranged weapon. I've taken down a cow with a mining pick before, so that can be done...


The point being, if you get a little creative, you'll be fine and the expansion of improv tools in recent builds has only made this process easier. I hope some of this helps. :) Fishing is usually my main source of energy early in the life of a character and recently I've been trying to do a lot of practice with the bow, the more you get used to using and developing these, the better you'll be at it.

Edited by Ebrim

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Oh right on, what do you think is the average time it takes per cast to get a bite?



Yeah I know and that's part of the reason I love this game. That post was immediately after my death (still had some tachycardia and shakes while writing it lol) so I was pretty frustrated. But I still stand by my points. Maybe if we could craft wooden hooks? Break off ashwood branches from the bush variants with our hands? Use vines or isolated threads from shirts/jackets to use as a fishing line? Use netting for fishing? Maybe some easier ways to hunt (spears comes to mind) if they can get enough wildlife in the game for it to be viable. I would much prefer berries and apples to be supplementary to hunting and fishing, rather than a staple until at least an hour into a characters life (Unless you start playing within a few hours of a pers. wipe).


Edit. The problem with bone hooks and guts (in place of rope) is that it means we have already found food. I mean hell just look at the total amount of things needed for fishing, a shovel for worms, an axe for an ashwood stick, a fishing hook or bones to make one (further requiring a knife), and rope or guts (which would also require a knife). By the time I have found all of these things I'm already geared, green, and have plenty of food. It's just not accessible to the players who actually need to use these methods.


TLDR Hunting, fishing and gathering need to be simplified and made more accessible early on


I agree with a lot of your thoughts, like the spears for hunting, netting to fish, good ideas.


Side note: you can get a ashwood stick with just a improvised stone knife, no need for the axes unless you need logs.

But yeah I have found that a shovel, hoe, or pickaxe is a necessity. I would like to see a way to dig that was off a crafted tool. maybe a stick combined with some cans or such?


I keep feeling that they should allow the metal wire to be fashioned into either the snare, or into a fish hook, I mean, it just makes sense to me that you could do so rather easily in a real situation, and would take almost no effort to implement in game.


Another thing I think is really needed is improvised shelters, and shelter concealment, which I think both could be implemented fairly easy.


Good stuff.



Like what Ebrim mentioned about snares, as I use snares a lot.


Though I would suggest stashing or carrying a hoe / shovel/ etc,  at least until camp site if you want utility for gardening. I think gardening is going to be a big part of survival, as is hunting / trapping.


Another edit to add: Also I think food spoilage is going to be a thing in the not so distant future, and I think that we may see meat smoking, and dehydration / drying techniques for the meats and greens. Hoping so at least.

Edited by =WIDOWMAKER=

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Another thing I think is really needed is improvised shelters, and shelter concealment, which I think both could be implemented fairly easy.



Like what Ebrim mentioned about snares, as I use snares a lot.


Though I would suggest stashing or carrying a hoe / shovel/ etc,  at least until camp site if you want utility for gardening. I think gardening is going to be a big part of survival, as is hunting / trapping.


Yes a million times to improvised shelters, I really really want this.


Snares are amazing, a rabbit early in the life of a newspawn changes everything. My character lives go like this: Struggle, struggle, struggle, foraging - catch rabbit - plenty, plenty, plenty, do whatever I please.


I used to garden a lot more than I do now, I'll still take it up from time to time and usually carry around some seeds just in case but don't find myself doing it so much once I get a fishing rod. Once we get potatoes back, I might change. :)

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But yeah I have found that a shovel, hoe, or pickaxe is a necessity. I would like to see a way to dig that was off a crafted tool. maybe a stick combined with some cans or such?




Another thing I think is really needed is improvised shelters, and shelter concealment, which I think both could be implemented fairly easy.



1 - Would love the ability to actually make tools. Shovel is easy - flatten a can and fasten a stick to it. You've got a makeshift shovel right there. Axes and pickaxes are a little more difficult, though you could probably sharpen a rock in a similar way to the stone knife then just lash it to a branch for the axe. Spear would be a stone knife and an ashwood stick.


2 - That's something that I've not really understood the delay on. Improvised shelters basically just need a crafting recipe and a model (which could be made up of a few sticks and a tarp or something laid over a frame made of sticks, then can be implemented in the exact same way as a tent. Hell, the most basic form could be two sticks dug in to the ground with a tarp laid over it.

Edited by Beizs

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anyone know where to get a SKS? been searching BMP's and stuff and found one in a hangar but i lost it...had a pristine PU scope to.

and are the heli crashes just broke? no loot or anything because i cant find any loot at them.

I see SKS's all the time at UAZs, or those little gate buildings that spawn military loot. Like the ones on the western exit of Pavlovo base. Now the real question is... Where do I find a hunting scope for my Winchester? Been looking all over.

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I see SKS's all the time at UAZs, or those little gate buildings that spawn military loot. Like the ones on the western exit of Pavlovo base. Now the real question is... Where do I find a hunting scope for my Winchester? Been looking all over.


they spawn in feeding sheds and a bit rarer in deer stands, so, fedding sheds are my favorit

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Yes a million times to improvised shelters, I really really want this.


Snares are amazing, a rabbit early in the life of a newspawn changes everything. My character lives go like this: Struggle, struggle, struggle, foraging - catch rabbit - plenty, plenty, plenty, do whatever I please.


I used to garden a lot more than I do now, I'll still take it up from time to time and usually carry around some seeds just in case but don't find myself doing it so much once I get a fishing rod. Once we get potatoes back, I might change. :)

 I've tried using the snare 3 times, every time a server crash would wipe it =[.


I see SKS's all the time at UAZs, or those little gate buildings that spawn military loot. Like the ones on the western exit of Pavlovo base. Now the real question is... Where do I find a hunting scope for my Winchester? Been looking all over.

 Found 3 of the hunting scope so far in .56, the only places I have seen them are not in the deer stands but in the smaller deer "huts" that have a ramp going into them. Although, they probably do spawn in the stands as well considering that I have seen literally every optic for the m4/mp5 and crossbow in them except the hunting scope but it was probably just looted. Make sure to look soon after a pers wipe and at the edges of the map. hope you find one!


You made some mistakes here which are probably confounding you. :)


You don't need an axe for an ashwood stick! You only need a knife in your hands and you'll have the option to cut off an ashwood branch. Worried about the knife? Never fear! Just search in rocks for a rock with which you can make an improvised knife!


The only "finished" good (not improvised) you need to start fishing is indeed a shovel or hoe (arguably possibly an ice pick or mining pick as you can use these to dig gardens and digging gardens gives a chance at a worm). What I do is whenever I find a shovel or hoe, I use it to resupply myself to 10 worms and then leave it behind, I don't typically carry one around. You need some sort of cordage for the rod, it's true but as you say you don't actually need rope for that. If you just find a metal wire you can make a snare and a rabbit will give you the guts necessary to make the rod. There's also the option for using human guts (do humans drop guts? I guess they do but never actually tried it). Or even some slower moving farm animals like sheep you might be able to kill without a ranged weapon. I've taken down a cow with a mining pick before, so that can be done...


The point being, if you get a little creative, you'll be fine and the expansion of improv tools in recent builds has only made this process easier. I hope some of this helps. :) Fishing is usually my main source of energy early in the life of a character and recently I've been trying to do a lot of practice with the bow, the more you get used to using and developing these, the better you'll be at it.

Lol don't patronize me about the impro knife.. lol jk. But damn I didn't know that about the ashwood sticks and knife....  And everyone knows the only reason we can kill the cows with melee is because some of them desync or glitch so they just stand still :P . And if they can fix the crashes then I might try rabbit snares again, they go poof for me whenever there is a server crash on exp which are quite frequent and unpredictable

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 I've tried using the snare 3 times, every time a server crash would wipe it =[.


That's probably the most frustrating thing in the world. :( When we get the next stable update, it'll be less of a thing, it's really only an issue in exp.




Lol don't patronize me about the impro knife.. lol jk. But damn I didn't know that about the ashwood sticks and knife....  And everyone knows the only reason we can kill the cows with melee is because some of them desync or glitch so they just stand still  :P . And if they can fix the crashes then I might try rabbit snares again, they go poof for me whenever there is a server crash on exp which are quite frequent and unpredictable


Sorry, wasn't trying to be patronizing, but I'm tired so prone to silliness. It was a rough night with the baby.

Edited by Ebrim

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That's probably the most frustrating thing in the world. :( When we get the next stable update, it'll be less of a thing, it's really only an issue in exp.





Sorry, wasn't trying to be patronizing, but I'm tired so prone to silliness. It was a rough night with the baby.

 Yeah I can't wait for this to be moved to stable as long as the crashes are gone. I was just kidding, perfectly understandable to suggest the impro knife if I didn't know about the ashwood-knife thing.


Also, anyone else get one of the compasses added in .54/.55 (idr) from eating a whole cereal? Got one in my play through before being hunted like an animal. I took a screen of the notification but whenever I quit stable I get an error instead of my steam screen upload window.

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Yeah I can't wait for this to be moved to stable as long as the crashes are gone. I was just kidding, perfectly understandable to suggest the impro knife if I didn't know about the ashwood-knife thing.


Also, anyone else get one of the compasses added in .54/.55 (idr) from eating a whole cereal? Got one in my play through before being hunted like an animal. I took a screen of the notification but whenever I quit stable I get an error instead of my steam screen upload window.

Hasn't happened to me but that's silly awesome if possible. A little prize in your cereal. :D

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Hasn't happened to me but that's silly awesome if possible. A little prize in your cereal. :D

Yeah as soon as I saw it I thought "devs you rock". I love little stuff like that

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Yeah I can't wait for this to be moved to stable as long as the crashes are gone. I was just kidding, perfectly understandable to suggest the impro knife if I didn't know about the ashwood-knife thing.

Also, anyone else get one of the compasses added in .54/.55 (idr) from eating a whole cereal? Got one in my play through before being hunted like an animal. I took a screen of the notification but whenever I quit stable I get an error instead of my steam screen upload window.

Go to your steam window and click the "view" tab and then click "screenshots" find dayz in the drop box and hopefully you can find it , I would love to see a compass as a prize in cereal lol !! So awesome it's like Cracker Jack !

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 Also, anyone else get one of the compasses added in .54/.55 (idr) from eating a whole cereal? Got one in my play through before being hunted like an animal. I took a screen of the notification but whenever I quit stable I get an error instead of my steam screen upload window.

Go to your steam window and click the "view" tab and then click "screenshots" find dayz in the drop box and hopefully you can find it , I would love to see a compass as a prize in cereal lol !! So awesome it's like Cracker Jack !

That "feature" was added in 0.55, I believe.


The exact folder your screenshots are in (if you want the files) should be:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\760\221100\screenshots


...I think. Not in front of my computer to confirm that.

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Really hope they get the helicopter crashes worked out- I wonder what the problem is, and what makes the helicopters respawn upon persistence wipe but not restart?

The goal is still to have the helicopters respawn after restart with new loot, right?

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Really hope they get the helicopter crashes worked out- I wonder what the problem is, and what makes the helicopters respawn upon persistence wipe but not restart?

The goal is still to have the helicopters respawn after restart with new loot, right?

Nope, I'm pretty sure that intended functionality is that after a variable amount of time (days scale I think) events like helicopters will despawn and then respawn at another possible point. Server restarts and loot or events should be completely unrelated when CLE is working as intended, as I understand it. Because of frequent resets (including character wipes) to test various things/builds in experimental, this has been difficult to observe. Edited by Ebrim
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Really hope they get the helicopter crashes worked out- I wonder what the problem is, and what makes the helicopters respawn upon persistence wipe but not restart?

The goal is still to have the helicopters respawn after restart with new loot, right?

No, with the introduction of the CLE, loot and helicopter spawns are no longer tied to server restarts. Somewhat like tents, helicopters are persistent and spawn on their own individual schedule.

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Just wondering, as I've never really gone heli hunting in the entire time I've played DayZ (since SA was released) and am thinking about doing some today or tomorrow...


Do both of the helicopters give of smoke plumes? I know that the American one does, but does the Russian heli, too? Makes it much easier to spot, which I like for convenience, as I don't have the keenest eyes. At the same time, it sucks because it's more likely that people will have seen it (on very high object detail settings, you can see it from quite a while away) and looted it already... Especially now they're not resetting on server restarts (which I actually like).


Also, does anybody have info on how V3S's are going to work now? I've had a couple wrecked already (as in, one flipped entirely and unrecoverable and another flipped onto its side, requiring another V3S to tip it back over). Will these disappear eventually and spawn in again, or not? Because having as few V3S's on the server as we have currently, with all of them completely persistent, it's going to become very difficult to find new ones once we hit stable and no longer have the regular wipes (just weekly). People will just hide them off in the corners of the map.

Edited by Beizs

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So, once someone finds one, it's looted? Or it will respawn more loot dynamically? If they keep the current system of SVD mags and UMP and its mags spawning at the helicopters only, on top of the M4, AUG, and probably M16, its gonna be a real struggle to find those. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

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Server restarts and loot or events should be completely unrelated when CLE is working as intended, as I understand it. Because of frequent resets (including character wipes) to test various things/builds in experimental, this has been difficult to observe.

Also, it's worth noting that as the game nears completion, the goal is to have server restarts only happen once or twice a day at the most (instead of every 2 or 4 hours like it is now).

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Just wondering, as I've never really gone heli hunting in the entire time I've played DayZ (since SA was released) and am thinking about doing some today or tomorrow...

Do both of the helicopters give of smoke plumes? I know that the American one does, but does the Russian heli, too? Makes it much easier to spot, which I like for convenience, as I don't have the keenest eyes. At the same time, it sucks because it's more likely that people will have seen it (on very high object detail settings, you can see it from quite a while away) and looted it already... Especially now they're not resetting on server restarts (which I actually like).

Also, does anybody have info on how V3S's are going to work now? I've had a couple wrecked already (as in, one flipped entirely and unrecoverable and another flipped onto its side, requiring another V3S to tip it back over). Will these disappear eventually and spawn in again, or not? Because having as few V3S's on the server as we have currently, with all of them completely persistent, it's going to become very difficult to find new ones once we hit stable and no longer have the regular wipes (just weekly). People will just hide them off in the corners of the map.

I've had alot of experience driving the V3S in previous patches, but not .56. If the V3S is working the same as .55 it will respawn- from our observations it respawns after it going through two server restarts. But thats not 100% reliable. In .55 most server restarts would fix it, however, unless you really messed it up. Ive yet to drive my own truck in .56 exp, only nearly got ran over by one at NWAF. Anyone know how many are spwaning in .56? Additionally, I wouldn't reccomend going heli hunting... I have been since .49 and I'd say .56 is even less rewarding than .55. The best I've seen is some boots. It seems like all the helicopters are around NWAF, too. No more finding a completely untouched one in one of those clearing north of Myshkino or southwest of Zeleno.

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So, once someone finds one, it's looted? Or it will respawn more loot dynamically? If they keep the current system of SVD mags and UMP and its mags spawning at the helicopters only, on top of the M4, AUG, and probably M16, its gonna be a real struggle to find those. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.


I actually don't know but my impression is that yes, once looted, it's looted until a new spawn happens. This will mean that these rare items will remain rare to some extent and also that sourcing them by begging/borrowing/stealing one from another player will be more of an alternative vs. server hopping and rushing around checking each potential spawn spot.

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