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Motion activated camera.

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I'm actually not sure if these would fit into the nature of the game. But motion activate cameras would be a cool idea.

For hunting purposes you could set up cameras where you think big game will show up so you can return at a later date and figure out if the same type of animals spawn in the same places.

They could also be used for security so you can find out if players are really raiding your tents or if it's just server glitches deleting your hard earned loot!

Or finally maybe just setting up cameras in cities to see what Zeds get up to when there's no players to eat :)

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You ask for security cameras for tents and hidden cameras to find animal spawns, yet you have Team Old Skool in your signature. 


Is this some sort of sick joke?



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I like the concept but they'ed be somewhat limited if we're going with straight trail/hunting cameras.  You'd also need to be able to see what they captured, I don't think most trail cameras have viewing screens on them (then again I've never used one) and the SD card needs to be pulled and put on a device to see it.  And then you wouldn't really be able to identify people since we all pretty much share the same model with only very minor differences, and those will be invisible in full Gorka or ghillie.


Good idea, but not really that useful for what we're doing.

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Honestly I like the idea - with respective effort/rarity involved so you might have to craft the camera from different parts (e.g. camera+motion sensor+car battery+ghillie hood). It might open up another form of communication to have pictures/videos of characters as well.

And I would probably try to use the cameras to observe player behavior (maybe also zombie/animal depending on the complexity of their AI).

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I'm actually not sure if these would fit into the nature of the game. But motion activate cameras would be a cool idea.


Well,if they're good enough for Hollywood,they're good enough for me! :D



However,this is something i would like to see further down the road when barricading mechanics come into play.

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I was just thinking of this^. Watched the movie two days ago.



Screw all the fancy-smanshy "motion activated-camera's". What we need it just normal cameras. Battery-powered cameras that send video signal to a device from up to 2 kilometers away (one mile). And if you had multiple, you would set them up on the same frequency. And if other players had the same receiver device, they could flip through frequencies  in big cities like chernogorsk to try to find your hidden camera feed.


Now THAT, is something worth adding.

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Haha do I still have team old skool in there? I best get that removed :)

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If anything I think something more practical thats a bit different than this idea is something for defending camps. We could have a recipe consisting of string+Sticks+rocks+empty can could create a primitive "sound" trap and even more so a flare gun can be added to this crafting recipe for a "night time" flare ambush to mark an intruders position. We could also paint the flare gun with spraycan to make it blend better.

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I like the idea. Game Camera would be bad ass. I'm sure they'll take some interesting screenshots if placed in the right spots on high pop servers too.

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