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I have a mosin and an ak101 with 2 magazines and about 120 cartridges extra. Fairly decent gear just found a pot, have 8 rocks, just found an axe and I've had matches forever. I am creeping along and see a ruins and a military building. I scan around and I don't see any zombies and I start heading down slowly and looking around and then suddenly 2 zombies are on me from behind and start pounding me. There inside me so I can't shoot them, I backup and they step forward inside me again, I run and spin and they are inside me again, I circle and after a few lucky shots timed before they step inside me, they are down and I run. I'm bleeding and my leg is sore and I stop a ways away and spin around to see 3 more on me same thing. When they are finally down after a reload and much bleeding and a broken leg and face down in the dirt and a morphine injecter and a second bandage, I check my gear. OMG!  Ruined Ruined Ruined Ruined. What a nasty field of ruined nothing and one military building that didn't have anything in it. I'm going to call this place graveyard. Before I got out of there I had shot 11 zombies in a 1 block radius. Ran 2 miles and started a farm to recover, no pictures please, I'm half naked.

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Moral of the story?....Never, EVER let a zombie "inside" you....not a good thing....



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Yeah I have noticed zombies appearing in front of me a few times I figure either they spawn late or they dont appear graphically untill your almost on top of them.  Just be glad you haven't run into an invisible zombie, they are very troublesome!


I also had an incident last night where I got swarmed by what must have been every zombie in this small town about 6 total all because I shot 1 zombie that got in my way with a "silenced" Makarov?  and this was a pristine silencer so fair warn, if you shoot, the zombies will come :D

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  On 4/18/2015 at 6:50 PM, pizuicas said:

Moral of the story?....Never, EVER let a zombie "inside" you....not a good thing....



Yes sex with an infected only leads to pain and suffering in certain areas latter in life.

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  On 4/18/2015 at 7:14 PM, Velenon said:

Yeah I have noticed zombies appearing in front of me a few times I figure either they spawn late or they dont appear graphically untill your almost on top of them.  Just be glad you haven't run into an invisible zombie, they are very troublesome!


I also had an incident last night where I got swarmed by what must have been every zombie in this small town about 6 total all because I shot 1 zombie that got in my way with a "silenced" Makarov?  and this was a pristine silencer so fair warn, if you shoot, the zombies will come :D


Does not matter about the quality or condition of the silencers they still don't work on the AI, only useful to hide the noise of the shot from another player.

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  On 4/18/2015 at 6:46 PM, Excanto said:

I have a mosin and an ak101 with 2 magazines and about 120 cartridges extra. Fairly decent gear just found a pot, have 8 rocks, just found an axe and I've had matches forever. I am creeping along and see a ruins and a military building. I scan around and I don't see any zombies and I start heading down slowly and looking around and then suddenly 2 zombies are on me from behind and start pounding me. There inside me so I can't shoot them, I backup and they step forward inside me again, I run and spin and they are inside me again, I circle and after a few lucky shots timed before they step inside me, they are down and I run. I'm bleeding and my leg is sore and I stop a ways away and spin around to see 3 more on me same thing. When they are finally down after a reload and much bleeding and a broken leg and face down in the dirt and a morphine injecter and a second bandage, I check my gear. OMG!  Ruined Ruined Ruined Ruined. What a nasty field of ruined nothing and one military building that didn't have anything in it. I'm going to call this place graveyard. Before I got out of there I had shot 11 zombies in a 1 block radius. Ran 2 miles and started a farm to recover, no pictures please, I'm half naked.


Use a melee weapon so you dont attract more Z's your just asking for a Z beat down by shooting them

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I particularly like shooting my trumpet into zombie crotch whilst it bashes my head.

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Ya my axe is pretty badly damaged and I can not find anyway of sharpening it. Did they take out sharpening? Also, I just noticed that when I repaired the gear that wasn't ruined, it all went to Pristine. Booyah!

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  On 4/18/2015 at 7:17 PM, Deathlove said:

Yes sex with an infected only leads to pain and suffering in certain areas latter in life.


All of which lead to the dark side.

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  On 4/18/2015 at 6:46 PM, Excanto said:

suddenly 2 zombies are on me from behind and start pounding me


There inside me


inside me again


they are inside me again


I'm bleeding


much bleeding


face down in the dirt 


Man, things have really changed since I last played DayZ.

Edited by solodude23
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  On 4/18/2015 at 9:46 PM, creature said:

All of which lead to the dark side.

Or the dick side like State Of "Dickay" did. XD

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  On 4/18/2015 at 9:50 PM, PlasticAssasin8 said:

I have noticed that of you shoot them with a mosin for example they will run , hit you then die, very amusing :D


That's desync, I was sniping them from a police station this morning in it was a good 3-5 count before I'd see the blood splat and they'd drop. 

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  On 4/18/2015 at 6:46 PM, Excanto said:

I have a mosin and an ak101 with 2 magazines and about 120 cartridges extra. Fairly decent gear just found a pot, have 8 rocks, just found an axe and I've had matches forever. I am creeping along and see a ruins and a military building. I scan around and I don't see any zombies and I start heading down slowly and looking around and then suddenly 2 zombies are on me from behind and start pounding me. There inside me so I can't shoot them, I backup and they step forward inside me again, I run and spin and they are inside me again, I circle and after a few lucky shots timed before they step inside me, they are down and I run. I'm bleeding and my leg is sore and I stop a ways away and spin around to see 3 more on me same thing. When they are finally down after a reload and much bleeding and a broken leg and face down in the dirt and a morphine injecter and a second bandage, I check my gear. OMG!  Ruined Ruined Ruined Ruined. What a nasty field of ruined nothing and one military building that didn't have anything in it. I'm going to call this place graveyard. Before I got out of there I had shot 11 zombies in a 1 block radius. Ran 2 miles and started a farm to recover, no pictures please, I'm half naked.

All you have to do is run.  Run around to gather them up, and keep running, they will follow for a while then slow down and stop.  Zombies stop at "invisible" borders to areas.  You can either go around back in and search or shoot them from safety.  Never get caught up in trying to melee or shoot them while they are on, (or in) you.

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  On 4/18/2015 at 11:41 PM, Slyder73 said:

All you have to do is run.  Run around to gather them up, and keep running, they will follow for a while then slow down and stop.  Zombies stop at "invisible" borders to areas.  You can either go around back in and search or shoot them from safety.  Never get caught up in trying to melee or shoot them while they are on, (or in) you.


Ya, I used to do that. But somehow I have decided that I would always stand and fight, even newly spawned, I fist fight them. I think I got tired of using their failing AI against them. Maybe if I lose a ton more great gear and get really frustrated, I might try that instead of getting hammered. I am mostly back on my feet now. I was circling a town up on the ridges and sniping the zombies from a safe distance, until I had what looked like all of them. But they respawn in what seems like a random manner. One town was a ghost town afterwards and I built a fire in middle and walked around with my microphone on singing. Another town had a respawn so fast that I couldn't keep them down. I snuck down and hit a few houses but I'm still bruised from the beating so I didn't push it. I found a truck parked at the helicopter south of the military base which is south of NW airfield, I found the helicopter east of that one, but I can't find the third one anywhere. I'm also getting very nervous when approaching anything now, cause of bear traps and land mines.Watch out where you step, careful what you drink. gasp.

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I like to pretend that I'm Brad Pitt and zombies are just some crazy fans chasing me for autograph :)

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  On 4/19/2015 at 3:43 PM, Miracool said:

I like to pretend that I'm Brad Pitt and zombies are just some crazy fans chasing me for autograph :)

or you can infected yourself with some weird virus and they will leave you alone! 

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  On 4/18/2015 at 6:46 PM, Excanto said:

then suddenly 2 zombies are on me from behind and start pounding me. There inside me so I can't shoot....  Ran 2 miles and started a farm to recover, no pictures please, I'm half naked.

This made my morning... thank you.

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  On 4/18/2015 at 6:46 PM, Excanto said:

I have a mosin and an ak101 with 2 magazines and about 120 cartridges extra. Fairly decent gear just found a pot, have 8 rocks, just found an axe and I've had matches forever. I am creeping along and see a ruins and a military building. I scan around and I don't see any zombies and I start heading down slowly and looking around and then suddenly 2 zombies are on me from behind and start pounding me. There inside me so I can't shoot them, I backup and they step forward inside me again, I run and spin and they are inside me again, I circle and after a few lucky shots timed before they step inside me, they are down and I run. I'm bleeding and my leg is sore and I stop a ways away and spin around to see 3 more on me same thing. When they are finally down after a reload and much bleeding and a broken leg and face down in the dirt and a morphine injecter and a second bandage, I check my gear. OMG!  Ruined Ruined Ruined Ruined. What a nasty field of ruined nothing and one military building that didn't have anything in it. I'm going to call this place graveyard. Before I got out of there I had shot 11 zombies in a 1 block radius. Ran 2 miles and started a farm to recover, no pictures please, I'm half naked.

Very true.

Before introducing features that screw players over, they must fix and debug the features that compensate it.

I mean, new zombies are cool, but they are very laggy, buggy and random. They should not ruin your gear and break your pants-boots-legs in 1 hit while fu**ing standing right inside of you so you can't even shoot them.

Same goes about upcoming player movement speed reduction - yes, players move a bit too fast right now, but what gives? The vehicles are nothing but a mess right now. They fall underground randomly when you ride in uphill/downhill, they can easily kill you when you get out of them if someone (for example, zombies) will just lightly touch them, forcing them to move. They can easily stuck in textures, due to terrible collision detection. If you lightly touch someone's else vehicle with yours, you both will get legs broken and pants (with loot inside) ruined. And the most ridiculous thing about them - you die if you lag or disconnect inside a moving vehicle. Yep, just like that - "You are dead.". The best part? You body will disappear, you can't even recover your loot.

And in light of all this - reduce player movement speed!? 

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You can kill a zombie easily in 2-3 punches. No word of a lie.

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  On 4/20/2015 at 5:33 PM, Tactical Nuke said:

You can kill a zombie easily in 2-3 punches. No word of a lie.

Hmm, I was testing stuff out yesterday, since I was killed during a server reset. Punching the zombie in he face over n over n over. 2-3 punches?  I was a wreck by the time I got him down and the next one was on me before I could bandage with my tee-shirt I ripped up as soon as I spawned. Screen going grey, life dripping away, another zombie while I am bandaging, broken leg, crawling along getting hit looking for a sewer drain to crawl into.  Next time I die, I am going to just punch my way through town over and over and get some punching practice. I must be getting fat and slow using an akm. )

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