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For Everyone Complaining About The Loot........

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Maybe 2 hours 2.5 max with 5 people. Yes that is 4 V3S trucks (2 cargo, 2 normal)



As you can see it's not that hard to find loot if you are persistent and know where to look. Stop following your normal loot runs, you'll find little to none. Know where to look and stop being lazy. Just check out all the screenshots I got the other day. You can complain after you get the gear we found and no it wasn't luck.

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But currently its all about "picking apples" according to the "wearing pink dresses and chasing each other with fire extinguishers along the coast line" crew :D

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My beanZ to you.  Key word here is "lazy".  Lots of players just want to gear up the fastest way possible and kill each other in Electro/berezino/wherever...also the fastest way possible....

The game has to be a replica of a post-apocalyptic world: harsh and hard to survive.  Health, food and survival techniques above pure PVP.  Do I like PvP? off course I do....I love it as a matter of fact, but just when needed.  That should not be the core game mechanic. 



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It's not hard when you didn't play on the broken high pop private servers they had to disable persistense on after a few days. Thats why there where som many mixed opinions. The servers weren't all the same when i came to amount of loot that spawned. Still they have their work cut out for the when it comes to somewhat sane not as random distribution and not just piles in toilets. And even coastal cities should have more basic supplies like matches, seeds.. etc.

Edited by aasand
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the hard part isn't finding things (after a while).  the problem is having a place to put it that won't vanish.

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Yeah I'm not sure what people are doing wrong but playing both public and private, full, half full and empty and have found enough food, drink and gear in kamyshovo to go to elektro to try my hand at the shooting fun going on in the city. Granted it was starter gear but I was able to kill 2 others with my sporter .22 and pick up an mp5 with 2 mags and some other gear.

I'm not saying its super easy to find loot but if people deviate from their normal loot route just a bit, they might find a bit more.

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ya..i found a truck in wood as well but decided against taking it..last couple times, I ended up dying! fucking trucking

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1st picture wasn't from current patch

you have an Ak101 and a M4 yet in the rest of the picture you have a shot gun

not the same outfit, not even the same items in the hot bar.

only thing similar is the Gorka helmet and fire axe nice try matey

and i didn't know V3S were consider "loot"

And we have the rights to complain, because the consumers have the rights to complain this time only

The devs fucked up on the central economy with the loot and the player spawn locations

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My beanZ to you. Key word here is "lazy". Lots of players just want to gear up the fastest way possible and kill each other in Electro/berezino/wherever...also the fastest way possible....

The game has to be a replica of a post-apocalyptic world: harsh and hard to survive. Health, food and survival techniques above pure PVP. Do I like PvP? off course I do....I love it as a matter of fact, but just when needed. That should not be the core game mechanic.


I'd say it's still too easy. I spawned in Kamy and in 3 hours had do much gear I couldn't carry any more+ fire axe + that little shotgun with handle on the font grip (20 rounds in my kit) + mp5 (with over 100 rounds) I also had v3s which I crashed... M65 jacket, assault vest ... etc etc!! Edited by HarryPotter
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Half the servers are entirely picked clean of loot. My first character did fine this patch... Until he encountered the ninja zombies. After that, every server I started on was picked clean of everything even remotely useful. I hopped multiple servers in last ditch attempts to save my characters. Those were picked clean too.

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Half the servers are entirely picked clean of loot. My first character did fine this patch... Until he encountered the ninja zombies. After that, every server I started on was picked clean of everything even remotely useful. I hopped multiple servers in last ditch attempts to save my characters. Those were picked clean too.

You must be unlucky mate.. The publics and privates I play on were all full if gear!

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It's not hard when you didn't play on the broken high pop private servers they had to disable persistense on after a few days. Thats why there where som many mixed opinions. The servers weren't all the same when i came to amount of loot that spawned. Still they have their work cut out for the when it comes to somewhat sane not as random distribution and not just piles in toilets. And even coastal cities should have more basic supplies like matches, seeds.. etc.

The thing is that the coastal cities don't have farming plots except for Svet and it would have no difference if you found seeds on the coast or not because you would have to go inland to farm. Unless, of course, you find a shovel/hoe then you can farm anywhere but from what I see it's hard to find even those. I think its good that the devs are forcing players to either continue being lazy and become bored or actually work for their loot and make the effort to venture inland to find better resources.

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But currently its all about "picking apples" according to the "wearing pink dresses and chasing each other with fire extinguishers along the coast line" crew :D

I don't see to many ppl wearing pink dresses.


Whats with this damn phobia of bright colored clothing? It automatically means your bandit if your wearing normal civi clothing now? lol

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1st picture wasn't from current patch

you have an Ak101 and a M4 yet in the rest of the picture you have a shot gun

not the same outfit, not even the same items in the hot bar.

only thing similar is the Gorka helmet and fire axe nice try matey

and i didn't know V3S were consider "loot"

And we have the rights to complain, because the consumers have the rights to complain this time only

The devs fucked up on the central economy with the loot and the player spawn locations

And they were from different sessions FYI. The devs didn't fuck it up, they made it so that lazy players like you actually need to do something for once. So that you have to be tactical and considerate of more factors than simply getting killed by other players. Stop being lazy and work for your loot. It not only feels so much harder to find good loot now, but also is much more rewarding, as the better the loot you have, the longer you are guaranteed to survive. The key word is LAZY and that's exactly what you are. If you weren't LAZY you wouldn't be complaining now, so move along scrub.

Edited by Bush_Wookieing_101

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Half the servers are entirely picked clean of loot. My first character did fine this patch... Until he encountered the ninja zombies. After that, every server I started on was picked clean of everything even remotely useful. I hopped multiple servers in last ditch attempts to save my characters. Those were picked clean too.

Wrong. Loot everywhere. Youre lazy. L2P.... sarcasm btw

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Have not encoubtered any empty servers picked clean.

I have found it easier to gear up now.

I just choose a town loot every building come out fully geared...

I just can't find those blasted plate accessories or the chain saw

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Meh, I guess the patch should have said "Mileage may vary."  My pub character has found so much stuff he can't carry it all. My only problem with him atm is that my SKS is damaged. Haven't found another one or a cleaning kit. Not the end of the world though.

The character I play on musty's private server is pretty screwed. Loot doesn't seem to be working right at all. The area I'm in hasn't spawned anything new in days. Logged in this morning with the hope that something had changed after maint. Nope same red schoolbag, pink hat and flare gun in the building. Scouted around everything seems to be the same. Agro'd some z's, not enough ammo to shoot 'em. Tried to ditch them. Ended up climbing in a tree stand. Now I'm treed. LOL. 

Again maybe others are having better luck. But for me, even covering huge portions of the map, checking all those different loot spots things are looking pretty grim for him.

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Have not encoubtered any empty servers picked clean.

I have found it easier to gear up now.

I just choose a town loot every building come out fully geared...

I just can't find those blasted plate accessories or the chain saw

I found those pockets for the plate carrier the other day.. In an outhouse, so they are around. Alas I had already swaped my plate carrier for a combat vest :(

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The private server i play on has the persistence disabled so its just lootsplosion in all the new hot spots. Outhouses, Wooden Sheds and Deer Stands seem to be really lucrative. I was hoping for it to be much more tougher but aside from being cautious about agro on Zeds, It seems even easier then before since the loot is randomly distributed.


Was able to fully gear myself out with firefighters uniform helmet ax and extinguisher in a single session. Plus found pouches for a Plate carrier that i passed up as i had found a high capacity vest in a shed. Cannot wait till they fix private shards so its a little harder and i can actually start a base and stash loot.

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And they were from different sessions FYI. The devs didn't fuck it up, they made it so that lazy players like you actually need to do something for once. So that you have to be tactical and considerate of more factors than simply getting killed by other players. Stop being lazy and work for your loot. It not only feels so much harder to find good loot now, but also is much more rewarding, as the better the loot you have, the longer you are guaranteed to survive. The key word is LAZY and that's exactly what you are. If you weren't LAZY you wouldn't be complaining now, so move along scrub.

I agreed on working on the loot is a must


but questioning on your 2-2.5 hours max looting, you found 3 different set of guns, (m4, shotgun, ak and other stuff with gears) and trucks as well might be a little far fetch. This included either you gave away your gun set or die and etc or you are fully kitted then go around find the truck?

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 10-15 min. of gameplay ?


 Edit: yea, i didnt find anything to open cans :P.

Edited by metalica24

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Loot is incredibly hit or miss in .55


I spent maybe three hours of playtime just searching for items. I'd spawn, play till I died of starvation or got RKO'd by a ninja zombie, then hop to a new server and try again. Covered servers from ~10 people to 40 people. Maybe 10-15 servers in total.


No loot. At all. Anywhere. Okay, thats a bit untrue, there were a few shirts and hats but no food. No weapons. Nothing useful.


Then I spawned onto a server north of Novo and had two guns, a silencer for my AK, several magazines and boxes of ammo, a mountain pack, wool jacket, boonie hat, and food + water within three minutes of spawning. Then I went and combed through Novo and the surrounding towns fairly thoroughly and found a hat and a road flare. Thats insane. Completely fucking insane. 

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Loot is incredibly hit or miss in .55


I spent maybe three hours of playtime just searching for items. I'd spawn, play till I died of starvation or got RKO'd by a ninja zombie, then hop to a new server and try again. Covered servers from ~10 people to 40 people. Maybe 10-15 servers in total.


No loot. At all. Anywhere. Okay, thats a bit untrue, there were a few shirts and hats but no food. No weapons. Nothing useful.


Then I spawned onto a server north of Novo and had two guns, a silencer for my AK, several magazines and boxes of ammo, a mountain pack, wool jacket, boonie hat, and food + water within three minutes of spawning. Then I went and combed through Novo and the surrounding towns fairly thoroughly and found a hat and a road flare. Thats insane. Completely fucking insane.

Good useable loot tends to be in some very illogical places in .55 and yes it can be completely hit or miss at times. I usually hit the smaller towns hard and I have not been disappointed one bit, bigger cities still draw a lot of players so I try to avoid them initially but sometimes I will catch an unlucky Cherno or Elektro spawn.

I've seen less random killings which baffles me, with gear being at a premium I would assumed it would be worse. Hell if people are hard up for PvP, I suggest getting a bow and some arrows and try it old school. Its a bit more stalker/prey mentality and not just mindless shooting. Its actually kinda fun to hunt if you can't find anything else, sorry I didn't mean to turn this into a PvP discussion

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The loot is fine, this really filtered out the "lazy" part of gameplay. My journey wip was just I spawned in solinchinity found a blaze some food no cloths had to tear all up because of super zombies but I handled all with super fists. I walk up to dolina and find loot stacked on top of each other. The loot in my opinion is lucky or not but a fun challenge.

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5 days ago called.  They want their hot topic back.


The complaints were legitimate.  Some servers were bugged pretty bad.  Additionally, there was a serious decrease in quantity of food while matches, cooking pot, tripod, and whatnot weren't spawning at all.


It would have been shocking if there was no backlash at all.


The game isn't hard.


Thanks for the public service tips.


First world problems, wtf.

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