Gr4b_YoGatz_FOO 3 Posted March 16, 2015 Just built my PC on friday!!! /brag So this is how Dayz has gone for me if someone didn't murder me or... kill me in self defense lol...... btw my Dayz PvP KD is 0-8+ and I only attacked 1 damn person!!! I first died from hunger, then dehydration, and now hypothermia.... How do I deal with hypothermia? Are there any easy ways to stay warm in this constant rain? I haven't built a fire but doubt I'd be able to with the weather. And about those damn zombies, they NEVER STOP CHASING YOU!!!!! WTF how do you lose these things? 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BleedoutBill 1636 Posted March 16, 2015 Just built my PC on friday!!! /brag So this is how Dayz has gone for me if someone didn't murder me or... kill me in self defense lol...... btw my Dayz PvP KD is 0-8+ and I only attacked 1 damn person!!! I first died from hunger, then dehydration, and now hypothermia.... How do I deal with hypothermia? Are there any easy ways to stay warm in this constant rain? I haven't built a fire but doubt I'd be able to with the weather. And about those damn zombies, they NEVER STOP CHASING YOU!!!!! WTF how do you lose these things?Hypothermia:#1 Stay dry - find shelter and stay out of the rain. Better yet, find a raincoat. Some military clothing and firefighter clothing is also water resistant. Do not walk through water without Wellies. Some boots are also water resistant,If wet - wring clothes out, or find dry clothes,If freezing - run! vigorous exercise will warm you up. Build a fire, or use a heat pack (haven't see heat packs in the last couple of builds). The gas stove will not warm you (last time I tried). It is difficult to loose the zeds. You have to break their line of sight, or lock them in a building. Usually it's easier to kill them, once you figure out how melee combat works. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ColdAtrophy 1850 Posted March 16, 2015 Send me a private message. I started two weeks ago. I just got past the "opening sequence" of the game, learning the basics on practically everything. I will explain everything you need to know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tommy290 941 Posted March 16, 2015 Find a fireman's axe (yellow and red kind). OHKO on zombies. Makes things much simpler. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steak and Potatoes 13480 Posted March 16, 2015 Welcome to the forums and DayZ, if you have any ingame questions post away our community is a wealth of knowledge. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thewire 88 Posted March 16, 2015 (edited) Rain jacket and axe .. :) pm we can play. I just started as well They fixed my stuck inside a rock lol :) ya Edited March 16, 2015 by thewire Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarryPotter (DayZ) 172 Posted March 16, 2015 From my limited experience I have found1. Get a rain coat ASAP, they spawn by the upturned rowing boats all along the coast.2. Get a hat. Motorbike helmet is best.3. If you get wet change your clothes.4. Running about is easier than lighting a fire to get warm.5. Food... Lately I've found rice, peaches and fizzy drinks get you in a good state quickly. Then just top up as you go along. But in general just eat everything you come across. In a pinch you can get apples from trees.6. Make a stone knife when you spawn on the beach. Use it open cans of food.7. Zombies... You can kill them with your fists if you have to, just run round them in circles and punch them in the head. Get an axe, shovel, sledge hammer etc soon as you can.8. When it comes to guns the repeater is king in my book. Loads of ammo good stopping power and accuracy and it holds 11 rounds. You don't need to go anywhere dangerous for it or to get ammo!9. Other players. Hide and start interactions from cover!! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PlasticAssasin8 (DayZ) 78 Posted March 16, 2015 (edited) I just started as well , maybe a few of us can get together.I had hypothermia, but i was also hydrated and stuffed so i just " run forest run" and i healed, i ran circles in the factries i found, when it stopped raining i ran for miles, Then died later on cos i forgot bandages and zombies did a surprise invisible attack , i even out ran some knuckle head in a truck though the frest that tried to run me over Edited March 16, 2015 by PlasticAssasin8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rooneye 135 Posted March 16, 2015 To make a fire (and yes you can make them in rain) get an axe and go up to a tree and collect wood, then take some rags and combine with wood to make a fire place then put matches in your hand and then right click on the fire place and ignite with matches. You can also use books and flares will work instead of matches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted March 17, 2015 (edited) You can tear up t-shirts to make rags. With a rag you can bind a wound so it stops can tear up your own t-shirt also, in an emergency (= 2 rags)Never have less than 6 rags.. or 6 rags and a bandage (or 2 bandages) .. amazing how fast you can use them up. Any time you find a shirt you don't want, tear it up and keep the rags.If you are attacked by zombies, get well away from them first before you bandage, otherwise they will jump you while you are bandaging and you are very vulnerableIf you are bleeding you can go quite a way before you get low on blood and the screen starts to go black and white, so don't 'panic-bandage', get to a safe place first if you can.A stick (from the woods) and a bandage or rag will combine to make a splint for a broken leg.I've crawled/rolled across whole fields and detoured round the edges of villages to reach woods so I could collect a stick, heh.Keep some rags or a bandage in your backpack, or in different clothes. the zombies will firstly ruin your pants (usually) or jacket.. if all your rags/bandages are in those pockets they will be ruined and you cant use them, so keep them in 2 different places, backpack is safest from zombie attack. Edited March 17, 2015 by pilgrim Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JackyCTV 54 Posted March 17, 2015 btw my Dayz PvP KD is 0-8+we dont care about that shit on here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted March 17, 2015 'scuse please - what is " DayZ PvP KD ".?.. sorry, I've never heard of it - is this the wrong place to ask? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rudmed 3 Posted March 17, 2015 Pretty sure it is something he made up to explain how well his banditing is going. So he has killed 0 people and died 8 times. But honestly Dayz isn't like FPS, we don't care about KD, we care about surviving. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gr4b_YoGatz_FOO 3 Posted March 18, 2015 Pretty sure it is something he made up to explain how well his banditing is going. So he has killed 0 people and died 8 times. But honestly Dayz isn't like FPS, we don't care about KD, we care about surviving. I've only attacked 1 person, and that was because everyone I ran into prior to that killed me, even after I act submissive and present no threat they still kill me. With the way people behave on this game I've decided that I'm not going to be the victim, I'm not going to put my weapons away anymore. I'll try to communicate first but if they don't respond I'll be the first to act. Can you really blame me? So anyway, I just died from being sick, is there something that cures everything? Where can I find water bottles? In what condition does stuff still work? So I got my mic working and if anyone wants to play that'd be cool. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gr4b_YoGatz_FOO 3 Posted March 19, 2015 (edited) So I played for a bunch of hours today and things went differently. I joined a non persistent server that reset every 4 hours and had no problems finding food and water. For some odd reason my character didn't really want to eat but he was extremely thirsty. lol I learned not to fight zombies indoors the hard way and ended up with a broken arm but managed to fix it even though the first splint I made wouldn't work so I threw that one away. You guys would be proud though, I had an opportunity to easily kill someone but they put there hands up so I let them live. While they had there hands up I typed hello and they just remained silent, did I need to hit the "speak" button? How does that work? A couple more questions< where can I find a compass? And where are military bases? I also tried making a stone knife but couldn't, was that cause my arm was broken or is making those glitchy? I also encountered numerous glitches and had to cancel a bunch of actions and restart them, is this normal or was it my connection/ping? EDIT: Today was the first time I played and couldn't find a compass, every other time I played I found plenty of them so.... was that just due to the server I was on or what? Edited March 19, 2015 by Gr4b_YoGatz_FOO Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted March 19, 2015 (edited) ..//..You guys would be proud though, I had an opportunity to easily kill someone but they put there hands up so I let them live. While they had there hands up I typed hello and they just remained silent, did I need to hit the "speak" button? How does that work?..//. Friend - a lot of the people you're talking to would not be proud of you .. this game includes cannibals and mass killers and bambi-hunters, as well as easy-going friendly folk who like to chat on the beach. You will meet them all. Next time you meet another player in DayZ, ask them to show you the military bases ... and how to make stone knives. Or check on Youtube where there are many guides - or get together with PlasticAssasin8 or thewire as they suggest.or look in the Database here for lots of info - it's pretty up to date except on the most recent stuff added to the game. There are beginners guides on the forums here. Are you sure you have a broken arm? Do you know how to make a splint for it?[edit: ok yes I see you do.. so keep on doing it..] Stuff works unless it is "ruined" - then it does not work any more. Good luck with the military bases! xx Edited March 19, 2015 by pilgrim 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Re-Patch 47 Posted March 19, 2015 (edited) First off all, gratulations on buying the most awesome game ever :thumbsup: ;)I'll try to answer some of your questions and comment on some decisions if I may. For some odd reason my character didn't really want to eat but he was extremely thirsty. lolThis may happen when you have the status "hot" in your charakter menu (tab) for example. If you are hot, you will lose a certain amount of water every second or so. Would you run around with that status for 10 minutes it would make you extremly thirsty, while you may still be perfectly saturated with food at the same time. Keep in mind that there is a third attribute, it's not only hunger/thirst, your stomach has an attribute as well (how full it is). Meaning, if you drink tons of water for example, you will get stuffed (you shouldn't eat/drink anymore then, at least not when you reached the dark brown stuffed status, red one will make you puke). You will be hydrated from the water, but you can still be hungry then. Same works vice-versa with the food. So try to balance it ;) I learned not to fight zombies indoors the hard way and ended up with a broken arm but managed to fix it even though the first splint I made wouldn't work so I threw that one away.Don't worry, the zombies will be easy once you get the hang on the melee weapons or when you use a firefighter's axe. Try to learn to aim to the head, basically every weapon in the game one shots or almost one shots the zombies with a clean head"shot". The splints are buggy since a few patches, don't throw them away, sometimes it takes like 5-10 tries to craft it AS WELL as to use them afterwards. While they had there hands up I typed hello and they just remained silent, did I need to hit the "speak" button? How does that work?Default for speaking is "Caps Lock" I think, if you don't want to hold it permanently, you can double click it (fast), this will lock it so you are permanently speaking in chat, double click again to unlock (this double click & lock works with most functions in DayZ, leaning for example). With the way people behave on this game I've decided that I'm not going to be the victim, I'm not going to put my weapons away anymore. I'll try to communicate first but if they don't respond I'll be the first to act. Can you really blame me?Good decision my friend, once you will be more secure in the game you can do the same with the weapon put away even. Make sure you control the situation (as good as possible), get into cover before speaking etc. etc., there are lot's of ways, have fun exploring. A couple more questions< where can I find a compass? And where are military bases?Compass spawns in every house basically, just loot all the houses/sheds etc.Guy before me answered already about the military bases. Good luck & be careful, a lot of people camp those bases, there are lots of serverhoppers etc. etc.) I wish I would get the feeling again that I had when I visited the NWAF for the first few times :D B) EDIT: Today was the first time I played and couldn't find a compass, every other time I played I found plenty of them so.... was that just due to the server I was on or what?Maybe you were on a persistence on server, these are still pretty buggy and sometimes finding loot can get pretty hard. If you want it a bit easier, just join Persistence Off servers for now. I also tried making a stone knife but couldn't, was that cause my arm was broken or is making those glitchy? I also encountered numerous glitches and had to cancel a bunch of actions and restart them, is this normal or was it my connection/ping?All this is unfortunately still buggy and 100% normal. Just try a few times ;) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One more thing, you should maybe check out WOBO's channel on Youtube once you played a bit more, he has some nice tutorials/explanations of the game as well. And if you want to see how awesome DayZ can be, check out Mr. Blackout81's channel as well ;) That guy is a legend. cheers & have fun in Chernarus Edited March 19, 2015 by re-patch 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted March 19, 2015 Keep at it. Don't fear death. Figure it out on your own. It's better that way. And more rewarding. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Re-Patch 47 Posted March 19, 2015 Keep at it. Don't fear death. Figure it out on your own. It's better that way. And more rewarding. That is good advice actually :P I wish I could learn it all over again. Don't get attached to your gear, ever! Trust me (or us), just don't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DR23 0 Posted March 22, 2015 (edited) This forum seems about right for me... Complete noob to PC gaming, usually just a console man, but after a friend showed me this game I cannot get it out of my head. Looking for a change from running about like a headless chicken on games like BF4 on XB1. The only thing is I 100% know my laptop wont be able to run it. Can anyone advise me on this? I dont need the game to run perfect just the recommended I guess. Ive read that if your system can run this game then it can pretty much cope with other stuff? Now, is there a PC I can just go out and buy or is this something that needs to be built (remember I know nothing about PCs, except RAM is the higher the better.) I have been looking at an ASUS RoG G751JY Gaming Laptop. Would this be able to run the game at the recommended settings? Is there anything cheaper I could get? Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Edited March 22, 2015 by DR23 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarryPotter (DayZ) 172 Posted March 22, 2015 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One more thing, you should maybe check out WOBO's channel on Youtube once you played a bit more, he has some nice tutorials/explanations of the game as well.And if you want to see how awesome DayZ can be, check out Mr. Blackout81's channel as well ;) That guy is a legend.cheers & have fun in ChernarusFor me the classic dayz YouTube video is MrMoons human flesh one.. So so funny and shows what can really be done in the game. It really is gaming on another level Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elegant Caveman 2 Posted March 22, 2015 (edited) DR23,This game is really not that demanding at all, especially if you "dont need the game to run perfect just the recommended I guess". Pretty much any vaguely-decent new computer should be able to run it.Running it on max settings is another story, of course, but you don't need that much to run it on medium-high settings. My crappy old computer doesn't even meet the minimum requirements (except for the GPU, which is slightly better than the minimum) and I can still run it. I have to turn down everything to the lowest settings... but I can run it...Building your own PC will always give you better value overall, but at the cost of extra work (especially if you've never done it before; it means a lot of research and headaches). Building your own can also be a lot of fun in itself and has the added benefits of a sense of accomplishment out of building your own rig, and the technical knowledge you'll accrue in doing so. Only you can decide if that's worth it for you or not, though.That said, buying an already-built PC is a perfectly valid (and much easier) approach.I started writing a big rant about PCs, but I got carried away, so I'll just keep things simple for now:The laptop you mentioned is a beast, and would be more than enough to run this game. It's also quite expensive and, honestly, overkill. 24gb of RAM, for example, is a pointless waste.Would you consider getting a desktop instead of a laptop? Especially in terms of gaming, you'll get much better value going down that route. Gaming on laptops is definitely possible, but you're paying a lot for having that much power in such a small frame. Very roughly, expect a laptop to cost ~500$ more than an equivalent desktop (more or less... as I said, very roughly).There are plenty of gaming/PC forums where you might find more help on this matter. I'd especially suggest this if you want to build your own.Just to give you some (again, very rough) examples of what you could buy, here are a couple of desktops and laptops which would do what you're looking for (with prices/links):DESKTOPiBUYPOWER VERSA SERIES NE403I, 1k$ASUS G10AJ-US010S, 1.5k$LAPTOPASUS ROG GL551, 1.1k$DELL Alienware 17, 1.5k$ASUS ROG G751, 1.75k$I'm far from an expert in all this and these are just to give you examples. This also depends on what's available where you live.This is already more ranty than it should be, so I'll leave it at that for now. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions. Edited March 22, 2015 by Elegant Caveman Share this post Link to post Share on other sites