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About Rudmed

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    On the Coast

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    Gaming, writing, having fun, and learning!
  1. Rudmed

    I'm a complete noob to PC gaming and Dayz...

    Pretty sure it is something he made up to explain how well his banditing is going. So he has killed 0 people and died 8 times. But honestly Dayz isn't like FPS, we don't care about KD, we care about surviving.
  2. Rudmed

    Old player new on forum

    Heh, I'm a bit opposite of you. I'm a new forum goer with no DayZ experience , who has little to no experience. Perhaps, we will end up on the same server. If we do, well it depends on your mood! Chances are I will die horribly and you will see some poor bambi being run down by zombies upon zombies. But if I hear the sounds of a bible quotes, then I'll make sure to approach cautiously. Or just hide....I think I'm good at hiding. ...maybe.
  3. I see, I see. Thank you for that explanation! I appreciate it! That ought to help me make my decision before I buy! I'll see what others have to say about each one of them, hoping to see some other viewpoints here (nudges the lurkers after luring them out with a plate of coo-...can of beans or mountain dew). As for dying a thousand times, I've graduated from Dark Souls university, dying over and over again is something that I know well.
  4. Hey everyone, I'm a new person here, and I have been watching some DayZ mod stuff and standalone stuff. I'm pretty sure I can play the mod, but I've been trying to do some compare and contrast. So I am come here with a few questions. 1. I like the variety that the DayZ mod seems to have (building/crafting, traders, more weapons, items, etc.), is the standalone looking to include or will it include the same variety that I see in the mod. 2. My hope is that DayZ mod is still active with lots of people and that means a lot of fun? Is the population growing or decreasing? How is it doing in comparison to the Standalone? 3. Which one feels better to play, or easier to play? 4. My friend brought up the concern that if I play Dayz, everyone is going to be kitted out and I'm just going to get shot over and over again and not have any fun. While I might get shot over and over again, I doubt that everyone is entirely kitted! Thank you for answering these questions!