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Have you ever run into the only other guy on the server?

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Two days ago I was playing on a "friendly"server late into the night. The pop had dropped to three people. Which was cool since I was headed the the NWAF to see if I could pick up some extra ammo for the AKM I'd just found. I was just outside all the tents when I get attacked by 4 military zombies in a row. The last one manages to hit me. I'm spurting blood as I hear the sound of a truck come roaring up. ARRGH what are the chances? I sprint like crazy and hop in a tent throwing on a bandage. Next thing I know some guy lights the tent up, wounding me badly. But then no more shots, so I limp out of the tent and see the guy being chased by two or three zombies. I light him up. He drops down by a pile of stuff with two zombies gang banging him. And suddenly I hear another zombie yell and my screen goes black. "You are dead."

I sure hope those z's finished that guy off. 

PS I've sworn off "friendly" servers since I seemed to be the only one dumb enough to follow the rules :)

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I don't server hop, so I never play on empty servers.

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I think the odds are probably way more likely than you would think.


The sense of security that you feel being one of two people on a server would lead you to head to locations that you might avoid or be very cautious of on a full server. Put two people with that attitude together on a server and there is quite a high probability that you would end up at the same spot.

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You're all a bunch of sissies. I'm glad that there seems to be some peeps putting their cheats to good use by policing these empty servers.

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Happens to me quite a bit actually.... I have even loaded in, having a person 2 feet in front of me in a grocery storeroom building, and shoot me in the face.....

I have also had other people spawn right next to me as well. XD

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yep. Vybor. Turned into one of the barracks rooms and there he was, I had even scoped out the building for a few ticks before going in. We both surprised the hell out of each other. 


Me: double barrel shotty

Him: AK


no one came out alive that day...

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I was in the lone house here: http://dayzdb.com/map#6.019.111


I'm guessing he was heli-hunting, and with a truck for convenience. It sounded like he turned left (I didn't dare to go outside, thinking it could be a hacker or something :D ).


Although that house is all by itself, the area is heavily traveled, especially w/ helo hunters.

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Happened twice...


First time it was me and a buddy and one other guy... we made out way up to NWAF and he killed me near the southern barracks...  he was obviously a server hopper.


The 2nd time I joined an empty server... literally a couple mins later I check the online players and theres another guy... 2-3 mins pass and I see him running across one of the roads in Vybor... I didnt follow him or anything... just left him alone

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I once logged in at the top of the tower on Green Mountain. Only one other player on the server. When I spawned in, he was standing right in front of me. Probably just as stunned as I was. We exchanged a few words, and went on our separate ways.

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WOW what are the odds? I posted 2 days ago that it happened and it happened AGAIN just a few hours ago!!! Me and one other guy were looting NWAF and we happened to run into the SAME barracks from different sides. The loot on the server was broken (no surprise) and we each rushed in to find whoo could get a gun and ammo first. I found an AK101 and miraculously, found a mag in the last room.


Of course, I shot him and proceeded to find ass loads of amazing loot.

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WOW what are the odds? I posted 2 days ago that it happened and it happened AGAIN just a few hours ago!!! Me and one other guy were looting NWAF and we happened to run into the SAME barracks from different sides. The loot on the server was broken (no surprise) and we each rushed in to find whoo could get a gun and ammo first. I found an AK101 and miraculously, found a mag in the last room.


Of course, I shot him and proceeded to find ass loads of amazing loot.


Quite good odds really. As I said in a previous post the likelihood that people on a near enough empty server are going to risk going somewhere like the NWAF are quite high due to the fact that they believe there is less chance of there being someone there, and believe it probably hasn't already been looted because of this.


It really doesn't surprise me at all the the only two people on the server are going to head to the North West Airfield.

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Twice, once I run into server hoper in old NEAF, and second time I run into guy just few minutes after logging in. I saw him first in one of hangars on NWAF. He was polite and left server.

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I dont know my friends are going to be really happy if they ever read this but it's to funny not to share in this topic.

Even just created this account for it instead of just lurking....


I'll try to keep it as short as possible.. but it needs a little bit of intro....


Me and 2 other friends, ingame, nobody else, we're on teamspeak together as well, and known eachother for anything from 2  to 5 years...


If I'm not mistaken all 3 of us were in complete different parts of the map. So all is well. We know offcourse based on this to be cautious if we do

run into somebody, if somebody else would have joined ofcourse.


For ease I will call my 2 friends from here on out A and B.


A's brother, who isn't around much, but have played multiple different games with over the last 5 years as well. Bought the game as well the other day.

And indeed A's brother logs in, but is not in teamspeak with us. And friend B never met him, or only met him once a year ago or so....


There's now 4 players in the server. But only 3 in teamspeak...


Friend A has to go to work, and leaves the server and teamspeak... but his brother is still ingame.


 I know you all feel this coming but the hilarity is in how....



About 5-10min go by... and all of a sudden very casually friend B says to me on teamspeak. " Ohh btw. I just blapped somebody".... like 2 min after the fact or so...

So I'm confused and ask him what happened...


I get explained how friend B, and offcourse in hindsight Friend A's brother ran into eachother... That they didnt KOS... at first... but they kinda stood in front of eachother

for a good 10 secs.. freaking eachother out.... trying to decide how to handle the situation.... only for Friend B to indeed freak out at the end.. and pre-emptively shoot

Friend A's brother in the face with a shotgun from point blank....


So .... I look at the player list.... and say ... "Either who you killed left.... or you just killed A's brother dude!!! Who was the ONLY other player on the server with us"
And when I say it...and picture the situation and the endresults... I started rolling on the floor laughing...


Got them in touch via steam, got his brother on teamspeak... we laughed about it a lot... 



Other then this specific one, it happened to me so far. in my only 200-300 hours plenty of times allready, Even when I don't count the high value loot locations

where everybody always goes!



Have a good weekend everybody. 


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I dont know my friends are going to be really happy if they ever read this but it's to funny not to share in this topic.

Even just created this account for it instead of just lurking....


I'll try to keep it as short as possible.. but it needs a little bit of intro....


Me and 2 other friends, ingame, nobody else, we're on teamspeak together as well, and known eachother for anything from 2  to 5 years...


If I'm not mistaken all 3 of us were in complete different parts of the map. So all is well. We know offcourse based on this to be cautious if we do

run into somebody, if somebody else would have joined ofcourse.


For ease I will call my 2 friends from here on out A and B.


A's brother, who isn't around much, but have played multiple different games with over the last 5 years as well. Bought the game as well the other day.

And indeed A's brother logs in, but is not in teamspeak with us. And friend B never met him, or only met him once a year ago or so....


There's now 4 players in the server. But only 3 in teamspeak...


Friend A has to go to work, and leaves the server and teamspeak... but his brother is still ingame.


 I know you all feel this coming but the hilarity is in how....



About 5-10min go by... and all of a sudden very casually friend B says to me on teamspeak. " Ohh btw. I just blapped somebody".... like 2 min after the fact or so...

So I'm confused and ask him what happened...


I get explained how friend B, and offcourse in hindsight Friend A's brother ran into eachother... That they didnt KOS... at first... but they kinda stood in front of eachother

for a good 10 secs.. freaking eachother out.... trying to decide how to handle the situation.... only for Friend B to indeed freak out at the end.. and pre-emptively shoot

Friend A's brother in the face with a shotgun from point blank....


So .... I look at the player list.... and say ... "Either who you killed left.... or you just killed A's brother dude!!! Who was the ONLY other player on the server with us"

And when I say it...and picture the situation and the endresults... I started rolling on the floor laughing...


Got them in touch via steam, got his brother on teamspeak... we laughed about it a lot... 



Other then this specific one, it happened to me so far. in my only 200-300 hours plenty of times allready, Even when I don't count the high value loot locations

where everybody always goes!



Have a good weekend everybody. 

Lol! Reminds me of when I was playing with a friend. He was being chased/in combat with someone, and I was at some distance away. They both run into a house, and I arrive not soon after. He says to me on Teamspeak, as I run into the house (two story house, he tried to hide on the top floor) "SHOOT THE FIRST ONE YOU SEE", only that the enemy had fled and left the house. I quickly search the bottom floor. When I don't find anyone I run upstairs. As the words "SHOOT THE FIRST ONE YOU SEE" still are stuck in my head, I proceed upstairs where find a guy and immediately jam a few bullets in his head.


Yes, I accidentally killed my friend.

Edited by IgnobleBasterd

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I don't server hop, so I never play on empty servers.


What about privates? The ones I play on most go from 1/40 to 40/40 depending on time of day.

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There's days I have a hard enough time coming across people on full pop servers

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>> Sorry for the KOS, but thank you for the truck.


You're welcome. That was something allright ;)

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