172 Posted May 15, 2012 (edited) Hey Guys,You may have seen our group. We started the our community on day 3 of the mod. Our leadership works closely with Matt and Rocket. We wear the tags {CQF}. I'm {CQF}Johnny. We are a friendly group that likes to help survivors. I play off the fact that we also like to kill bandits. You will often see us roleplay to some degree as I think it adds to the depth of the game.Our teamspeak is always open, just come in and play. We play on all servers. The TS is owned by the 1st Cavalry Division, the main group I run.The Info: Pass: aircavYou will connect without permissions, just sit tight, we'll get you set up.The quick background story of the CQF:We are a friendly diplomatic force of more than 18 mature members sent by the Russian Federation to assist survivors and to eradicate any threats in Chernaurussia. We currently hold the nothern regions in our containment zone. If you see us, know that we won't kill you unless you shoot at us first (or you're a bandit). If you are a bandit, please know that we will be beginning a 4 step bandit rehabillitation program to assist you in being forgiven for past wrongdoings. The full story:In early 2011 an outbreak occurred, for reasons we do not know. The Russian Federation was reorganizing its military as the disaster struck. Much of the deeper parts of Russia were untouched by the outbreak. This was mainly because of the strong border protection the Russian army and Russian terrain provided. The Duma (the Russian congress) voted and declared the Russian Federation the "Russian Security Zone". For a while Russian leaders felt that the country was safe, so the Kremlin decided to send in small teams of Spetsnaz soldiers from the renowned "Alfa" unit into neighboring countries to bring survivors into the Russian Security Zone. Then in 2012, there was a massive surge of the "undead" from former The Ukraine into the Russian borders and many of the members of the "Alfa" group from the Spetsnaz were recalled and sent to battle the surge that broke into the Russian Security Zone near The Ukraine. The Kremlin realized that the relocation that the "Alfa" group had been performing in other countries was assisting greatly in the fight to maintain the borders of the Russian Security Zone. So they decided to send in a force that needed to be similarly as good as the "Alfa" and "Vympel" groups from the Spetsnaz they had been using to relocate survivors. They called upon General Rashid Nurgaliyev the Russian minister of the Interior to dedicate on of his Interior Spetsnaz units to assist survivors and elminate the growing threat of bandits in countries that shared borders with Russia. He dedicated the 15th OSN VV (Internal Spetsnaz Forces) from Armavir near the Southest Border of Russia to deal with this situation. He called upon a prominant officer of the unit to lead a group into Chernarussia, a place yet untouched by Russian Security Forces, where there was a major bandit problem brewing. He contacted Podpolk�k (Lieutenant Colonel) Johnny and had his unit renamed to the Chernarus Quarantine Force.He has had his unit in the midst of the Chernarussian crisis for weeks. The group was dropped by MI-8 near Devils Castle, but on the choppers return, it crashed due to a well placed shot from a bandit sniper. His St�hiy Leyten�s (Senior Lieutenants) Nick Savage and FormerlyMQ have assisted in running the group. We are currently holding the northern regions, as we have between 270 people. When our numbers grow, we will expand to the south. Don't think we will kill you if you are friendly, I assure you, that we don't want your beans or your weapons, as we have plenty of both. If you don't trust us, then come into TS and experience full immersion and safety of the CQF.Enlist with us todayGoals:Assist Friendly SurvivorsCordon off a Quarantine Zone in the NorthGuide Friendly Survivors into the Quarantine ZoneEradicate the Undead and Bandits from the ZoneMaintain a level of role-play as a Russian Diplomatic ForceRequirements:REQUIREMENTS:-Be at least 17 years old-Have a microphone or intend on getting one within 2 weeks of acceptance-Have Teamspeak 3 downloaded (either before being accepted)-Maturity-Have spent at least 1 week in teamspeak-Understanding of the General Orders-When you are on, we expect you to be on Teamspeak-Have the sponsorship of at least 1 member above the rank of Recruit-Be ready to have fun!!!!!The unit is always recruiting people willing to assist in the cause who are willing to remain unagressive against friendly survivors. If you wish to join, you can do so by one of five ways:-Add Johnny on steam (m1abrahams)-Come on TS (info is above)-Ask when you see us on the server-Go to me here (if you can...)or send a guy named "Still" a PM on the 1st Cav site.Our Servers:EU 1EU 2US 21US 20 Edited August 3, 2015 by {CQF}Johnny 20 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 172 Posted May 15, 2012 (edited) 1st Battalion "Black Knights"Lieutenant Colonel StillMajor LightsideMajor FullyloadedMajor HartFirst Lieutenant Kom'rkCaptain DaviesFirst Sergeant JEwAlpha CompanyCaptain Crunchy1st Platoon - Modern Warfare 2Second Lieutenant Hemmy1st SquadSecond Lieutenant GazSergeant TeddybearSpecialist ApplePrivate E-2 JeezyCorporal ChantaPrivate E-1 Brando Needs to Check In!Private E-1 BigBrotherSpecialist Mr. DerpSpecialist DecafCorporal WallyPrivate E-2 DustinPrivate E-1 Candy-KushPrivate E-1 CleetusPrivate E-1 Potassium2nd SquadCorporal HacoboSpecialist MANPOSSUMSpecialist Voy77Specialist TegicPrivate First Class ThadPrivate First Class GhostPrivate E-2 WebbstarPrivate E-1 RebellisPrivate First Class MacrowavePrivate First Class HarpPrivate E-1 Angel of FirePrivate E-2 RoweCorporal BURGERPrivate E-1 DarkAngelPrivate E-2 SteelgeneralCj2nd PlatoonSecond Lieutenant Gaz1st SquadCorporal KrobarSpecialist SaintSpecialist MuneSpecialist SharpfoxSpecialist BlacksteelPrivate First Class BigJoePrivate E-2 VariasaberPrivate First Class Merdoc420Private E-2 BlueTigerPrivate E-2 BeerPrivate E-2 UgrevPrivate E-1 DarkhoodPrivate First Class RangerChad3rd PlatoonSecond Lieutenant Emorangers1st SquadStaff Sergeant FormerlyMQSergeant Nick SavageSpecialist StrudelberryPrivate E-2 ManSaucePrivate E-2 HondaPrivate E-2 busfullofnunsPrivate E-2 Spunk MayoPrivate E-2 RedFactionPrivate E-2 tom2210Private E-2 RathionPrivate E-2 UwberPrivate E-1 NoxPrivate E-1 BlackPrivate E-1 JackBoPrivate E-1 AchillesPrivate E-1 RecaldyPrivate E-1 HandschumacherPrivate E-1 WhywishPrivate E-1 BannockPrivate E-1 AsmosPrivate E-1 MrCalicoPrivate E-1 Simon2nd SquadStaff Sergeant AngarvinSergeant TangerineCorporal PhonSpecialist NegilumPrivate E-2 WyrmilmionPrivate E-2 Jamie SmithPrivate E-2 Demazi99Private E-2 BeePrivate E-2 GizmoMazPrivate E-2 VoidwolfPrivate E-2 MekajikiPrivate E-2 RockstaticPrivate E-2 BoonshnigglePrivate E-1 EnochPrivate E-1 FeilarcoPrivate E-1 madmaxxPrivate E-1 ShablagooPrivate E-1 CrazyRussianPrivate E-1 WarfieldPrivate E-1 SkrillzPrivate E-1 Onexcuse2manyPrivate E-1 ArtosPrivate E-1 T_Keefe3rd SquadStaff Sergeant CocopopSergeant TheMovementSpecialist BabbPrivate First Class SAMMY-BOYPrivate First Class Madzig21Private E-2 HeavyGunzPrivate E-2 AerePrivate E-1 RagnarPrivate E-1 TerryFGMPrivate E-1 FRESCODUDEPrivate E-1 TheScotPrivate E-1 JukeBox HeroPrivate E-1 xManFac3xPrivate E-1 DudlakPrivate E-1 StationRPrivate E-1 ReedyPrivate E-1 RyanYooPrivate E-1 EssexPrivate E-1 Titansmlb102Private E-1 BloodSuckinWORMPrivate E-1 Enoch/Edoyle10Private E-1 Shablagoo Edited June 12, 2013 by {CQF}Johnny 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daimyo21 (DayZ) 6 Posted May 15, 2012 What server do you guys play on, Hardcore server? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trinity (DayZ) 0 Posted May 15, 2012 Look regiments are starting to pop up, good for you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 172 Posted May 15, 2012 @Daimyo21: We play any servers, really no limits. We play both HC and Regular. Its really up to the members :-)@Trinity: ThanksJust in General were trying to mix friendly anti-bandit groups and a level of role play/immersion that will help to create a level of depth for the mod Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spofny 3 Posted May 15, 2012 Do you play on EU servers as well?BTW is it possible to add a tag to your name without creating a new character? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 172 Posted May 15, 2012 @Spofny: Of course! We played on EU3 and FR3 today!If you want to add tags, you just click your name and click edit. You can also create a new player name without resetting your DayZ character.NOTE: If anyone is interested, you can reply here too Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DYLANBROCHILL 46 Posted May 15, 2012 looks like your friends list is full. my steam is dylanbrochill Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ComboBreaker 9 Posted May 15, 2012 Does 4 step program for bandits invlolve putting a bullet between their eyes as a first step and looting their corpses as second? :P 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 25 Posted May 15, 2012 is this an EU team? if so, count me in! :) add me on steam/skype - tommygunn69uk ( for skype) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 172 Posted May 15, 2012 Sorry, cleared out my friends list, now you can send invites :-) 'Faithwolf said: is this an EU team? if so' date=' count me in! :) add me on steam/skype - tommygunn69uk ( for skype)[/quote']Faithwolf, were an EU/US team Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 172 Posted May 15, 2012 Quote Does 4 step program for bandits invlolve putting a bullet between their eyes as a first step and looting their corpses as second? :POur 4 step program works like this1. Talk nice to the bandit to earn his trust, praise for good behavior2. Have him learn first aid and heal you3. Talk to a priest (preferably dead so he can see evil firsthand)4. If all else fails, 2 shots to the head will suffice for rehab. If it works, start a bromance 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GnattyDread 0 Posted May 15, 2012 what timezone are most of you in? I'd like to meet up with you guys in game and play awhile. I'm really interested in joining up as well. I think it would add a lot more immersion for myself playing this steam name if anyone would like to add me is tarren2000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dylan(Pezix) 0 Posted May 15, 2012 I am pretty sure I saw you on my server the other day,.. I will remember your name so next I do I will come help out in anyway I can. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echelonhawkeye 5 Posted May 15, 2012 Our timezones differ throughout the day and pretty much have someone online most of the day. Just hop on our teamspeak and talk to any of the people listed about joining us.Do keep in mind {CQF} is apart of a clan called the 1stCav when you go onto our website and teamspeak. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 172 Posted May 15, 2012 If you do come on TS, poke anyone with the Silver S near their name Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nightmareus 0 Posted May 15, 2012 If I dont have to attend 1st Cavalry events, as I am in the First To Fight and a Napoleonic Wars clan already, then I would be glad to join this, add me on steam at 54e_Nightmare. Ill join the website once I get confirmation of the question above. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 172 Posted May 15, 2012 You don't have to attend 1Cav events. Added on steam Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 172 Posted May 15, 2012 Due to recently increasing levels of Bandits, the Russian Security Zone is calling on more survivors, join on up in TS and play with us! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AccidentalRob 1 Posted May 16, 2012 I've been doing a lot of reading and YouTube trolling about Day Z, and I want to jump in. But, it would be nice to have a group to be a part of so I'm not soloing the whole thing. When I get a chance to fire it up, I'll join TS and talk to some of you fine folks and see what's up.R. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 172 Posted May 16, 2012 Hey yea man, just pop on TS :)NOTE: Roster Updated Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
myshieldsaredown 0 Posted May 16, 2012 I was with some of you guys tonight in teamspeak. If anyone sees this form then and wants to add me on steam my account is myshieldsaredown. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ComboBreaker 9 Posted May 16, 2012 To be honest the same second I've thought about making/joining clan I've imagined some sort of Chernorussian military forces leftovers,so this idea is pretty close to it.After I'll set up the game I might join you.What nationality you guys are?English is not my native language.Although I have no troubles with using it,yet I'd be more comfortable cooperating with people of the same nationality as I am as well as timezones. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echelonhawkeye 5 Posted May 16, 2012 Just to make clear. If you Join {CQF} you do NOT have to join the clan to be apart of the group.What is your native language, ComboBreaker. Though we all speak English mostly. Some of us speak Russian and I speak Italian. Also, we're online during most the timezones so you will see people playing all day and night. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spofny 3 Posted May 16, 2012 Do you have any favorite servers in Europe that you usually are on? Or just random ones? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites