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The Master Outdoorsman Club

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Can anyone else claim to have killed at least one of every animal currently in the game? This isn't about bragging rights (nobody cares!), I'm just genuinely curious to see whether or not other people have struggled to reach this point like I have.


Last night I finally got my first rabbit. It was done using a trap, and I'd still like to get one with a ranged weapon (.22 or bow maybe), but it was the final animal on my list. I've even managed to get the elusive chicken.


I would like this to be a thread where people can share their hunting stories and assist each other at becoming better outdoorsmen (and women). Feel free to discuss anything related to hunting or fishing here, particularly your favorite hunting spots and tactics :)



Animals currently in the game:




-Pig (domestic)






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Can anyone else claim to have killed at least one of every animal currently in the game? This isn't about bragging rights (nobody cares!), I'm just genuinely curious to see whether or not other people have struggled to reach this point like I have.


Last night I finally got my first rabbit. It was done using a trap, and I'd still like to get one with a ranged weapon (.22 or bow maybe), but it was the final animal on my list. I've even managed to get the elusive chicken.


I would like this to be a thread where people can share their hunting stories and assist each other at becoming better outdoorsmen (and women). Feel free to discuss anything related to hunting or fishing here, particularly your favorite hunting spots and tactics :)



Animals currently in the game:




-Pig (domestic)






i yet have to find carps, sardines and a chicken to kill, will be hard for me since i pretty much only hunt animals with my trustworthy silent axe :D i made that mistake once travelling with my mate somewhere inlands, we saw a glorius deer at the far edge of a hill, nearly 500m away, it looked amazing, if i can find it ill provide a screenshot, i was sort of new to the game and decided to test my sniper skills. 1 dead deer later, out of nowhere we were surrounded by 4 guys, they killed my mate before i went unconcious, soon as i woke up i was handcuffed, 15m infront of me the 4 guys lined up, and a handgrenade next to my feet, without the pin.


thats the last time i ever shot an animal in dayz.




i managed to find the ss on my friends cloud:

cant post the image, says its too big.




Edited by Axezeroone
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i yet have to find carps, sardines and a chicken to kill

Carps are just the fish you catch with a fishing rod; they are freshwater fish (ponds, rivers). Sardines are saltwater fish you catch with a fishing trap in the sea. Both types are fairly easy to get with the right tools and a little patience.


Chickens on the other hand... they don't spawn very many places, and unfortunately zombies often get them shortly after a server restart so they can be difficult to come by. The only place I've ever encountered them is Msta.

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Sardine fail for me, the rest is done !

Haven't tried since the new animations were introduced in Exp, things may be a little more difficult.

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I chased a chicken with a bow and arrow for about 5 minutes. Tricky little f**kers to kill with that weapon!


Edit: If people are adding to this thread, to be the "true" master outdoorsman surely it's all got to be arrow kills.

Edited by ricp

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I chased down a chicken and stabbed it to death with a screwdriver. I feel like a true outdoorsman.

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Sardine fail for me, the rest is done !

Haven't tried since the new animations were introduced in Exp, things may be a little more difficult.

Sardines are so easy, though! :p I'm really excited for them to up the level of difficulty on hunting and make it more worthwhile. Bears and wolves can't come soon enough  ^_^


I chased a chicken with a bow and arrow for about 5 minutes. Tricky little f**kers to kill with that weapon!


Edit: If people are adding to this thread, to be the "true" master outdoorsman surely it's all got to be arrow kills.

I'm still working on re-completing the list with a bow.


My opinion is that true outdoorsmen should be able to survive entirely off the land as well. That's more or less possible now, too.


I chased down a chicken and stabbed it to death with a screwdriver. I feel like a true outdoorsman.

That's... brutal.

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Saw a few goats here and there, but never actually killed one to cook and eat it. The rest is done and done.


The animal I "hunted" the most was the carp, at least 40-50 caught, cooked and ate. B)


Can't wait to see more fresh water fishes! (trouts, bass, pike, etc.)

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Tatanko, my companera, please help me out here. I've spent hours trying to hunt down rabbits, set up tens of snares in various area, asked people on forums, googled it, to no avail. You must understand how I feel so please tell me exactly where you managed to catch the fucker. I mean the specific place, server if you recall and any other relevant information. You can't be too specific. :)


Apart from the rabbit, the last quest on my dayz survival list, I got'em all. I relied on what I hunt or farm for many hours and I think I can share a few tips:


- my opinion on the bow: throw it away when you find your first primary gun. I understand the woodsman approach, but I'm trying to survive here, not play Grampa the Gardener. I really tried to practice bow shooting and found that it is most probably random (unless maybe you pours tens of hours into it), i.e. all things equal, arrows go in various directions. The bow is just a ridiculous weapon now. You can kill game with it and you can shoot zeds when they aggro and run directly at you, that's it. After trying numerous times to sneak on a zed only to hit him in the elbow (funny to look as he runs to the side), I gave up. Go for the crossbow if you want to avoid firearms, it's accurate. Still, it's reload time is appalling. I tried both weapons and decided to stick to firearms. I hope they'll improve the bow in the future so we can truly master the art.


- game is not present on the entire map. Look around open areas close to forests. The highest latitude I've seen one is just below the Northern Highway, close to Svergino (before it was Svergino, i.e. several updates ago). The lowest latitude is the feedshack just NE to Pik Kozlova. To the West, heli sites at Pavlovo. To the East, suburbs of Berezino (spawning cows).


- boar, deer and cow are the most common; you can find goat, pig and chicken at Msta (111 100 at dayzdb map). Chicken is said to be found in Nadezdhino/Kozlovka, but I didn't find one there. Rabbits are said to spawn South of Zeleno, near the feedshack at pik Kozlova and on the road Krasno-Gvozdno, but I never found one.


- if you want to be sure to find game, go to Msta and run around it. Also, you're absolutely bound to find cows on the western grassland of Mogilevka. Seriously, if there is no cattle there then someone/zeds beat you to it.


- another way to make sure you hunt something is doing the heli hunt from the south of NWAF-Stary-Pogorevka-Zeleno-Pavlovo. Tens of boars and deer there.


- chicken can be hunted with fists. Another option to kill game without weapons is to chase it up steep hill and then force it down to break its legs. I can't say I' ever managed to get an animal with just a melee weapon, they always ran away.


- steak yield: cows – 8 (up from 4),boar – 6, deer/goat/ - 4, chicken/fish – 2 steaks. Once you’re ‘stuffed’, you can safely eat 2-3 steaks more.


- you can drop your kitchen knives and machetes now as the stone knife is just as good and takes only 1 slot.


- use the boar pelt + rope + stick to make IMHO the best backpack in the game. It gives 'only' 25 slots, but is very flat, inconspicuous in prone and allows to alt-look behind you on HC servers. Also, nobody will attack you for it, which can't be said about hunting backpacks. Deer pelt can be crafted (with just a knife) into a pretty useless bag. Other kinds of pelts don't work as in 0.52.


- you can combine burlap sack, rope and stick for a backpack, but it's still worse than the boar one.


- if you want to store as much meat as possible, combine gas stoves and pots/pans to have a portable stove of just two slots. While they are still bugged and immediately burn meat, they can store 5 steaks in just 2 slots. Carry two such stoves and you have 10 steaks in 4 slots, tens of hours of running without worrying about food.


- for acquiring kindlings and ashwood, use your stone knife. Axes wear down in time.


- anything you use for skinning/preparing wears down after every such action. A pristine knife after two quarterings can still be pristine, but gives slightly less meat than a freshly spawned pristine knife. You may want to replace them on a regular basis.


- as for fishing, I think every body of water can yield fish. Don't give up if you fish out wellies (pristine). I don't know if 'checking your bait' affects the time of something swimming up, but after you see 'I sense some movement', you can literally click 'F' every second to make sure you get the pull-out message. There is a very nice pond east from Kabanino, with a small shack which often spawns shovels for your worms. A lovely quiet place, especially at the sunrise. Another area I love is Msta - always various game, a pump and ashwood nearby, and a small pond to fish, down east. Also: you can prepare fish with a hacksaw.


- for survival-related gear, make sure to look into any kind of sheds, shack, etc. you see. They give me more good stuff I want than police stations.


- you can use guts instead of ropes for bows and fishing rods (not for backpack). If you need to carry guts with you, take the 1-slot fish guts. They can also keep you warm. Don’t eat them, though, they give severe food poisoning.


- as of now, a fireplace with just 5 kindlings will cook meat in less than two minutes (I'm sure it has been considerably shortened from previous patches). However, cooking time seems very random to me and can take more than 10 minutes. If it does, add stones which you can find on stone roads, in ponds and in the sea (no need to mine). Use stone to bring axes from ‘badly damaged’ to ‘damaged’, too. A fireplace of 5 kindlings goes out in 30 minutes and disappears completely, along with all the stuff you have put in.


- apple trees yield apples on average on 4,5 attempts. You can skip berries, which have lower yield and less calories (if you want to try them – red are good, blue are bad).


- if you want to hide your fireplace, put it directly under a spruce (or whatever that evergreen tree is), like next to the trunk, where you almost can't see it. The fire and smoke will be much less visible while you can stilly normally interact with the cooking area as usual.


- my must-have outfit: full map, compass, knife, matches, one spare rope, rags, seeds, binoculars (or e.g. Longhorn). Add a gun and clothes and there rest is optional. A water bottle is useful for both drinking and traps, but I noticed that you don't need any water container when you know the location of wells and ponds in Cherna. I like weapons which I can hide in my backpack – magnum, longhorn, saw-off shotty.


On HC servers I take on additional challenge – no premade food and sodas, only what I pick/farm/hunt/fish. I start with ca 10 apples to stave off hunger, then on to sheds for gear. With just a rope and matches, I can have a full-blown barbecue within an hour (craft a knife, find ash, craft a bow, find coop, craft arrows, kill animal, craft fireplace, use guts to craft a fishing rod, in no time you can feed an army).


Happy hunting, everyone! :)


EDIT: one error found

Edited by Kirov
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Saw a few goats here and there, but never actually killed one to cook and eat it. The rest is done and done.


The animal I "hunted" the most was the carp, at least 40-50 caught, cooked and ate. B)


Can't wait to see more fresh water fishes! (trouts, bass, pike, etc.)

Get that goat, Odin! Hit up Msta :)


I, too, am excited for more fish. I'm possibly the most excited about the prospect of larger saltwater fish (i.e. Mackerel) that can be caught with a fishing rod instead of a trap.


Tatanko, my companera, please help me out here. I've spent hours trying to hunt down rabbits, set up tens of snares in various area, asked people on forums, googled it, to no avail. You must understand how I feel so please tell me exactly where you managed to catch the fucker. I mean the specific place, server if you recall and any other relevant information. You can't be too specific. :)

All of this is great advice for new and experienced hunters. I even learned a thing or two! I am particularly thankful for your notes about the stone knife, as well as the info about leather backpacks. Everything else you said matches my experience in terms of where to hunt, what you'll find, etc. I think the best thing you have listed here are the the "boundaries" of hunt-able area though... that will come in handy.


As to your question about rabbits: I got mine in the valley below Kozlovka, specifically at 051 114. I placed the snare in a tiny clearing in the grass right next to the poles for one of the large (metal) power lines. I couldn't tell you what server I was on or anything because I'm not sure :( Only took ~5 minutes for a rabbit to appear in the snare though, I was quite surprised. I didn't do anything else special, though.



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FINALLY, other people who are living off the land. Or at least that's what it sounds like you're doing. 


I refrain from taking any food found in homes. The only thing I loot is clothing, a bag, a rifle/ammo (Non-military), and little things needed like a fishing hook, knife, axe etc. I get all my food from hunting animals or fishing. I have a camp set up in the middle of the woods up north. Fishing I find difficult to rely on because a lake is hard to come by at least for me since I don't use a map nor am I comfortable will the layout of the land. 


I always find deer and boar in big open fields. Pretty easy to spot and they seem to always be there. I always catch a carp or 2 if I come across a lake. Honestly haven't shot anything else because I haven't seen them before. But right now since there isn't any PVE servers allowed it's hard to just wonder out anywhere without having to look out for bandits. I wish there were animals like bears that could attack you and extreme elements like snow that require you to stay warm to survive. If your on a low pop server let me know and I'll hop on. We might run into each other at one point.

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We may have jumped the gun a little here, a new animal AI is coming and if you have been in .53 you'll have gotten a serious taste of that.  Notice that it is much harder to get near any animal and they run away from you when you are further away from them than before and they are much, much faster.  I shot a pig and saw it run off, so I took a shot at a deer, same, same..  I guess I wounded the pig because about 100 meters away I found him dead in the road.


I have not had any luck with fishing and have not gotten a rabbit at all, the one chicken and one of the goats I got was frozen in Msta.. 

Edited by Barnabus

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We may have jumped the gun a little here, a new animal AI is coming and if you have been in .53 you'll have gotten a serious taste of that.  Notice that it is much harder to get near any animal and they run away from you when you are further away from them than before and they are much, much faster.  I shot a pig and saw it run off, so I took a shot at a deer, same, same..  I guess I wounded the pig because about 100 meters away I found him dead in the road.


I have not had any luck with fishing and have not gotten a rabbit at all, the one chicken and one of the goats I got was frozen in Msta.. 

I haven't observed the animal AI in 0.53 yet personally (I've only played it long enough to check a few spots on the map), but I watched videos of it and it looks very promising.


Give fishing a try again, you won't be disappointed. Sometimes I get a little impatient and move spots, but it doesn't take long to get something. Rabbits are indeed pretty tricky.

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Only animals I can't check of that list are sardines (I dont like staying on the coast except for quieter places like Kamenka or so) and goats. Never saw a goddamn goat. All I have killed multiple times with a bow. I hope soon it gets harder and more time consuming to hunt game.

Edit: Forgot the rabbit, only shot it with an SKS. Those elusive fuckers.

Edited by surf_polar

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I always seem to see multiple grazing animals near orchards, I don't know if this is just coincidence or if they actually made more spawn points there.

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Only animals I can't check of that list are sardines (I dont like staying on the coast except for quieter places like Kamenka or so) and goats. Never saw a goddamn goat. All I have killed multiple times with a bow. I hope soon it gets harder and more time consuming to hunt game.

Edit: Forgot the rabbit, only shot it with an SKS. Those elusive fuckers.

Sardines are super easy to cross off the list, but I can't blame you... I don't spend much time near the coast either. Head to Msta for goats.


I always seem to see multiple grazing animals near orchards, I don't know if this is just coincidence or if they actually made more spawn points there.

I've noticed this as well, particularly cows.

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I like to drive the cattle into Berezino to lure off the zeds.

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"I've killed women and children. I've killed everything that walks or crawls at one time or another. And I'm here to kill you, Little Bill, for what you done to Ned."



Seriously, only killed a pig once when he ran in the way of my fire. I usually save animals when zeds chase them.

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Today I won DayZ, as thanks to Tatanko's coordinates, I managed to shot dead two and ensnare one rabbit. Oh my god, are they dead. After a burst of M4 i'm surprised there was any meat left. But I was so anxious to lay my hands on such game!


I spotted and killed 2 bunnies at 051 115. Try scouting the area with binoculars from a distance rather than moving in immediately, rabbits are fast, quiet and shorter than grass. Meanwile, a snare at 051 114 on another server also did the trick. Be ready to wait more than 5 minutes, however.


As for culinary impressions: after tasting all kinds of meat in Chernarus, I can safely say that rabbits are just the most superb. Their exquisite taste makes up for their rarity and should please the palates of even most demanding survivors. One bite and you're happy that the humanity is gone so that there is more for you. B)


Thus my survival quest is complete and I can wait for more features. I wish the same to all outdoorspeople to be and I hope we run into each other, without the obligatory "shoot first" policy.


Tatanko, I have a good memory for favours. My main survival character is on public HC and if you ever need anything there, just give me a shout. I'll come and try to bring rabbit meat on me. If you want a small protector case (damaged), hit me up. :beans: :thumbsup:

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Seriously, only killed a pig once when he ran in the way of my fire. I usually save animals when zeds chase them.

Shrub Rocketeer... is that you?  :huh:


Today I won DayZ, as thanks to Tatanko's coordinates, I managed to shot dead two and ensnare one rabbit. Oh my god, are they dead. After a burst of M4 i'm surprised there was any meat left. But I was so anxious to lay my hands on such game!


I spotted and killed 2 bunnies at 051 115. Try scouting the area with binoculars from a distance rather than moving in immediately, rabbits are fast, quiet and shorter than grass. Meanwile, a snare at 051 114 on another server also did the trick. Be ready to wait more than 5 minutes, however.

Good to hear! I'll have to head back to that valley to realize my dream of hunting rabbits (instead of just snaring them) sometime soon. Glad I could be of help :)

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i want to join!!! looking for goats, chickens and rabbits today!

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i want to join!!! looking for goats, chickens and rabbits today!

Goats and chickens are most easily found at Msta. That seems to be the consensus anyway. As for rabbits, see my post (#10 in this thread): http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/219080-the-master-outdoorsman-club/?p=2201686

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Another small tip I forgot (I updated the list above):


- if you want to hide your fireplace, put it directly under a spruce (or whatever that evergreen tree is), like next to the trunk, where you almost can't see it. The fire and smoke will be much less visible while you can stilly normally interact with the cooking area as usual.

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When the final version comes, we can think of a wiki with all the details of survival tested - average yields of plants, spawning areas of animals, how much meat per knife condition, this kind of stuff.


Also, I think it would be funny to gather a few lone wolves one day for a big barbecue with all kinds of meat and veggies.Especially as hopefully new features will be added.


As for overhaul of animal behaviour - it seems quite obvious that current animals serve really just as placeholders, even poorer than zeds. With a ranged weapon the effort is zero. Any kind of improvement is much welcome. And wolves and bears - are they coming our way in .53? Sweet. I can't help but wonder how a fistfight with a bear will look like. ;)

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I would suggest that we all play on the same server. Interactions with friendly outdoorsman would be cool but as soon as the population starts rising more and more people join. 

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