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Who still uses Mosin (+LRS) for range kills?!

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Hey guys,


this shouldn't be another winey post about how much sway there is when sniping, and I'm sure, there will be lots of people that tell "I STILL use Mosin and kill targets at 400+ metres blabla" but...

in my last experiences with the mosin, even more with a LRS attached, I have the feeling that it is much easier to kill someone with a repeater until ~200-300 metres.. and above that, it is almost impossible anyway with that sway.

I even prefer pistols over the mosin cause they don't sway that much and I have more shots if the first didn't hit, of course not for targets behind 100-150 metres.


Any other disappointed experiences with that thing (+LRS) or just the "pros" who still do 10+ kills at 1000 metres ? :p

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If you run around all day with all that clothing and equipment, especially the huge backpacks.. Your body will be tired and won't be able to hold a rifle completely still its just impossible Lmfao! But ofcourse prone it should be very good, or if you have rested on the spot for a while.. And in my experience the sway is not that bad if you are not moving..

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Phantom arm breaks are a Mosin snipers worst enemy.  


When you get hit from Zeds, there is a chance you have a broken/damaged arm , but the game isn't telling you so,  and this introduces impossible sway at 4-500m+.


Its also essential that you remap your hold breath key to another key if you use RMB to zoom the LRS.


Before taking up a sniper position, splint yourself.  I almost exclusively use the Mosin and get plenty 800m kills.


The only thing that annoys me is that its often difficult to see where your shots are landing at 700m+ so can be hard to adjust aiming.  Sometimes they dont visually register at a distance 

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I shot someone laying on one of the watchtowers at NWAF the other day.

The distance was about 450 meters and it took me about 15 bullets to hit him.

The dispersion was quite big but I think that's quite logical for such an old rifle.

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Ideally the mosin should not be making 1000m shots anyway.

Why not? you can do it real life, however it should not be easy, just as IRL.

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I used to do it, but since silencer was added, I am using AK101 with silencer and pso-1, pretty awesome! 

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I can shoot up to 600m with no effort. Above it, takes a bit of skills :)

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Why not? you can do it real life, however it should not be easy, just as IRL.


You cant with anywhere near the consistency that you can in dayz.


The Mosin in dayz is hyper accurate.

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You cant with anywhere near the consistency that you can in dayz.


The Mosin in dayz is hyper accurate.

IMO i big part of the problem is that the current 'accuracy' mechanics in-game are way to 'arcadey' and tied to this rubbish attachment system. We need a proper stamina/fatigue system, Wind effects, and real-time ballistics with accurate values for the mechanical accuracy of the firearms. the person as the keyboard should be the deciding factor; knowing how and properly compensating for all the factors involved in a long range shot (or failing at it).

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I do on my 3pp public avatar. Yes anything over say 200 to 300 meters it is ideal to hold your breath while firing and be in the prone position. Its really good to have the range finder too, it is really important to know your ranges, it is rough because you cant zoom but it does work so long as you make sure your target is centered. You can of course use the map for that as well. Also for me when I carry the mosin I like to have a good side arm. I don't like using the mosin for CQB at all. There are some that do...not me. The .357 is what I like, no mags needed, speed loaders are nice to have. I prefer not to carry 2 rifles, to easy to mis-place one of them, kind of a pain in the ass.  Sway adds challenge but there are things you can do to cut down on it.

Edited by CJFlint

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Considering there are no other real long-ranged options available I don't see why anyone who would be doing long-ranged shooting would have switched.


It's not like the SKS or AKM have the same range as it does - though truthfully the Mosin should be shooting around the same as an AKM or SKS (none of them are truthfully that accurate IRL, just enough to get the job done for their time.)

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I find don't find the sway to be that bad. Just, as stated earlier, make sure there are no phantom fracture's, that your calm and not panting, preferebly prone but standing or crouched can work in situations where needed and last make sure to hold your breath properly. I've had quite a few 700-800m kills in the last couple of patches on my sniper avatar Vasily :)

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I wasn't aware of the fracture thing I'll definitely have to make some splints and try it out.

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It's not like the SKS or AKM have the same range as it does - though truthfully the Mosin should be shooting around the same as an AKM or SKS (none of them are truthfully that accurate IRL, just enough to get the job done for their time.)


This pretty much.


3 inch groups is good for a sks. 4 inch groups for a rather good example of an akm and 5 inch groups at 100 yards is a typical good mosin.


The single biggest factor attributing to the mediocre accuracy is the ammo. Soviet military surplus ammo is all over the place, you might get a good batch or you might get a batch that fires 400 fps less than the other batch.

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This pretty much.


3 inch groups is good for a sks. 4 inch groups for a rather good example of an akm and 5 inch groups at 100 yards is a typical good mosin.


The single biggest factor attributing to the mediocre accuracy is the ammo. Soviet military surplus ammo is all over the place, you might get a good batch or you might get a batch that fires 400 fps less than the other batch.

Yeah and I'd assume the vast majority of ammo in Chernarus would be a relatively poor surplus batch of ammunition with some good quality reserved for the CDF in their PKMs, SVDs, and whatnot. I mean, even if Chernarus has a large amount of civilian firearm ownership, it's still an Eastern European country, so the market's not going to be on the same scale as the United States where you can find good and bad ammunition fairly easily (nowadays getting surplus Soviet ammo isn't as easy but still compared to other countries the U.S. has it pretty easy)


Add that to the fact that these are almost all Mosins that were used in over 50 years of wars and are still being heavily used and you're probably not going to see their performance as high as a well kept and maintained collector's Mosin in the US.


I believe the accuracy of the Mosin is only a placeholder until other sniper weapons get in, just as the LRS is. Once the Winchester Model 70 and later other rifles make it in they'll be able to remove the LRS from the Mosin and drop its accuracy enough to where it's only "okay". It'll still have the PU scope so potentially using at as a sniper weapon is still possible but for the most part it won't stand up to anything purpose built today. Such was most of the guns the Soviets manufactured - good enough to get the job done (and in many cases at some points they did outperform the competition, like the AK47 vs the M14 and early M16s in Vietnam. [Though the Vietnamese forces still tended to falter fighting a much better trained and equipped force, that just had weapons not built for the environment.])

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I dropped a guy from ~900m last night. He was near the line of tents facing the runway in NWAF. I picked him off from the ATC.

The sway is pretty terrible, though. I don't really understand why it sways side to side so drastically. It should be mostly vertical.

Seems kind of half-assed.

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I wasn't aware of the fracture thing I'll definitely have to make some splints and try it out.

Just in case you dont know about the current bug which randomly prevents splints being made or applied


  1. Put bandages/rags in your hand.
  2. Press F11 and drag sticks onto your hand before the animation finishes and a splint will be made instantly.
  3. Put the splint into your hands, press F11 and apply the splint before the animation finishes and you are sorted.
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Just in case you dont know about the current bug which randomly prevents splints being made or applied

  • Put bandages/rags in your hand.
  • Press F11 and drag sticks onto your hand before the animation finishes and a splint will be made instantly.
  • Put the splint into your hands, press F11 and apply the splint before the animation finishes and you are sorted.

I use the "surrender" animation. Much faster. :3

The same goes for drink all/eat all, crafting items, filling a canteen, etc. It's currently the only way to perform said actions.

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I use the "surrender" animation. Much faster. :3

The same goes for drink all/eat all, crafting items, filling a canteen, etc. It's currently the only way to perform said actions.

Ah I didn't know F2 also worked.  Will try that next time.



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I still use a mosin and routinely make shots of 500+ meters.  Once I stopped running every I went, sway became less of an issue.  Now I jog between location and only sprint to cross danger areas or break contact, you should also often make and apply splints to deal with the phantom fracture issue.   I was never a big mosin guy but now a days I love it (probably more so thanks to the AK74u for CQB).  A 101 with the PSO is another solid option, not the same range but still really good and now you can suppress it :)

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i either hit the target in first shot like a pro or miss it all 5 15 times and die like a newbie.

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