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Shooting everything you see isn't realistic...

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Beed lurking on these forums, debating if I should get this game, registered just for this post.

What I've read in this topic is disgusting.

To all those claiming they would shoot IRL on sight just to be sure: please don't procreate, do it for the sake of society.

If you can openly say that you would kill anybody on sight just to stay save there's something wrong with you

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Shootin people on sight IS REALISTIC.

Its a fucking zombie Apoc. You don't know he inner evil and satanic cultist fucks that will emerge and thrive in a real life Zombie Apoc.

I await the day I can rape' date=' murder, pillage and rape with no consequences from law or government. The day it hits. The local high school with sluts here I come.


Pretty sure they will shoot you on sight; the irony.

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Totally going into a police report~
Seriously, it should. This kid needs to learn his lesson before he's the cause of something... nightmarish.

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To be fair' date=' in the dire circumstance of an apocalyptic event, anything we may call 'humanity' takes a back seat when survival is at stake.

While I don't actively hunt other players, and generally avoid conflict - if at all possible; I am aware that others will be more bloodthirsty / greedy in nature. People say that it is unrealistic to shoot people on sight for 'shits and giggles'... But ask yourself - Is it? Is it really?

In a world where there are no rules & regulations, no societal constraints, no law, no order. What is stopping people from killing indiscriminately? While some may feel bound to some moral obligation - it's likely that most will not. And that's the simple fact. I don't find this sort of behavior unreal what-so-ever. An interesting thing to note - while playing Day Z with a group of friends, I become less of a cautious survivor, and more akin to a unit within a marauding pack of dogs.

What ever you think of Day Z and the players in it - it evokes decision making of a more aggressive and primal nature.

There are no 'logical members of society' in Day Z, you are communing with neanderthal's.

My best advice to you would be... be smart. ARMA is a simulator by design. When playing Day Z nobody wants things to be 'fair'... If you want 'fair' a more arcade-based shooter may be more appropriate for you.

Move north if you don't want pot shots taken at you by every new player with an Enfield.


instead you will get pot shots taken at you by every player you see.

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Stop fucking whining, dude. Just yesterday me and my friend were killed by a sniper at Stary Sobor. We had just looted the NW Airfield. I got a M16A2 and he got a M4A3 CCO. We were pissed, but we didnt make another shitty thread on the fourm, because we knew we should have been more careful.

Moral of the story: Always scout out an area before looting it and be more careful.

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It's not about not being able to handle dying, it's about missing encountering survivors and experiencing a tense moment, figuring out whether he's a survivor or a bandit. Even back in the bandit skin days, you couldn't rely on survivors being friendly or murderous, but atleast there were a chance. I can chit-chat all day long with my clan on TS3, but we might as well disable direct channel, since noone has any reason to interact with strangers anymore.

Before there were mistrust, now there's only hostility.

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Nope. I shouldn't be punished for my playstyle just because you disagree with it.

Exactly. The best moments I've had playing this game is when we hear gunshots or are getting shot at. When the adrenaline is rushing and we don't know what to do next. The only time I team with people is when I first spawn so we can work together for some gear,anytime after that Is kill on sight, because they probably have the same idea.

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Situation I had today. Spent several hours hunting for things. Found a revolver, a hachet, box of matches, some food, water bottle, an m10 shotgun, a map, a watch, and some meat. I was set. A friend got on so I went down to Cherno to meet up with him but he kept getting killed so he left. I stayed in Cherno and looked around for stuff on the outer edge. I found an ALICE pack so I tried switching my items over. It DELETED all of my morphine so I was forced to go find some more. Too bad though. I tried getting to the military base only to get shot on sight. The game is getting entirely pointless, it is not realistic at all. Even if there was only one death person server and you could not get on again people would still kill you if they had a better weapon. I was stealthy and zombies were not a major issue. The other players were! I should also not be forced to find another person to play with! If I want to go solo I should. I think pvp should be removed entirely until a reasonable conclusion can be made. Other wise I am literally wasting hours of my time getting stuff to survive...ZOMBIES. Even though I know as soon as someone sees me im dead.

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I think what the carebears get hung up on is the zombie survival bit of zombie survival simulator. What you should consider is what is implied in a zombie survival scenario.

A post apocalyptic world devoid of laws or society. This is the setting. As for the realism of a consistent shoot on sight policy, its perfectly realistic if you really think about it. Some of you may have noble ideas in your head, but the fact is in reality, you would do what it takes to survive, or you would not. And in a world with scarce supplies, already full of danger, would you take your chances on a armed stranger? I think not.

You would shoot them, take their can of beans, and get the fuck out of dodge before a zombie heard you. Or they would shoot you. This is human nature at its very basic level. Survival. Fear and paranoia can make us do things we never thought we would.

But I'm not a complete cynic, and I think there needs to be a little more to this game. In reality, strangers might very well band up, if they faced immediate danger which they stood a better chance of facing together. This game could use a mechanic to give us a chance at that interaction, at least sometimes.

But it should not be anything limiting bandits, debuffs, longer respawn, etc. Where is the realism in that I ask you, if realism is your argument versus the shoot on sight mentality?

Quick sidenote, if we get more skins, clans will become more established, and a certain kind of society will emerge. It will still be a very violent and primitive society of course, but still. :D

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Situation I had today. Spent several hours hunting for things. Found a revolver' date=' a hachet, box of matches, some food, water bottle, an m10 shotgun, a map, a watch, and some meat. I was set. A friend got on so I went down to Cherno to meet up with him but he kept getting killed so he left. I stayed in Cherno and looked around for stuff on the outer edge. I found an ALICE pack so I tried switching my items over. It DELETED all of my morphine so I was forced to go find some more. Too bad though. I tried getting to the military base only to get shot on sight. The game is getting entirely pointless, it is not realistic at all. Even if there was only one death person server and you could not get on again people would still kill you if they had a better weapon. I was stealthy and zombies were not a major issue. The other players were! I should also not be forced to find another person to play with! If I want to go solo I should. I think pvp should be removed entirely until a reasonable conclusion can be made. Other wise I am literally wasting hours of my time getting stuff to survive...ZOMBIES. Even though I know as soon as someone sees me im dead.


You can't go alone into every situation expecting to come out fine either. Playing solo is easy if you sneak around, but if you want to get into airfields etc you should bring atleast one ally just incase. I spent quite a few days gathering items and had a few cars today just to have them all ruined by a sniper and people shooting at my car. It's even funner to get the stuff back.

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I think what the carebears get hung up on is the zombie survival bit of zombie survival simulator. What you should consider is what is implied in a zombie survival scenario.

A post apocalyptic world devoid of laws or society. This is the setting. As for the realism of a consistent shoot on sight policy' date=' its perfectly realistic if you really think about it. Some of you may have noble ideas in your head, but the fact is in reality, you would do what it takes to survive, or you would not. And in a world with scarce supplies, already full of danger, would you take your chances on a armed stranger? I think not.

You would shoot them, take their can of beans, and get the fuck out of dodge before a zombie heard you. Or they would shoot you. This is human nature at its very basic level. Survival. Fear and paranoia can make us do things we never thought we would.

But I'm not a complete cynic, and I think there needs to be a little more to this game. In reality, strangers might very well band up, if they faced immediate danger which they stood a better chance of facing together. This game could use a mechanic to give us a chance at that interaction, at least sometimes.

But it should not be anything limiting bandits, debuffs, longer respawn, etc. Where is the realism in that I ask you, if realism is your argument versus the shoot on sight mentality?

Quick sidenote, if we get more skins, clans will become more established, and a certain kind of society will emerge. It will still be a very violent and primitive society of course, but still. :D


I would like to rebut this paragraph of nonsense with the following. ITS A GAME! How can you expect people to play like it is a real zombie apocalypse with it being a game with no real life consequences? Like I said. Zombies are no longer a major issue, it is other players.

You can't go alone into every situation expecting to come out fine either. Playing solo is easy if you sneak around, but if you want to get into airfields etc you should bring atleast one ally just incase. I spent quite a few days gathering items and had a few cars today just to have them all ruined by a sniper and people shooting at my car. It's even funner to get the stuff back.

Unless you died on the coast you can't really get your stuff back. Hell I even died on the coast one time and only got there in time by about 30 seconds.

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It is a fucking zombie apocalypse. Nobody in real-life would shoot other survivors the second they see them. So rocket if you want to make a realistic zombie simulator please fucking do something to remove the shoot on sight mentality..

actually when the food becomes scarce' date=' people would actually resort to killing and eating each other. lets get this into the game.

btw, your whining to rocket is arrogant and misplaced. if you can't take the constant threat of pvp, gtfo.


The thing you forget is zombies won't spawn in real-life. You can drive to the big malls and get all the food you would need for atleast a year to come. After that is done you can drive to a big farm in the middle of nowhere, kill the few zombies that are in the area and start living on the food you have until crops are ready and you can harvest them and breed and kill the animals on the farm if needed. How do you think people lived in the the stoneage?

all that shows is that you're a bit ignorant to population and the needs of that population. there's a reason food is constantly shipped to stores. grocery stores would be tapped in a matter of hours, especially given panic. if you think that some morality would perceiver in any apocalyptic situation, you're mistaken. cannibalism would abound within short order. there are plenty of survival stories to back up such a scenario.

100k people live within my area. there are maybe 6 grocery stores. do the math.

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I only just bought this game recently and my first 3 hours of the game was non-stop being player killed. But after learning how to play the game I started to get my bearings.

I will admit I've killed an unarmed guy, and yeah I instantly regretted it.

But what about those times were you have to shot? What if the kill was fair game?

For example me and a buddy were sitting inside a castle waiting for another friend. He meets up with us but we spot a guy on the tower overlooking our position. We didn't know if he had seen us and with the high-ground he had a pretty good chance at spotting us/ killing us. So we made the decision that we had to kill him to save our own. I creep up the tower and killed the guy, but hiding in the corner was he's buddy which we didn't spot. I nailed him before I was Swiss cheese.

I believe that those 2 kills were 'Fair Game'.

If there were some negative effects to killing someone you would have to have a system to determine what's murder and what self defence/Fair game. I don't want to wait an hour for killing with a valid reason.

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Are you people stupid?

I mean, take a moment to consider that question before you answer it. Lets be realistic for a moment and look at the state of the world the game puts us in. It's a destroyed world, completely barren of anything people would call a goverment and society. These people are survivors with one thing on their mind, surviving. Have you ever watched 28 days later? Let's look at some of the quotes from that movie to guide us here :

It started off as rioting. But right from the beginning you knew this was different, because it was happening in small villages, market towns... and then it wasn't on TV anymore. It was on the street outside. It was coming through your windows. It was a virus, an infection. You didn't need a doctor to tell you that. It was the blood, or something in the blood. By the time they tried to evacuate the cities, it was already too late. The infection was everywhere. The army blockades were overrun, and that's when the exodus started. The day before the TV and radio stopped broadcasting, there were reports of infection in Paris and New York. You didn't hear anything more after that

And some good ones from Mark :

I remember my dad had all this cash. He thought maybe we could buy our way onto a plane, even though cash was completely useless. Ten thousand other people had the same idea. The crowd was surging. I lost my grip on my sister's hand. I remember the ground felt very soft, and I saw I was standing on people. People who had fallen. Like a carpet. There were infected in the crowd- it spread fast. You couldn't get away, you could only climb, climb over more people. So I did that. So I climbed, I climbed on top of more people. I got up on top of this kiosk. Looking down you couldn't tell which faces were infected and which weren't. Then I saw my dad. Not my mum or my sister. My dad. I saw his face... Selena's right. You should be grateful.

Does this sound like a world where people are trying to get together and hold hands, sing songs around a campfire and fuck and repopulate the world? No, and that's what this world is all about. A world with no goverment, no police, no anything but the will of a person to do what it takes to stay alive. You really live in a small sheltered world if you think if the world came to an end right this very minute that humanity would all strive to get together and start over.

That's bullshit.

You're looking at what would happen if there was a zombie apocalypse. Don't get me wrong, i'm sure somewhere in the world there will be a handful of people trying to put things back together and get things back to 'normal'. The rest of humanity would be doing everything that was needed to make sure their families survived and if that wasn't possible that THEY would survive.

Stop pissing and moaning that people aren't playing Arma II Call of Duty where you have your clear cut teams with boundries that are set in stone. This game is a survival game first and foremost, and if you're not surviving then you're losing.

I won't be feeding the stupid people beyond this point, waste of my time.

EDIT: PS - You want to see what happens when people start running out of supplies? Look at the starving areas of Africa when a food shipment comes in. Look at Hurricane Katrina when it struck New Orleans. THAT is what happens when the world you live in comes to a screeching halt. Don't feed me that happiness will prevail bullshit that you get fed daily through your televisions.

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To all you "pseudo-cynical realistic kids playing a video game" and saying everybody shooting on sight is a realistic attitude.

I really hope i won't have you by my side if civilisation were to be destroyed in any way. Because you would be dead in a month or so.

In a realistic environment (with zombie), you would need so many skills to survive that you WILL team up with people you dont know.

Agriculture - to feed your kids and wife

Builders - To provide a shelter from zombie/animals

Medics - to heal you and your family

Garage mechanics - Because you will need to have some ways to move around.

etc etc...

And the more you will survive, the more needs your community will have, the more cooperation with strangers you will need.

Cooperation would be FORCED on you!

Thats what is lacking in dayz right now.

Bandits = Neanderthals.

Survivors = Sapiens.

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To all you "pseudo-cynical realistic kids playing a video game" and saying everybody shooting on sight is a realistic attitude.

I really hope i won't have you by my side if civilisation were to be destroyed in any way. Because you would be dead in a month or so.

In a realistic environment (with zombie)' date=' you would need so many skills to survive that you WILL team up with people you dont know.

Agriculture - to feed your kids and wife

Builders - To provide a shelter from zombie/animals

Medics - to heal you and your family

Garage mechanics - Because you will need to have some ways to move around.

etc etc...

And the more you will survive, the more needs your community will have, the more cooperation with strangers you will need.

Cooperation would be FORCED on you!

Thats what is lacking in dayz right now.

Bandits = Neanderthals.

Survivors = Sapiens.


Ok there buddy, you keep thinking that. I'll keep dealing with reality. You know, the reality where if people don't have cell phone reception they don't know how to function. The reality where more people are eating out then eating at home because cooking is just too much of a hassle.

Not sure what part of the earth you live in, but I live in the part of society that if basic things break down people can't function. All that nonsense you put above sounds really, really good on paper. But then you step back and you say, man, if cooperation is forced on people why did we have so many LOOTERS during Hurricane Katrina instead of people sharing food and water?

But pardon me, I digress. In Day Z, Rocket has shown people what happens when the world goes to hell in a hand-basket and human beings are forced to cope with having to find their own food, water, supplies, medical needs. I applaud that there are people that think when the earth goes to shit humanity will band together into this super society that will help each other despite their own losses and pain.

I on the other hand will continue to base reality off of things I see happening around me, not what I see when I fall asleep. Such as:

People getting into fights in traffic after being cut off.

People fighting over the last item that was on sale.

People stabbing each other in the back over a profit margin.

People looting buildings during 'minor' disasters.

People stealing food / water / supplies when they are scarce.

People selling needed supplies to people to turn a profit.

Yes, I am very aware this is a game, thank you for reminding those who may have forgotten that fact. But there is one word in this game everyone seems to forget : Survival.

This is NOT Call of Duty, or Modern Warfare where you have team A and team B slugging it out in a death match. This is not World of Warcraft where the objective is to get the best gear in the game and then make sure you don't lose it.

This is DayZ, where you start the game with nothing and you slowly/hopefully, learn what it takes to survive. Judging from the number of whining children complaining that murdering someone for their food and defending what you have is not fair, some people may need to be reminded of THAT.

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This last guy...listen to him you crybaby's. He is right. The game is not gonna change for you assholes because the Dev's dont agree with you. Leave or learn to play a real game, where the game itself isnt build to protect you from you own lack of skills. Get fucking better at it. These hilarious post keep coming cuzz you nutburgers keep thinkinh the game is broken,,but its not. The problem is your weakness.

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Refreshing. Thank you for making this never-before-made-on-these-forums point!

And addressing the dev directly' date=' you canny bastard!


My sentiments exactly :D Next time use this perrty pls for the daft

To all you "pseudo-cynical realistic kids playing a video game" and saying everybody shooting on sight is a realistic attitude.

I really hope i won't have you by my side if civilisation were to be destroyed in any way. Because you would be dead in a month or so.

In a realistic environment (with zombie)' date=' you would need so many skills to survive that you WILL team up with people you dont know.

Agriculture - to feed your kids and wife

Builders - To provide a shelter from zombie/animals

Medics - to heal you and your family

Garage mechanics - Because you will need to have some ways to move around.

etc etc...

And the more you will survive, the more needs your community will have, the more cooperation with strangers you will need.

Cooperation would be FORCED on you!

Thats what is lacking in dayz right now.

Bandits = Neanderthals.

Survivors = Sapiens.


Sounds like a Flash game I played recently :D

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I agree with OP, it isn;t realistic, and it is the part I hate most about the game.

BUT! This is a loot driven game with nothing much else to do than to get said loot. And the easiest way to do this is to kill other people. And even those who are not inclined to kill, will often do so out of self preservation.

I don;t like it much, but atm it's the way it is, and I;m okay with the logic of it.

I do hope survival gets harder, weapons, ammo, food and drink rarer and we get more stuff to do.

But as the game is now, the rampant PvP (like or dislike) is a logical consequence.

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This last guy...listen to him you crybaby's. He is right. The game is not gonna change for you assholes because the Dev's dont agree with you. Leave or learn to play a real game' date=' where the game itself isnt build to protect you from you own lack of skills. Get fucking better at it. These hilarious post keep coming cuzz you nutburgers keep thinkinh the game is broken,,but its not. The problem is your weakness.


We are the testers of this game, we are supposed to give feedback. That is what I am doing.

I kill everyone I see because I know they will kill me if I don't. I think that is a stupid thing to do and that is why I come here to give my feedback.

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I enjoy killing people immensely, stealing their loot and burying their bodies so they can't get back whatever scraps I left for them. Keep the tears coming, they are delicious :)

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i love when children claim they would kill on sight in a real zombie apocalypse. its so cute.

Because you've had to deal with a zombie apocalypse so you know exactly how humanity is going to act during it right? Where do you get your fact from? What zombie apocalypse was it, by the way?

Wake up.

Why do stupid people, like you Vanilladragon, take the time to type out wasted space like the above? Seriously?

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