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I like the TTsKO very much. Especially paired with the green ghillie.

Edited by SFRGaming
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whats the best colour to run around dayz in?


Pink. Pink dress.


In all seriousness, though - WOBO covers this in the Ghillie-Suit Guide:


Edited by kichilron

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I mean tac shirts and stuff

Well then obviously Olive.

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Black, to become one with the dark shadows of the Chernarussian night, ready to take on some zombies and bandits by surprise

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Really bright colors, colorful raincoats, pink balaclava.

Best kind of camo there is: looking completely stupid. People are less likely to shoot you.

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wear TTSKO (and preferably a ghillie suit) if your anywhere but near the coast

near the coast wear lighter color pants (not bright but lighter camo) because they match the grass better

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Camo doesn't mean shit if you don't know how to utilize it right. You can have some one in bright colored clothing you completely miss as your running by in all camo thinking no one is going to spot you.


Moving slow and using trees and bushes helps allot its not just the outfit that makes the hunter its how you use the environment even when wearing the brightest gear.

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To be honest the best camo is not moving (or moving slowly) and staying away from landmarks. Unless you are on a third person server then the best camo is being prone on the highest building there is and peeking down - 100% invisible to everyone but flying cheaters and wallhackers (includes people who are logging in).

As for colors I found greenish, greyish and brownish ones the best for staying unnoticed especially if they have a pattern that hides your shape. Thats where black (even though I like to wear it) sucks - it usually gives away your shape pretty easily which in some situations makes it worse than colors like yellow or pink.

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I don't like ttsko, just because its not waterproof. I like the "flat" camo gorka set, waterproof and pretty good camo if you break it up a little with a black vest boots and gloves :)

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I don't like ttsko, just because its not waterproof. I like the "flat" camo gorka set, waterproof and pretty good camo if you break it up a little with a black vest boots and gloves :)


Agreed. Someone did some pretty intensive experimentation on this a few months ago - pre-Ghillies obviously.


The darker colours and camo patterns like TTSKO tend to have higher contrast (unless in woods or shadows). From memory the conclusion of this work was that tan stuff was best, with the lighter pattern Gorka gear (which is also waterproof) a close second. My personal ideal clothing is the Gorka E-pattern stuff. I also tend to prefer beige or brown boots and gloves.

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well I have a blue press vest with a paramedic jacket and black cargos so when I make my trip back to veresnik tan with be my colour

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I was kitted out like this before I got wiped, which I thought was pretty good camo apart from the tanker helmet. I had the TTsKO but swapped it for Gorka because it seemed darker than I wanted against most terrain.



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Is that the "Autumn" one? I had one very similar the other day and I loved it....but a zombie ruined the pants so I swapped to the "flat" set...was impressed how well it blends for "no pattern" type camo. Still would like an autumn or E set again :)



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Is that the "Autumn" one? I had one very similar the other day and I loved it....

Autumn pants and Pautrev jacket.

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Best thing to where are things that reduce your silhouette, if you can't get your hands on a ghillie, then i go with Grey cargo pants, Green hoodie and Olive high cap, usually an olive face mask and a grey beanie!!


Steering clear of military gear as much as poss! ('cept the high cap vest of course)

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Best thing to where are things that reduce your silhouette, if you can't get your hands on a ghillie, then i go with Grey cargo pants, Green hoodie and Olive high cap, usually an olive face mask and a grey beanie!!


Steering clear of military gear as much as poss! ('cept the high cap vest of course)

But by wearing a ghillie your pretty much contradicting your no military gear policy though. lol

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Yes but...


Ghillies :D

How often do you see civilians running around with Ghillie suits?! lmao point me in the direction id like to know which crazy part of Ireland to visit! XD

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How often do you see civilians running around with Ghillie suits?! lmao point me in the direction id like to know which crazy part of Ireland to visit! XD


South Armagh. :P

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