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o5pr3y (DayZ)

Haven't seen or heard a Zombie in hours

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Spawned in Khelm, and looted it. Moved north and looted the airstrip, Krasnotav, and the outlying villages and misc buildings.

Got fully geared before I even saw a player, but have yet to see any zombies.


Been lingering around that area for a bit, getting all the gear I need, but in 4-5 hours, I have yet to find a zombie.


Anyone else having this issue?

Edited by o5pr3y

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Sometimes I find this happening in Elektro, not sure if somone is looking out for me, or just lucky like ^^^^^ said

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Its probably because you looted a popular route and zombies got killed/pulled away by other players. Or because animals lured them away. I can often see a cow or deer being chased by a big group of zombies.

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Its probably because you looted a popular route and zombies got killed/pulled away by other players. Or because animals lured them away. I can often see a cow or deer being chased by a big group of zombies.


I always get a nice little chuckle when I see this.

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I freaking wish this would happen to me.


I'm sick of ruined gear because of glitched out zombies who can hit me from outside a building due to the willy wonka Dayz netcode.

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I freaking wish this would happen to me.


I'm sick of ruined gear because of glitched out zombies who can hit me from outside a building due to the willy wonka Dayz netcode.



then you should come back after Patch 0.53 or 0.54  B)  new Zombie AI and animation system should solve a lot of these problems..will still need a lot of finetunig though...maybe you don"t know this game is still wip  B)  aka Alpha

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There are no zombies anymore, I've found the cure. DayZ is over now, we start to play Chernarus Life now.

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Its probably because you looted a popular route and zombies got killed/pulled away by other players. Or because animals lured them away. I can often see a cow or deer being chased by a big group of zombies.


I once had a firefight with some dude about 50m apart, and during an exchange of gunfire, 2 cows being chased by about 8 zombies ran inbetween our positions.


We both paused for about 10 seconds to puzzle at the absurdity of the situation, before resuming murdering each other.

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I sat scouting the airfield once when from across the other side of the base a cow ran out onto the runway with 4 or 5 zeds in hot persuit ! I do laugh everytime I see the zoms running after animals. 

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then you should come back after Patch 0.53 or 0.54  B)  new Zombie AI and animation system should solve a lot of these problems..will still need a lot of finetunig though...maybe you don"t know this game is still wip  B)  aka Alpha


You have 1000 posts yet you don't know enough to realize many of the "upcoming" patch notes are often full of empty promises?  


How much money do you want to bet that zombies will still be going through some doors and wall and hitting our empty hit boxes from 20 feet away in patch .54?  Please share with us your evidence that all of a sudden, within 2 more patches, that the clunky netcode and broken zombies will be tuned enough to be much better.     I really wish I was wrong and I appreciate your positiveness and advice.    I have fun playing the game and am not mad at the whole game, I'm just mad at the zombies and netcode/controls.    I really hope you are correct that in 2 or 3 more patches we will notice a difference.


Can you post a link to the evidence you have that suggests the gameplay will be noticeably better?   Because I haven't notice any better gameplay since they added some pathing to the zombies way back in September.

Edited by cheranuscrusiser

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i just spawned on southeast coast and ran thru cherno looting some buildings made my way to balota then up to NW AF, only saw 2 zombies. 1 in cherno. other, of course, bugged out when i was in the barrack in NWAF and walked thru wall to hit me. scared the shit outta me. but yeah i've noticed a lot less zombies too

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I've noticed a lack of zeds too. After 4 or 5 towns I assumed something was bugged with them so I knelt by a water pump for a drink. No sooner had I started to sip the cool, clear water I hear a zombie go apeshit. So there I am, calmly scooping water into my mouth whilst a zombie attacks me, unable to do a thing because there's no "cancel action" option for some reason.

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Sometimes I encounter this at some towns, but I get the completely opposite issue when going some other town. Don't know if it is a glitch or something

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What ever the reason was, it must be fixed now.,
 got killed by a new spawn with an ax this morning and as soon as I spawned in Berezino, I got swarmed by zombies. Never thought I'd miss their sounds lol

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