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Hey... You friendly?

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The funniest statement in the game. Every time you see someone. This is your one defense to mitigate a threat. If they say yes, you automatically trust them. If they don't answer, you kill them. It's a broken tactic, instead, just say hi, how are you do you need anything? Hi, I am "x" nice to meet you. The blunt and overused, "broYOUFRIENDLY?" doesn't work. We can't count the number of times someone has betrayed us after answering yes. If you start the conversation with a personal connection or kind offer, the player you are meeting will be more apt to react positively. Try it and post what happens.

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I mostly tell people to 'fuck off' as all they do is shoot at me, want to chop off my head or punch me to death. I basically spend a lot of time telling a guy to 'calm down', asking him 'wtf I done to deserve a battering fresh from the coast' all whilst running in circles trying to punch them out before they get me on the floor on that damn blackscreen.. then calling me a dick, and all manner of other nice names for absolutely nothing... they could have just had the torch if they bothered to ask!


I aint said the word 'friendly' since the early mod days, when it was both commonplace to type in into global and say it to people you met. it means nothing anymore, well nothing but even more uncertainty towards ones demeanour.

Edited by NuckFuts
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It's one of the most egregious examples of how much DayZ Standalone community absolutely NEED to leave behind our days in Mod DayZ. Together with the meaningless "hero/bandit/survivor" trinity, it's one of the most useless and annoying traditions (for lack of a better term) in the game.

"You friendly?" they ask. Yeah, I'm friendly...but I don't know you and I don't trust you. Answering "yes" is not an invitation to follow me anywhere, asking (or pretending) items or whatever. I've lost track of how many times after the word "friendly" people just charged at me with fists raised (if on the coast) or weapon in hands (if inland)...talking about "being friendly" is at best simply a waste of time. At worst, a very inefficient ploy to lull you in a false sense of security.

Usually I ask what I need/want when I meet someone who does not shoot or axe me on sight: "do you have any spare XY?", "do you know if there's item-so-and-so in the town you're coming from?", "have you seen any boar around?", "can you tell me how much to the next town?" and so on. Do you want to team up? Ask it. Do you need bandages or food? Ask it. Do you need a map or directions or tips to find a certain thing? Ask it.

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I like to meet and talk with randoms but will never play long with them. Betrayal is a constant threat and grouping with someone over in game chat is inviting death by that other player you didn't see. For some reason people when they group up, even with randoms seem to lose all caution and run around talking openly like it was a Sunday walk in the park. Or, that guy you just met at Industrial on your way to Elektro is just baiting you for his buddy with the SKS around the next hill. Just not worth it. That said, I do like talking to people briefly and will offer supplies to freshies if I have anything to spare.

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I much prefer "Drop your weapon and get on the floor, if you turn around I'll kill you"


After which you can gauge whether they are friendly and compliant or not.

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I like to meet and talk with randoms but will never play long with them. Betrayal is a constant threat and grouping with someone over in game chat is inviting death by that other player you didn't see. For some reason people when they group up, even with randoms seem to lose all caution and run around talking openly like it was a Sunday walk in the park. Or, that guy you just met at Industrial on your way to Elektro is just baiting you for his buddy with the SKS around the next hill. Just not worth it. That said, I do like talking to people briefly and will offer supplies to freshies if I have anything to spare.


Heh, I remember this guy who was very friendly, but his constant insisting that we go to Elektro to loot had me wary. I was 100% convinced he was about to lead me to my doom, so I ran off into the woods like a coward :P

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The very first player I ever met was watching me kill a zombie with an axe!

It was nighttime and raining very hard! After I killed the zed, I entered a building and saw him crouched by a window looking around! I walked up behind him and just stood there for a few seconds before announcing my presents saying "Hey, whatcha lookin' at?" 

He literally started screaming "I'm friendly, I'm friendly!" After he calmed down and assumed I wasn't going to kill him, he asked "where am I?" I told him he was outside a town called Khelm on the east coast and he should head to the west! 

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The only sure fire way to tell if someone is "friendly" or not is to give them your gun with ammo and see if they kill you. I've had some good adventures with strangers by doing this. The best of which was probably a two-three hour road-trip across the map with a complete stranger; we had quite the adventure scavenging cities and military bases and withstanding several server restarts.

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Dayz is for me so bad that I dont even bother with direct chat anymore, unless I am hailed 1st. What determines wither I shoot you or how react is base off what your doing and your stance. You gotta gun in hand your sneaking around....I will shoot you. No gun, you better not get to close budy! If you say your freindly and you have no weapon, I will say hello and ask that we move our seperate ways. Dont come any closer then 10 feet pal. Keep coms short, no mis-leading shit, no stupid ass jokes, or you'll respawning on the coast. I will put your ass on a Tee and kick your ass right right back to the coast!!!! You will be tasting my shoe laces! No I don't need any thing from you and you sure as hell aint taken none of my crap! Move along chump before you make me nervous!   >:(     I'll be keep n eye on you!

Edited by CJFlint

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The friendliest thing to say, I've noticed in my time in Chernarus, is "Hello". 

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I want to share a positive moment that I had - Just so not all hope is lost...



 So I'm in a city looting a hospital and I fall and break my legs... (its around 3:30 am est) so there are like 4 people on the entire server. As I lay on the ground I realize that I am am gonner. I crawl back into the hospital and turn around to face out the door to consider my option. As I do I see someone run past a window inside of a police station. So I shout out for help. Now I consider that if nothing else he will shoot me and let me start fresh because I didn't have the supplies to make a splint. So, I shout out and I see him go to the roof and then come down.


 He comes over to me and I totally expect to just get killed on sight but he stops and stands over me and the voice somes through my head set


"Hey are you okay? Are you hurt?"


Me - "Yeah I broke my legs and don't have any rags to make a splint"


"Hold on let me see...here I'll help...."


He gives me the rags and I make the splint and I'm able to stand. So we talk a few mins and I offer him food or others things to help him. He says he is okay and if I've looted the building. I hadn't on account of me falling pretty early into searching. So I just told him go ahead.


From there he showed me a few things that I did not know and was a big help. So coming from a noob to the game there are a few people out there that do offer to help without wanting something in return or having sneaky plans behind their actions.


Just wanted to share that not everyone is a killer

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This is not my experience at all!!

Without exception everyone I meet tries to kill me, no one has ever responded to comms, no one has ever responded to my "friendly" behaviour they will just kill you and rob you.  I do not trust anyone on this game, and consequently the first thing anyone will get from me is a face full of AK74.  I would like to be proved wrong and actually meet somone who will cooperate, but I'm not holding my breath.

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This is not my experience at all!!

Without exception everyone I meet tries to kill me, no one has ever responded to comms, no one has ever responded to my "friendly" behaviour they will just kill you and rob you.  I do not trust anyone on this game, and consequently the first thing anyone will get from me is a face full of AK74.  I would like to be proved wrong and actually meet somone who will cooperate, but I'm not holding my breath.

hmm... I think it's just chance.


Personally I would prefer to help, it never crosses my mind to kill anyone. I don't get pleasure from it, I actually get more enjoyment if I have gathered something and get to give it to someone else, even if it's just to 'show off' what I have.


And I have met more friendlies than foes so far, in my limited experience.


I think if you have defensive attitude, and the first thing anyone will get is a bullet in the face from you... well think about that for a sec. You have just joined the club!

It's like in racing games, it you meet a 'crasher' and your response is to retaliate, well guess what? You just became another crasher.

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There's only so many times you can get shot and robbed before you lose all trust.  I have approached people unarmed, stood still etc, and everyone I have met has tried to kill me, but if that's the way folks roll on here then I'm cool with it.

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There's only so many times you can get shot and robbed before you lose all trust.  I have approached people unarmed, stood still etc, and everyone I have met has tried to kill me, but if that's the way folks roll on here then I'm cool with it.

I hear ya. Like I said, I have not that many hours under my belt to be sure, it's been so far so good. I have recently moved to a private shard so I'm not sure I'll ever get to experience the 'real world' so much.


I can only compare to racing games where brake checking, ramming crashers are an epidemic. However, we are at least able to drive better, avoid and embarrass those guys. When people try to get revenge, it ends up being a sloppy mess of everyone crashing everyone else and there are no winners. If we ignore the crashers, they usually go away.


In DayZ, there is no way to one up someone if they're taking a quick cheap shot, sending you back to the coast. It would be nice if guns had surprise misfires at times, so a KOS could stand to lose sometimes.


I think there should be more players that actively try to be friendly. It would raise overall trust levels in the game, and help to negate the impression that every person in game is to be avoided. As long as everyone has a 'shoot first, trust no one' mentality, you are only helping to create more fear, uncertainty and less player interaction. I guess, sometimes, perhaps take the lumps, try to be the bigger man, and maybe you might help restore trust out there. It probably would work that way in real life.

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"Hey buddy, how's it going?" usually works.


The only people that say "friendly" are those too frightened to think of anything else, or the ones who are already reaching for their 1911. Both are pretty unpredictable.

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Don't know but for me it works to ask if somebody is friendly. Of course not only "friendly" but something like "Hey you, how are you doing, are you friendly?" :-)



 If they say yes, you automatically trust them.


No, I don't trust them. But to get an answer at all is the first indication that the other player interacts and doesn't just shoot on sight. But that doesn't mean I trust him.

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I have had the same regular mode character for the last 4 updates now, anyways when I was about a week in my character, a gun, no ammo, food, water, blah blah blah, I was at that insanely big tower to the east of the NW airfield, anyways a glitch had occurred and my legs were just "broken" out of nowhere, anyways I didn't panic because I thought I could go chop some sticks and make a splint with the bandages I had. When I wasn't able to make a splint and I realized I needed rags I panicked. It was the luckiest day of my life because out of the 6 people on the server, a guy comes running along and I say "hey you! hey hey hey! I need your help" and he said "hi" and I said "do you have any rags? my legs are broke and I need rags to make a splint." he said "yeah one second" he dropped some rags, I made a splint and while I was applying it I was sure he was just going to kill me, instead we talked for a few minutes, I got his steam name and we set off different ways. If you have more things than a player and you want to help them without sounding vulnerable like "hey I have all this stuff how about you kill me?" what you do is sound commanding and trigger happy. I found a guy once (I had the same character and was fully geared) but I found a guy at the hospital in electro, anyways I said "hey you, don't move" (he had no mic) I said "if you come near me I shoot you, got it?" and I said "so you need anything? food? water?" he said both so I gladly gave him a bunch of food and water and opened his canned food since he did not have a sharp object. I said "you cant be too carful out here, get outta here before I change your mind and put a bullet in your skull" he said "thanks" in the chat and ran off. If you are the one "calling the shots" other usually hostile people will think twice and will end up thinking "this guy isn't too bad after all" after helping them.

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This is a good idea, but based on my most recent luck, it would go like this (for me)


Me: Hello, good sir, my name is And-




But it might work for other people... :)

Edited by Cheeseburger8
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To paraphrase Hermann Goering "when I hear the word friendly I click the safety off my Makarov".  Yes, I know Goering didn't really say that, it comes from a play but urban legend has it that he did since it has more shock value that way.

Edited by Barnabus

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The thing is that when you have scoured the wasteland and found yourself the best weapons etc, you can lose it all in a heartbeat by trusting someone.  I think the game would benefit by allowing persistant killers to be hunted down/recognised as you would in the real world.  If you want to be an outlaw then that is fine by me because from a gaming point of view it can be fun and that's the truth.  Some players like to get into the game a bit more deeply and try to live and thrive off the land rather than take the easy route and fill your backpack by killing.  Maybe we could put up wanted posters at towns with outlaws names etc, or even better allow game Tags like in Arma so you can see who it is.

I dont want to seem negative because I really do enjoy the game I just thought there would be more trusting people on it.  The scary thing is that in any real event it doesnt give me a great hope for humanity lol.

keep safe

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The problem is if people say they are friendly then they are either


1: In trouble, Like the time I bumped into someone with an empty AK in a military prison


2: Just waiting to stab you in the back, Or run up to you with a bike helmet and hatchet and knock you the fuck out


3: Going to flat-out murder you


4: going to hold you up (and sometimes kill you)


5: Actually friendly and willing to work together to an extent

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The other day I was picking apples on the coast and this guy snuck up on me and started to axe me out. I gathered my bearings and ran off a bit to equip my baton (people sleep on the batons, screw that I save my battery and use the batons, they are effective and fun!)..


anyway, I could have retaliated, but instead I played the naïve card "HEY man! Why u punching me??" Whats up with that man lol?", and just ran around in circles with my weapon. It calmed him down, he explained (probably lied) that he was scared, didn't mean it, accident, etc...


We ended up chatting and laughing about it, I dropped him a few apples, and we went on our way minding our business.




To some degree it is uncertainly, fear, and simple boredom. There is time and effort to gearing up, and to lose it in 5 seconds.... I can see how it is a drain on a lot of people, it is understandable.

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I've been playing this game over 70 hours at this point, and I still consider myself a noob.


These are my friendly experiences with the other players, and all countable.


3 fresh spawns who call friendly. I was as well and was a fresh spawn. All other fresh spawns tried to melee me (dozens).


2 accidental encounters with armed people. We both surprised each other, and I'm guessing neither wanted a gunfight as we were just looting. We did have low level arms though (sportser, crossbow, etc...).


All other armed people have shot at me - and missed, shot at me - killing me, and lots have specifically shot me in the back . In total I would estimate over a hundred encounters with people shooting at me unprovoked.


I've personally shot one person after I tried approaching them with the intent to start conversation but he/she fired first. I've only actually killed 1 person who requested I axe them so they could respawn.


At this point, I'm guessing that most people are COD/Battlefield players who treat the game as one large PVP map, or are in-game sociopaths. As I don't know any people in my real life that play, I have yet to experience any cooperative play (even coop banditry).

Edited by E.J.

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Use random complex sentences as introductions to spark conversation and confuse other players, works all the time for me.


On the opposite side. If I want to get shot I simply compliment a player on every piece of gear they are wearing or have equipped, usually sets the paranoid meter through the roof.

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