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2 minutes that sums up this game...

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I was up the NW of the map, but some distance away from the airfield or any settlements of note. It was raining, it was miserable, although I was full health.


I came up to a marshy area that had two separate pools with the whole area surrounded by trees. I decided to stop under one and wait for the rain to stop, and it did within a minute. As I had a fishing rod in my inventory I thought this was the perfect opportunity to grab some food. Carefully checking around to make sure there was nobody about I edged up to the water and started fishing. 

Then the sunlight broke out, it was low and with the dark clouds it made for a dramatic scene with the water reflecting the light and the trees causing it to split into shafts (giggity). I then look up from my fishing rod and suddenly a deer comes walking into the scene. It was lovely, really lovely. I was a little awestruck by the beauty of it all.


As a Scot it actually felt quite Scottish. A low sun, casting shadows and split rays all over the place, it was near the end of the day and there was a notable duskiness everywhere while the brooding clouds still hung above me hardly moving. Here was I sitting next to a pool fishing away and a deer was slowly clopping it's way around me. I didn't move and it didn't get spooked by me.


I watched as it slowly edged away from the scene, and the sun disappeared behind the clouds and the rain started again and then suddenly the message "You are dead".



And within that 2 minutes or so I went from being miserable and sodden, to a wonderful glimpse of the beauty in the game, then KoS'ed (despite sitting down with a fishing rod in my hand no attempt was made to speak to me).



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Its a shame IMO that more players don't look past the guns and shooting people. Personally I think its because that's the default setting 99% of games out there promote. C'mon guys think outside the box....don't conform to what Hollywood tells you is cool explosions and headshots. Here we have a brilliant moment in dayz, appreciating it for something other than killing. The guy that shot you got less than a second of entertainment, if he had spoken you both could have admired the scene, come away with a story to tell of the friendly fisherman, and maybe even some fish! That's way more bang for your buck than shooting what is essentially a practice target.....hell if that's what they wanna do I recommend Arma 2 editor and some pop up targets....its about the same skill level lol :)

Edited by Karmaterror
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And some wonder why many us people jumped into whitelisted servers as soon as they were available.. <_<

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If you want to go fishing and relax during the apocalypse, a three/four man overwatch squad is required. Fishing is boring enough but gaurding someone fishing takes real commitment.


Regards, Craig.

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If you want to go fishing and relax during the apocalypse, a three/four man overwatch squad is required. Fishing is boring enough but gaurding someone fishing takes real commitment.


Regards, Craig.



For a start Craig, I am giving you beans for your avatar and location. We will rise again, my friend.. ;)


Now onto the fishing, sure, yes, you are right. Personally I am a lone wolf player and accept the risks that go with that and in many ways my OP was not complaining about the KoS just underling the extremes within such a short period of time. 


It is a shame whoever took me out did so, because while I was armed it was on my back and I was clearly in a position where I wasn't a threat.

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I was up the NW of the map, but some distance away from the airfield or any settlements of note. It was raining, it was miserable, although I was full health.


I came up to a marshy area that had two separate pools with the whole area surrounded by trees. I decided to stop under one and wait for the rain to stop, and it did within a minute. As I had a fishing rod in my inventory I thought this was the perfect opportunity to grab some food. Carefully checking around to make sure there was nobody about I edged up to the water and started fishing. 

Then the sunlight broke out, it was low and with the dark clouds it made for a dramatic scene with the water reflecting the light and the trees causing it to split into shafts (giggity). I then look up from my fishing rod and suddenly a deer comes walking into the scene. It was lovely, really lovely. I was a little awestruck by the beauty of it all.


As a Scot it actually felt quite Scottish. A low sun, casting shadows and split rays all over the place, it was near the end of the day and there was a notable duskiness everywhere while the brooding clouds still hung above me hardly moving. Here was I sitting next to a pool fishing away and a deer was slowly clopping it's way around me. I didn't move and it didn't get spooked by me.


I watched as it slowly edged away from the scene, and the sun disappeared behind the clouds and the rain started again and then suddenly the message "You are dead".



And within that 2 minutes or so I went from being miserable and sodden, to a wonderful glimpse of the beauty in the game, then KoS'ed (despite sitting down with a fishing rod in my hand no attempt was made to speak to me).


And you didn't take any pictures???

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Go play on a whitelisting RP server. Much much less KoS. I'm actually considering to become hostile, to spice things up a bit. (Robbing, no killing if not needed.) Literally everyone i met was friendly. (About 20 people in 2 days, sometimes groups of 10 at once. We had a neat barbeque together.)

Edited by Greaves
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And you didn't take any pictures???


Funny you should say that, I never thought about it until the deer started making its way back into the forest. Then as the rain started again I thought, "ah, well, I'll grab a shot of me fishing in the pouring rain", only to be met with the message.. you are dead.

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You got caught out by a classic distraction move by the evil murdering deer population of Chernarus. One of their number poses as harmless wildlife while the other sneaks up on you with sharpened antlers ready to attack.

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For a start Craig, I am giving you beans for your avatar and location. We will rise again, my friend.. ;)


Now onto the fishing, sure, yes, you are right. Personally I am a lone wolf player and accept the risks that go with that and in many ways my OP was not complaining about the KoS just underling the extremes within such a short period of time. 


It is a shame whoever took me out did so, because while I was armed it was on my back and I was clearly in a position where I wasn't a threat.


Fishing could be seen as threatening, lol, it is an "end game"  thing to do when geared and bored, which is a dangerous combo. I might try fishing as a new spawn (or even just dress like a new spawn with gear stashed) might reduce the temptation for someone to KoS. The devs could add an option to "push" someone that is fishing into the water with a timer where they can't access their gear/get wet/ruined items, so the spoil sports have an option other than headshot.


Permnently rising, Craig.

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I wonder if there's a fish with a gun in there... or sharks with lasers on their heads? You prolly got shot by a fish just trying to defend itself.

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Sorry you had to go through that! :(


When I want to try relaxing things like fishing and whatnot, I tend to stick to the -mostly- empty servers :/ Such a shame.

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That'll be one of them there CoD snipers, that will.


:thumbsup:  :lol:


Guess what dogmeat, this thread isn't about you, that must really annoy the shit out of you.

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Guess what dogmeat, this thread isn't about you, that must really annoy the shit out of you.


Would that I could take credit for blasting your slack-jawed, gurning fizzog to the bottom of Lake Fuckup, but it's enough to know that someone took the trouble to deliver you a wake-up call via the magic that is KoS.


In fact, I'm going to read it again, some of your blubbing is almost poetic...

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Would that I could take credit for blasting your slack-jawed, gurning fizzog to the bottom of Lake Fuckup, but it's enough to know that someone took the trouble to deliver you a wake-up call via the magic that is KoS.


In fact, I'm going to read it again, some of your blubbing is almost poetic...


And once more your painfully butthurt feelings come to the surface. Move on man, build a bridge, ffs.


For anyone wondering what is the relevance of all this, poor old dogmeat here went into a hissy fit spiral that left his toys everywhere and his pram empty because I had the temerity to suggest that sniping was too easy in the current DayZ build. He took great umbrage at this, despite at absolutely not point did I question his "mad sniping skills", and it seems he continues to hold a grudge. Posting insults and strawman arguments to boot.


You'd think a grown man in his 50's would be able to deal with such a vague comment but it seems not.

Edited by ricp

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Would that I could take credit for blasting your slack-jawed, gurning fizzog to the bottom of Lake Fuckup, but it's enough to know that someone took the trouble to deliver you a wake-up call via the magic that is KoS.


In fact, I'm going to read it again, some of your blubbing is almost poetic...


Who hurt you, man?

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Would that I could take credit for blasting your slack-jawed, gurning fizzog to the bottom of Lake Fuckup, but it's enough to know that someone took the trouble to deliver you a wake-up call via the magic that is KoS.


In fact, I'm going to read it again, some of your blubbing is almost poetic...

I've been around a year and a half. (I spent a few months without an account) I often lurk and read posts just, I can tell you that guys like Alpha soon become ignored and tossed aside because whilst the original novelty exists of "Lets laugh at the guy who is acting like a child online" is fun at first it soon becomes tiresome and blends into the background.

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"I was up the NW of the map"



I stay away from that area for that very reason.   Too many people up near that airfield and military base.

I see at most 3 guys in all of NW. I stay there to avoid the squeaker squads. 

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I don't mind dying, after all is there anywhere "safe" on the map? My little story was more about the juxtapose of how a little bit of magic can suddenly land in your virtual lap only to be brought right back to Earth within seconds.

Edited by ricp
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Gud tale man, I had a moment like this when I was on top of a building in Chapaevsk looking at the cities. This game has a great atmosphere..

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Ah I felt kind of same today. I can't remember when was the last time I've saw sun rise or set in DayZ but today was the day for a long time. From darkness to the nice shine and color changes in couple of hours were nice thing to see. Too bad you were KoSed. I met one friendly man when I was in a journey with my friend and we did a little trick for my friend while he was idle :D 5 man in a server and there we were three of us in the same spot 500m south of Zub.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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I try and be friendly but its just impossible some people who complain about being kosed are the ones at fault SOMETIMES. I get so many people who run up shouting friendly and thats fine,except they keep running at me lol so im forced to shoot almost everyone i run across lol.

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