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Rabbit Snares and Fish traps

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So, Rabbit snares out for like 15 minutes while I am fishing...I had 3 of them out. Come back and they are just sitting there. To put them out I just Threw it out of my inventory onto the ground. Is that the right way to do it? And how long does it take for the snare to either succeed or "fail" so that I have to reset it? Same with fish traps...anyone have more info on this?


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Did you try taking the snare into your hands, looking down, and using the scroll wheel?  Is there a right-click option?

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You have to place rabbit snares with the middle-mouse/use button, not just chuck them on the ground from your inventory.


Even then, I've never caught anything!

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Yeah, traps and snares have to be "placed". You can't just drop them from your inventory, that won't activate them. Using a fish trap is generally pretty easy (has to be done on the coast, by the way), but rabbit snares are not quite so easy.

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Ya I don't know how the rabbit snares actually trap anything because even when placed correctly (by putting in hands then using the scroll wheel Action) it still seems to catch nothin after close to an hour :/ ...

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I've yet to snare a rabbit and I've certainly tried often enough. Thing is, in previous builds, you used to see rabbits running about the place quite a lot. You could follow them and once I spent about 20 minutes doing that. However I don't think I've seen a rabbit in months now.


In terms of placement, I believe the best places are open fields (although when I had previously seen rabbits it had only ever been in the forests) and I have laid some out in several different field types and in different positions (in the middle, next to hedgerows, etc). Nada, nothing, and I've left these things for about 20 minutes. 

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I've yet to snare a rabbit and I've certainly tried often enough. Thing is, in previous builds, you used to see rabbits running about the place quite a lot. You could follow them and once I spent about 20 minutes doing that. However I don't think I've seen a rabbit in months now.


In terms of placement, I believe the best places are open fields (although when I had previously seen rabbits it had only ever been in the forests) and I have laid some out in several different field types and in different positions (in the middle, next to hedgerows, etc). Nada, nothing, and I've left these things for about 20 minutes. 

The ones you're referring to used to be part of the environment, and it wasn't possible to interact with them. Ever since those were replaced with "real", hunt-able rabbits, I've not seen a single one. Literally, not one. I've seen pictures, so I believe they're real, but I haven't laid eyes on one myself and certainly haven't been able to trap one. I haven't put nearly as much effort into it as it sounds like you have, but I would say rabbits are probably the most difficult game to hunt right now and they're the only animal so far that I haven't been able to track down (besides the domestic pig).

Edited by Tatanko

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I haven't put nearly as much effort into it as it sounds like you have, but I would say rabbits are probably the most difficult game to hunt right now and they're the only animal so far that I haven't been able to track down (besides the domestic pig).


I like using the hunting to feed myself, and I am determined to get the snare to work for me at least once.


The most difficult? Ha! I spent 10 minutes chasing a chicken with a home made bow. I ran out of arrows and the wee c**t just clucked at me in defiance!

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I like using the hunting to feed myself, and I am determined to get the snare to work for me at least once.


The most difficult? Ha! I spent 10 minutes chasing a chicken with a home made bow. I ran out of arrows and the wee c**t just clucked at me in defiance!


I murdered a chicken with a screwdriver once. Then realised I had nothing to quarter it with, and had to leave it behind. Still, the chase was fun!

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I like using the hunting to feed myself, and I am determined to get the snare to work for me at least once.



Any luck with that, ricp? I've tried everything in the book, even took the journey to places where rabbits were supposedly seen (South of Zelenogorsk, East of Krasnostav), set up several snares on different servers (persistence on/off), waited up to an hour, all in vain. People on experimental reported that snares worked everywhere within 20 minutes, but I believe something is broken with that on stable.


BTW, I have the same 'quest' as you do - all survival features tested out. ;)


And yeah, chickens can be killed even with fists.


@ Tatanko - domestic pigs can be found in Msta (close to the most southern buildings), but so far they yield 'pig pelts' and 'boar steaks'. :)


If there are sheep confirmed in dayz, I'd like to know.

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The ones you're referring to used to be part of the environment, and it wasn't possible to interact with them. Ever since those were replaced with "real", hunt-able rabbits, I've not seen a single one. Literally, not one. I've seen pictures, so I believe they're real, but I haven't laid eyes on one myself and certainly haven't been able to trap one. I haven't put nearly as much effort into it as it sounds like you have, but I would say rabbits are probably the most difficult game to hunt right now and they're the only animal so far that I haven't been able to track down (besides the domestic pig).

Do you find many animals when out and about, if so, where? I've done my fair share of exploring and running around in the sticks and I never see any game. You'd think in a world where the number of hunters has gone down to nearly zero, there'd be a plethora of animals.

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2 Patches ago out of 8 times I used snares (i had 2 so put them down 4 times) I got at least 5 rabbits from them and they were very tasty, thank you.

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Do you find many animals when out and about, if so, where? I've done my fair share of exploring and running around in the sticks and I never see any game. You'd think in a world where the number of hunters has gone down to nearly zero, there'd be a plethora of animals.


There is a lot of game in the middle belt of the map, i.e. all the way down from that bigh highway in the North, but not too close to the Southern coast.


Areas around and between smaller towns work best for me, but I've seen animals close to Zeleno or Berezino. The most surefire village is Msta, which never fails to deliver several kinds of game, including the elusive chicken and the rare pig. To the West of Mogilevka there is a big field, always seen a herd of cattle there (only remember that animals will be attacked by zeds). Herds of cows spawn also south of Zeleno and SW of Gvozdno. There is usually something south of Dubrovka (close to the intersection), between Gvozdno and Krasnostav, east of the Devils' Castle (where the heli site is), north/NE from the NWAF, and I'm sure many many other places. Just not Cherno, Elektro or Novo.


Remember to look close to the forest but in the open (although sometimes a deer walks just among buildings). Only once I've seen an animal actually among the trees and that was close to Msta. Maybe rabbits hide in the woods?


Of all game, I think boars are the best as they yield 6 steaks (eat them at one sitting and you can run 'energized' for hours) and a pelt which can be used for IMO the best backpack in the game (only 25 slots, but is very flat, easy to look around and doesn't give you away when you go prone).


Right now I'm trying to live off of only food I kill, grow or pick and I can say it is still way too easy to stay 'energized' once you get over by the initial hunger.


2 Patches ago out of 8 times I used snares (i had 2 so put them down 4 times) I got at least 5 rabbits from them and they were very tasty, thank you.


On the second thought, you're a cold-blooded murderer for hunting cute bunnies and how could you. :P

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Do you find many animals when out and about, if so, where? I've done my fair share of exploring and running around in the sticks and I never see any game. You'd think in a world where the number of hunters has gone down to nearly zero, there'd be a plethora of animals.

As Kirov said, the middle of the map is generally best. There are hotspots for certain animals too, though. Like for example if I want to hunt goats I almost automatically travel to Msta. The area of Novy Lug is good for bagging a cow. The fields around Prud and Old Fields generally have deer running around.


I almost never find animals when I'm just walking through the woods though. It's nearly always in open fields of some sort.

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Any luck with that, ricp? I've tried everything in the book, even took the journey to places where rabbits were supposedly seen (South of Zelenogorsk, East of Krasnostav), set up several snares on different servers (persistence on/off), waited up to an hour, all in vain. People on experimental reported that snares worked everywhere within 20 minutes, but I believe something is broken with that on stable.


Not actually tried in .52, so it might work but I've never caught a rabbit ever.. :(

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I'm not trying again in 0.52, it's either out of order or has ridiculous prerequisites like very specific locations or something. I'll try on the next patch. Also, let me know if you spot a sheep.

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