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It´s December

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So please give us also December Weather ingame at the next Stable Build .51 

At the moment the whole game is about finding 2 cans, drinking 3 or 4 times something and then you can run through the map for about 5 hours without drinking or eating, beside that the whole Bagpack will be full of food after 10 Minutes searching......




Running is enough to get you warm, even naked. 


Cmon Rocket, give us please the Survival Game you promised us, even when we have Alpha, the Game must not be Arcade.

Im also playing from time to time the Mod ( Namalsk, Overpoch ) And at the Moment you made an Game which is exactly like the Mod, Survival Aspects are only Subimportant, the whole game is to find and Weapon and go ready for PVP 


So Im asking concretely for .51 Features:

-Lower all Food spawning

-Colder Weather

-Lower Weapon spawns and/or

-Lower rifle spawn but give us more pistols and every pistol should spawn with an magazine (well it could be without munition) 

You added so much cool Pistols and no one is using them beside the Magnum, because we cant find any Magazine and it is much much easier to find an Rifle.


And it would be really nice to find an Mag for the CR527 Rifle, even without an Scope i would like to use this Rifle sometimes, not only every time an Mosin.


The really last thing i would like to ask for are Zombies: 

Im fully understanding, that Developement takes time, so its Ok for me, that we dont have Hordes or simply more Zombies, but can´t you just give the Zombies much more Damage or chance to make us sick ? Even in the Mod every 4. or 5. Zombie Hit made us sick. 

If they would make more damage, then player would fear them much more and would use theire ammo on them instead of melee Weapons, because no one wants do die or get sick and this way all survivors would use more ammo on Zombies than for KOS. 


Please give us the Survival game you promised us and not the Mod with better Graphics and clothes system.....





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The time for all these will come, trust me it will.


But not now.

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The time for all these will come, trust me it will.


But not now.


But why not now ? I didn´t asked for heavy developement things, i asked only for very little changes, like Zombie Damage und the Weather System is even already integrated, they only have to change it. 


It would even help the Dev Team in Developement, because we could find out for them, what are the optimal settings for alle this parametres like f.e. zombie damage

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Right now the in game weather is set for a September climate, plus in the southern hemisphere its hot as hates right now, december is summer to the people in the southern hemisphere..


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But why not now ? I didn´t asked for heavy developement things, i asked only for very little changes, like Zombie Damage und the Weather System is even already integrated, they only have to change it. 


It would even help the Dev Team in Developement, because we could find out for them, what are the optimal settings for alle this parametres like f.e. zombie damage


For the zombie damage, they are going to do it when they increase the amount of the zombies and re-make the AI.


That will happen after the new renderer update, food etc will be a little bit rare, weapons will be easy to find, ammo will be harder than before to find. 


Here's the roadmap for 2015.


They won't do anything earlier than that, so expect what you read here to be done to the corresponding time it writes at the roadmap.




All the things you want will happen in the next 4 months, just hold on a little bit more.

Edited by Yazar8

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So please give us also December Weather ingame at the next Stable Build .51 

At the moment the whole game is about finding 2 cans, drinking 3 or 4 times something and then you can run through the map for about 5 hours without drinking or eating, beside that the whole Bagpack will be full of food after 10 Minutes searching......




Running is enough to get you warm, even naked. 


Cmon Rocket, give us please the Survival Game you promised us, even when we have Alpha, the Game must not be Arcade.

Im also playing from time to time the Mod ( Namalsk, Overpoch ) And at the Moment you made an Game which is exactly like the Mod, Survival Aspects are only Subimportant, the whole game is to find and Weapon and go ready for PVP 


So Im asking concretely for .51 Features:

-Lower all Food spawning

-Colder Weather

-Lower Weapon spawns and/or

-Lower rifle spawn but give us more pistols and every pistol should spawn with an magazine (well it could be without munition) 

You added so much cool Pistols and no one is using them beside the Magnum, because we cant find any Magazine and it is much much easier to find an Rifle.


And it would be really nice to find an Mag for the CR527 Rifle, even without an Scope i would like to use this Rifle sometimes, not only every time an Mosin.


The really last thing i would like to ask for are Zombies: 

Im fully understanding, that Developement takes time, so its Ok for me, that we dont have Hordes or simply more Zombies, but can´t you just give the Zombies much more Damage or chance to make us sick ? Even in the Mod every 4. or 5. Zombie Hit made us sick. 

If they would make more damage, then player would fear them much more and would use theire ammo on them instead of melee Weapons, because no one wants do die or get sick and this way all survivors would use more ammo on Zombies than for KOS. 


Please give us the Survival game you promised us and not the Mod with better Graphics and clothes system.....

It isn't December, simple.


Take a look at the trees, and the foliage, and the other vegetation. It is mid-October, November at the latest.


If it was December, there would be no leaves on the trees, and most of the vegetation would be dead. To make it "look" like December, the devs would have to change literally ALL of the tree and grass models in-game, which in turn could push the game back even farther.

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I'm looking forward to snow covered maps at some point. Perfect weather to open up a roadside grill to cook up some mystery meat for tired survivors on the coastal highway.

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It isn't December, simple.


Take a look at the trees, and the foliage, and the other vegetation. It is mid-October, November at the latest.


If it was December, there would be no leaves on the trees, and most of the vegetation would be dead. To make it "look" like December, the devs would have to change literally ALL of the tree and grass models in-game, which in turn could push the game back even farther.


Dude, with December-Weather i thought only on Cold/Warm effect and how fast you have to eat or drink something.

I didnt thought on graphical effects.


Well, having Dynamical-Snow ingame would be awesome, but I think that is something for 2017.

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i hope they eventually do like zomboid and all the seasons i personally don't care if it doesn't snow chenarus etc, i thought it was a fictional country so it can have whatever weather the devs think is necessary i hope to see snow on the ground with dead trees and that wonderful silence that comes along with it except the wind blowing through chilling you to the bone. man that would be great. 

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They already have cold weather, it's just not visible, a couple patches back people were bitching about how cold it was even fully geared.  That's because the weather was set to average temperatures in December.  Now they're testing warm weather.  They're going to make ti so servers can set the 'month' the server is currently in and therefor the temperature.

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They already have cold weather, it's just not visible, a couple patches back people were bitching about how cold it was even fully geared.  That's because the weather was set to average temperatures in December.  Now they're testing warm weather.  They're going to make ti so servers can set the 'month' the server is currently in and therefor the temperature.

Spring would be the most used then I guess.

Would be cool if we get real snow with the new renderer. The snow from VBS3 is good enough!

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They already have cold weather, it's just not visible, a couple patches back people were bitching about how cold it was even fully geared.  That's because the weather was set to average temperatures in December.  Now they're testing warm weather.  They're going to make ti so servers can set the 'month' the server is currently in and therefor the temperature.

This guy knows what's up. There were a couple really harsh builds of Experimental as you're describing and it was fun to be challenged with it. It limited your travel somewhat because it was difficult to stay warm and it forced people to hunker down. It was great added circumstance for roleplaying, if that's your thing.


OP, I'm sure you're referring to a more visual change though, right? I think we'd all like to see the ability for weather to be that in-depth, but that will have to come later if at all. I'm hoping it does. I would love to slog through the snow for an hour and then meet up with friends a camp -- crackling fire, cooking meat, the whole nine yards.

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This guy knows what's up. There were a couple really harsh builds of Experimental as you're describing and it was fun to be challenged with it. It limited your travel somewhat because it was difficult to stay warm and it forced people to hunker down. It was great added circumstance for roleplaying, if that's your thing.


OP, I'm sure you're referring to a more visual change though, right? I think we'd all like to see the ability for weather to be that in-depth, but that will have to come later if at all. I'm hoping it does. I would love to slog through the snow for an hour and then meet up with friends a camp -- crackling fire, cooking meat, the whole nine yards.


^This here


I liked it when I had to worry about rain and cold and HAD to light a fire to warm up.  I don't need to right now and it takes so long to cook food when hunting that it's easier to run to a town and find cans right now.

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Yeah, weather effects like snow would be really cool, but for now i would be very lucky, if the devs would make the game harder with the things and mechanics which we already have ingame.

And it isnt so hard or need much time, because the devs already changed it a few times.


So ROCKET give us HARSH Environment in next stable Build ! kk ? 

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So, .51. is out, tested a little bit and it doesn´t look like it would be colder, aint less food or drinks, but at least not every item is pristine. 


Does someone knows an Mod Server with heavy survival settings ? 

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So ROCKET give us HARSH Environment in next stable Build ! kk ?

As the one exp build we had with December weather showed, it is a rather pointless excercise to have a stable build with that setting until loot spawning is working better and energy consumption is more balanced. There was no survival challenge, because you were 100% certain to die of starvation or cold very shortly from the moment you tried to leave the spawn area. You simply did burn energy too fast to move from one town to the other. Loot spawning works better now than it did in that build, but even now you would simply not be able to find enough food to keep up the energy to travel anywhere, not least because you would get stuffed before consuming enough food to remove the hunger bar.

I welcome, indeed would wish, harsher environmental conditions in stable when the game is nearing the phase where balance issues are being worked on, but until then it is best left for the occasional experimental build.

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It isn't December, simple.


Take a look at the trees, and the foliage, and the other vegetation. It is mid-October, November at the latest.


If it was December, there would be no leaves on the trees, and most of the vegetation would be dead. To make it "look" like December, the devs would have to change literally ALL of the tree and grass models in-game, which in turn could push the game back even farther.

Or it could be a video game and your missing the op's point. The op just wants it to be colder, and the game to be a bit harder and possibly to have a relationship with real life.


And whos to say it couldn't be December there? You are assuming that the game takes place in the CR or somewhere around there. But its a fictitious place, in a game :P

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Or it could be a video game and your missing the op's point. The op just wants it to be colder, and the game to be a bit harder and possibly to have a relationship with real life.


And whos to say it couldn't be December there? You are assuming that the game takes place in the CR or somewhere around there. But its a fictitious place, in a game :P

The environment says otherwise.  I am not basing my assumption of season on the location of the game, but the physical realities of the game world.



  • Chernarus is located in a primarily temperate, deciduous-forest ecoclimate. This is based on the plants and animals, as well as the weather patterns.
    • Deciduous trees are slowing down the photosynthetic process, hence, the leaves are "changing color". This happens in autumn, with the process over by late November, early December at the absolute latest
    • Plants that flower, propagate fruits or berries, or are ready for consumption in late Summer/Autumn are "ready" in standalone, or, if unable to be gathered due to game mechanics (I am looking at YOU, pumpkins..), look to be in the "ready" stage. Hence, we can pick apples, berries, and (hopefully) wheat, corn and pumpkins.
    • Animals appear as they would in Summer/Autumn, not Winter/Spring. Deer still retain antlers (however, not every deer species loses antlers, but "temperate" ones do....), rabbits still have their "grey-brown" summer coat, and we can still hear songbirds in the trees, indicating they have not yet migrated south. The only thing we have missing is Geese migrating (In New England, seeing/hearing Geese flying ovehead and/or landing in parks en masse is a surefire way to know the seasons have changed)
    • Ponds and streams are not yet frozen over, and in fact still contain photosynthetic algae, organisms that would be dead after the first freeze. 

NOTE: Just because it is Autumn, and not Winter, doesn't mean it doesn't get cold, or survival is easy. Yes, during a sunny Autumn day, it would likely be about 50 degrees F, but go into the shade, get wet (rain), or stay out past the sun falls, and it will get VERY cold, VERY fast. In October in southern New England, we had frost on puddles in the street in the morning, a couple of weeks before the 1st frost of the season (which happened for my area November 8th-ish. These frosty puddles melted fast, especially once the sun came up, but it still got COLD during the nighttime.

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The environment says otherwise.  I am not basing my assumption of season on the location of the game, but the physical realities of the game world.



  • Chernarus is located in a primarily temperate, deciduous-forest ecoclimate. This is based on the plants and animals, as well as the weather patterns.
    • Deciduous trees are slowing down the photosynthetic process, hence, the leaves are "changing color". This happens in autumn, with the process over by late November, early December at the absolute latest
    • Plants that flower, propagate fruits or berries, or are ready for consumption in late Summer/Autumn are "ready" in standalone, or, if unable to be gathered due to game mechanics (I am looking at YOU, pumpkins..), look to be in the "ready" stage. Hence, we can pick apples, berries, and (hopefully) wheat, corn and pumpkins.
    • Animals appear as they would in Summer/Autumn, not Winter/Spring. Deer still retain antlers (however, not every deer species loses antlers, but "temperate" ones do....), rabbits still have their "grey-brown" summer coat, and we can still hear songbirds in the trees, indicating they have not yet migrated south. The only thing we have missing is Geese migrating (In New England, seeing/hearing Geese flying ovehead and/or landing in parks en masse is a surefire way to know the seasons have changed)
    • Ponds and streams are not yet frozen over, and in fact still contain photosynthetic algae, organisms that would be dead after the first freeze. 

NOTE: Just because it is Autumn, and not Winter, doesn't mean it doesn't get cold, or survival is easy. Yes, during a sunny Autumn day, it would likely be about 50 degrees F, but go into the shade, get wet (rain), or stay out past the sun falls, and it will get VERY cold, VERY fast. In October in southern New England, we had frost on puddles in the street in the morning, a couple of weeks before the 1st frost of the season (which happened for my area November 8th-ish. These frosty puddles melted fast, especially once the sun came up, but it still got COLD during the nighttime.

Hehe, I was wondering if you were going to list the most obvious one. The sun being so far down in the southern sky...


However the point still stands, OP just wants it colder, and redoing the map for snow/spring/summer is out of the question for a long, long time. That doesnt mean that we cant be in danger of freezing to death in minutes provided we get rained on or are in the woods exposed for an extended amount of time.


You just always seem to get hung up on how the game relates to real life... a bit to much... Some things are not possible or within the scope of a video game. But maby I am misinterpreting your analysis as something else, but you always seem to have some kind of counter point to suggestions based on 'real life' that are not necessarily applicable to the limitations of a game.


Anyways, thanks for the additional information!

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Hehe, I was wondering if you were going to list the most obvious one. The sun being so far down in the southern sky...


However the point still stands, OP just wants it colder, and redoing the map for snow/spring/summer is out of the question for a long, long time. That doesnt mean that we cant be in danger of freezing to death in minutes provided we get rained on or are in the woods exposed for an extended amount of time.


You just always seem to get hung up on how the game relates to real life... a bit to much... Some things are not possible or within the scope of a video game. But maby I am misinterpreting your analysis as something else, but you always seem to have some kind of counter point to suggestions based on 'real life' that are not necessarily applicable to the limitations of a game.


Anyways, thanks for the additional information!

Shitbisquits, just spent an hour describing to the kids in my Troop how to tell directions without using a compass. I mainly talked about how in Autumn and Winter, in the northern hemisphere, the sun stays in the southern half of the sky......damn.

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