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price is incresed

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Five dollars or, for us european players, 4 euro is not really that much. No problem about the idea of a price hike, as I said, it's obvious that a product is going sooner or later to cost more and more - especially if it's popular...besides that, being a player I've already purchased the product so who cares. But increasing the price and then discounting it to the previous price tag just to announce there will be a "true" a price hike in the future is...naive at best. Like, amateurish naive.


The only thing a lot of people not following the development will see is a discount. And some of those people will buy the product not knowing the sale discount is basically a way to make a point about future price hikes...this (understandeably) got under the skin of a lot of people. It's not really an honest way to attract customers, even if it was done with the best intentions.



As it was said, they increased the price and then applied a "sale discount" reverting the price to its original level. New customers will see an inflated "fake" price discounted, and could buy DayZ thinking they got a good deal...while in reality the inflated price is not the real one, and the discounted one is in reality the true price of the game. That's misleading, as I said...even if it was planned with best inentions.

Either you discount the original price or you increase it and then discount it MUCH later. Also, if you want to announce a price hike, you use press releases/interviews/social media and other PR tools. Rising the price of your product and then immediately discount it to the original price tag is not...well, an efficient way to communicate with your customers about pricing issues.

Excepted it's not going back down at the end of the sale.

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Overall this is just so childish issue that only thing I can do is


Internet has really won again.

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Personally, I don't care - in Star citizen u can buy/pledge a space ship package for 15.000$   :D

What exactly are you trying to say with this..?


You have to take into consideration that that 15000 is completely optional. You can get that or for the cheapest which is $30($20 right now due to anniversary sale) So unlike DayZ, SC has options.

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Well I guess next time they increase the price they should just slap it up to $60 and just say fuck everyone

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I would of paid 50 or 60 us dollars for it at release and feel it was still a great bargain since I have over 500 hours on it thus far.  I bought BF3 for 60 and played 200 hours bought Wildstar for 60 and played 17 hours. 

Edited by huf757

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I would of paid 50 or 60 us dollars for it at release and feel it was still a great bargain since I have over 500 hours on it thus far.  I bought BF3 for 60 and played 200 hours bought Wildstar for 60 and played 17 hours. 


I probably would have too. Nonetheless, as remarked above, it's crappy, naïve PR, and a mistake that's been made before. It alienates many people who haven't only bought a product, but who have bought into a kind of service (we're testing the game - remember?)

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LOOK STEM the price is more WAS BEFOR 19.99 now is 22.99


maybe is beta coming? maybe they putting more car and also boat i hope i can make a peace area no bandit zone ON FAR away ISLAND same like i doing in zub but dont no more dieing evrytim : )


what is you idea for more higher price of dayz? i thinking today is vary excite day for dayz

pricing explained in announcements, by 2016 is will be 39.99 eur i think.


'when dean will fly in on a chair powered my Bambi souls,and proclaim them selves world king!'

Edited by Sooden
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I probably would have too. Nonetheless, as remarked above, it's crappy, naïve PR, and a mistake that's been made before. It alienates many people who haven't only bought a product, but who have bought into a kind of service (we're testing the game - remember?)

I'm not testing anything....I'm just playing till i get tired and go to bed :D

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Theres nothing dishonest about the way they did it, its all out there, in the open, and BI cant be blamed for people not doing research before spending money. Those who will buy the game, without researching the price and game, will buy any game, without doing some research on it

Yeah. Because when you see a discount on STEAM you go and look the pricing history of the game and visit the company website in order to rule out the possibility they're selling you the game at the same price they were selling before, but with a convenient price hike that negate the discount rate.

Of course you do. And everyone else do the same...what was I thinking?


But the people who are interested in DayZ, are already looking at it, and have been for some time, so this "price stunt" should only come as a shock to people who have never ever heard of DayZ before. And since the price is the same, they still have a chance of getting the game, for the same price as we did, back in december.

This is no misleading, at all. You make it sound like gamers are dumb cattle who cant think for them selves, when it could not be farther from the truth

I'm trying to have a constructive conversation here. Don't put things in my mouth I didn't say or even imply, that's the death of any discussion. Gamers are not "dubm cattle", but sure as hell very few people (to the point I'm tempted to say "no-one") start an info hunt every time they see a sale/discount. As I said before how many people do you think look at pricing history, proprietary and third-party websites before buying a game? Very few.

Obviously you can put the blame on the customer that didn't read the fine print...it's his fault, it was his duty searching information before shelling out money. That's true but I'm sure that, after putting apart our fanboyism towards Bohemia and the game, everyone can see how bad it sounds. It's not illegal, but it's bad PR nonetheless.


As far as i see it, its not a stunt to increase sales volume, they already sold WAY more then they could have ever dreamed of. Its a brilliant way of warning people of a price increase and, at the same time, give them the option to still buy it, at the same price as it started at :)

I, too, doubt they need more money. As a guy on Reddit said, they already made "Lamborghini money" - more than enough to develop the game and increase the studio at the same time. But it's not a brilliant move, far from it: and in fact the only people on the web defending this move are people who already bought the game and are, more or less, fan of DayZ. You said before that people who already are looking in the game and/or are fans will know of the price hike/discount: that's right. But DayZ SA is not a mod, it's a standalone videogame: it's a commercial investment, and Bohemia cannot cater only to the people who already like DayZ. It's like saying that Bethseda should aim only at the TES fan for their next game.

Any move like this will alienate future customers, even if it was planned with the best intentions. That's all I'm saying, and that's all the others condemning this stunt are saying.

Edited by DocWolf

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Variation is based on full retail price and implemented as development advances.



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