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Run or kill yourself?

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So everytime I die in, let's take electro for an example, I usually try to get to my body as soon as possible. Now sometimes you get lucky spawns at the coast in elektro or you get unlucky and get a spawn in Berezino. Sometimes I spawn in cherno but still kill my self because I hope for a lucky spawn. The run from Cherno to elektro lasts what? 5-7 minutes maybe? 


So basically my question is: What do you do? Keep killing yourself until you get a lucky spawn? Or just run?



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If i die i avoid the general area it happened in. Running to your body to try to get the phat lewtz is extremely lame imo and i will not be part of it.

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Start again probably the most fun of the current build of the SA is the starting stage ,looking for loot and food to survive rather than the later stages of looking for a certain item to complete your outfit lol. Plus you only have 10 min to get to your body so if you cant get there in 10 min by running your wasting your time and server peformance killing yourself over and over again...

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Killing yourself for a "better" spawn is no less an exploit than server hopping for loot and ruins the survival aspect of the game.

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yeah, by the time you get back to your body it's probably had the useful stuff taken off it and someone camping it anyway.

Just gear up again, much fun and you add a bit of variation to the game by wearing/using new stuff to get by :)

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I almost never run back for my gear, unless it was a glitch stair death or some other stupid way to die. But if it's player death, then respawn and move on with life (on different server)

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yeah the only time I go back to it really is if I was with friends when I died and we were doing something as a group and they mind the body til I get back.

Only if I'm close enough though, I never kill myself t get a better spawn, If I spawn too far away I will tell them to take what they need off my body and I'll gear up and catch up to them

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I don't shoot when I see survivors, but I shadow them from a far distance - if they are up to no good I usually snipe em.

Edited by Ori42

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Sometimes when I die and I don't feel like gearing up I will just run into the middle of town and start fights with people. One time I was running down the street in cherno and a dude walked out onto the road with a double barrel shotgun, I was a freshspawn so I stopped and said Hi, he shot me on the spot. I just so happened to spawn outside cherno once more so I ran right back to that spot, into the building he came out of, and at the top of the stairs he was eating the food I had on me as his friend stood guard with an SKS, I charged in and put him between his friend and myself, his friend had fired wildly on me with that SKS and in a moment of panic shot his friend several times, his friend collapsed possibly dead, I quickly went for the shotgun but it was empty, I settled for a machete and as the SKS guy was reloading I began beating him with it, he put the SKS away and pulled out a machete of his own and we did battle but due to him shooting me a time or two already with the SKS I passed out first. In the end his friend, the man who shot me, likely bled to death if he wasn't killed instantly by the shots, the SKS man may or may not have made it, he was bleeding heavily when I went down.


I suppose that was off topic though, so to answer you question; when I spawn I make my own fun, screw getting my gear back.

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I only run back if I spawn close, otherwise I rather start over.


The only reason I suicide is to get near my friends if we are in a hurry.

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One of the best things about Dayz is the looting up, and going places on the map you have never been before. Just run around and explore the map there is a lot of new things that you don't see just running around electro..

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I've never ran back to my body.

Edited by solodude23

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It depends, most of the time I just start fresh but if I get a close spawn I usually try to get to my corpse and have done so multiple times. A few times I have killed myself and tried to get a closer spawnpoint but it usually never works.

 Strangely, once when I was killed in Cherno, I managed to spawn outside the city three times in a row, getting killed by the same a-holes every time, lol.


I would much prefer it if you could choose a hometown to spawn at, so you knew where you would end up every time but I guess it would take some fun out of the running everywhere.

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in my 400 hours of DayZ the best time I've spent was looting up. Finding new gear, guns and ammo, backpacks, epic outfits and so on. It's just so much fun :D

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Killing yourself for a "better" spawn is no less an exploit than server hopping for loot and ruins the survival aspect of the game.

Killing yourself for a better spawn is power gaming.  Casual gaming is playing by imaginary restrictions.  Take full advantage of what the game allows you to do, as long as you aren't hacking/glitching.  Anyone telling you that you are wrong for this is the true lame.

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And to add.  Looting will always be there.   Its not going away.  Anytime, anywhere, you can loot.  It is basic.  So when you have the option to get your gear back and get back to advanced things, like hunting, fishing, killing, take the option.


Looting will always be there.  The only people I find who like the game more when they are looting is addicts.

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Killing yourself for a better spawn is power gaming. Casual gaming is playing by imaginary restrictions.

You have no idea what youre talking about. Maybe the power gaming part is true, idk what power gaming is and dont care to know. Im assuming it involves sipping orange crush while no scoping noobs, and obviously sprinting back to your corpse 3 times in a row then crying yourself to sleep when the server restarts.

Playing a sandbox game like dayz with imaginary rules is called role playing. Usually players do this to add depth to their experience, and sometimes to add challenge.

Enjoy jumping off of tall structures and begging people to kill you so you can get back your server hopped gear. Power Gaming.

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If I could describe a lot of people's mindsets in DayZ in one picture this would be it. Just let people play the game as they like, so long as they are not exploiting bugs or hacking then whats it to you? You play your way and I'll play mine.

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The last few times I tried this my body was already gone. I just take the spawn I am given now and make the best of it.

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Have your mates covering the dead body? Let them loot your main stuff and meet them somewhere else to get at least something back. You are alone? Get new gear.



At least that is my way.

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I did runback to my body few nights ago.....but was mainly for revenge on some backstabber than for my gear. Also only really went for it because I spawned so close, if id spawned miles away I woulda just played.  I say always just play the spawn your given, even "crap" spawns have benefits, like less player traffic or unlooted buildings. With the way the lootable buildings are spread out in SA your never far from whatever you wanna loot :)

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