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the bambi steak

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Godly, I supported this suggestion long ago. Eating people is a valid survival tactic. Don't like it? Too bad, find yourself another planet/game lacking cannibals.  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :D  B)  B)


Thats just it... no one really starves to death, and I dont just mean now with the fucked up loot spawn... even in 0.49 and before food was never a problem

The cannibalism, is not justified... Id love to have it in game, but it has to be thought out properly not just put in just for the sake of having it


Damn it Varg, you're smarter than that. We both know that they can tweak the game's food spawn so that hunger is a much bigger issue, making cannibalism viable in tough situations.



Now I can finally live out my dream of kidnapping people and feeding their flesh to eachother.

Edited by t1337Dude

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Godly, I supported this suggestion long ago. Eating people is a valid survival tactic. Don't like it? Too bad, find yourself another planet/game lacking cannibals.  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :D  B)  B)


Damn it Varg, you're smarter than that. We both know that they can tweak the game's food spawn so that hunger is a much bigger issue, making cannibalism viable in tough situations.



Now I can finally live out my dream of kidnapping people and feeding their flesh to eachother.

I believe the argument now is instead of using it as a survival tool, it'll be used to grief instead.

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This will just make random encounters that more paranoid. Is he planning on eating me? Why is that guy lighting a cooking fire?

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kidnap two friends and force one to eat the other one !!!  muahaha!!!



..and here's why some are opposed to cannibalism in DayZ.  There's already far too much griefing going on "for t3h l0lz", forcing a player to eat their friend (who could be a friend or partner IRL) just for amusement is rather sick in my opinion.

Yes, cannibalism to stay alive in desperate, desperate times (Siege of Leningrad, anyone?) happens.  Doing it for schadenfreude is wrong, which is exactly why people are going to do it.  'Cos they want to be edgy and "fun".  TwitchTV will no doubt be seeing plenty of cannibalism force-feeding.


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so...its in.


You can skin and eat humans now. ( on exp. )




I dont know if i like this feature. Not only will it produce tons of negative press BUT i dont buy the "its a survival game " ( its not, at least...not yet ) excuse to get this in.


Right , right its only a game BUT you know how fucking long it takes a human to finaly eat another one ? Did this REALLY had to be in ?

Pray for me as i devour your corpse



Also this is good news. One less dark and grim mechanic i don't have to complain about not being in a MATURE survival game with cannibal eating infected.


Its your choice if you choose to use the mechanic or not. No one is forcing anyone to eat anyone lol.


Also we need burlap sack mask back or at the very LEAST some kind of Leatherface craftable mask. XD



Edited by Deathlove

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I believe the argument now is instead of using it as a survival tool, it'll be used to grief instead.

Just like guns? I guess we should get rid of those too.  :rolleyes:

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Just like guns? I guess we should get rid of those too.  :rolleyes:

Uh ya, use logic before making stupids posts in the future.  There is no reason for cannibalism to really be in the game at least at this stage.  Considering there is a huge pinned topic about KoS because that's all there is to do right now this feature is going to be abused just for the lol's.


I am all for features that will help with the survival aspect of the game but that is the area they actually need to work on before adding more tools to allow for easy griefing

Edited by Caboose187

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Uh ya, use logic before making stupids posts in the future.  There is no reason for cannibalism to really be in the game at least at this stage.  Considering there is a huge pinned topic about KoS because that's all there is to do right now this feature is going to be abused just for the lol's.

But we do need more toys for the psychopathic/maniacs to play with while board.


Cannibalism i can see as being a LAST resort to getting some kind of food in  your body. Mainly seeing a player as the only thing around and no food for miles. Your starving and close to death with no other way. Its ether die or kill to eat and survive.


Most smart ppl will get off the coast as fast as they can anyways leaving only the trigger happy ppl to stay on the shores with this mechanic to abuse.


The mechanic is in ARMA 3 Breaking Point as well but i rarely ever use it anyways. You can even eat infected but i wouldn't recommend it.

Edited by Deathlove

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But we do need more toys for the psychopathic/maniacs to play with while board.


Cannibalism i can see as being a LAST resort to getting some kind of food in  your body. Mainly seeing a player as the only thing around and no food for miles. Your starving and close to death with no other way. Its ether die or kill to eat and survive.


Most smart ppl will get off the coast as fast as they can anyways leaving only the trigger happy ppl to stay on the shores with this mechanic to abuse.

Heh, if you're starving you are doing something wrong..  I edited my post to add "I am all for features that will help with the survival aspect of the game but that is the area they actually need to work on before adding more tools to allow for easy griefing"

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Promise me you will eat my nuts first B)


I promise. Scout's honor.

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I think the best side effect would be if after a certain amount of human flesh your character became addicted and refused all other food and could only be fed by human flesh

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I like the hopes and dreams of a Candyland Society after the apocalypse. It really is hilarious. We should all hold hands and sing Kumbaya and eat green bell peppers. 


I don't really like comparing real life to video games but I will just say this. How fast do you honestly think all of the food in this planet would disappear if such an apocalypse really happened?  Not a zombie one but say the Bubonic plague. After all of the nuke plants meltdown and most water sources are contaminated, the fires that will reach outside the big cities and scorch all of the forests and kill much of the wild life, you think there will be food? I'll eat you. I wouldn't want to. But if I was going to live? I would eat you. Fast.

Edited by BigB055
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And speaking on , "bad press". Any press these days is good press. We all know this. My girlfriend probably wouldn't be thrilled about me posting a picture of my bare ass on facebook but I am sure a lot of people would think it is hilarious, dumb, gross, etc., whatever. But a lot of people would see it. I doubt this is a publicity stunt though. 

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And speaking on , "bad press". Any press these days is good press. We all know this.



...until that press ended up in front of the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) and then in front of your country's governing body, and then banned for going that little bit too far.


Will this happen with DayZ?  Who knows.  There are plenty of countries that are willing to censor and restrict materials based on initial press.  I believe Manhunt and Carmageddon have already seen multiple mentions today throughout various conversations.


So no, I wouldn't say "we all know this."


Some "bad press" is already circulating.


Edited by _Mandrake_
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...until that press ended up in front of the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) and then in front of your country's governing body, and then banned for going that little bit too far.


Will this happen with DayZ?  Who knows.  There are plenty of countries that are willing to censor and restrict materials based on initial press.  I believe Manhunt and Carmageddon have already seen multiple mentions today throughout various conversations.


So no, I wouldn't say "we all know this."


I don't think eating dead people is as bad as killing hookers and getting your money back. Or blasting an innocent woman in the face with a shotgun and running over a cop.


So much worse has already made it into games. 

Edited by BigB055

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Some "bad press" is already circulating.



That's a blog. That isn't press. That's like someone going rouge off of the forum with their thoughts where nobody can make fun of them.

Edited by BigB055

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That's a blog. That isn't press. That's like someone going rouge off of the forum with their thoughts where nobody can make fun of them.


And that's how it starts.

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...until that press ended up in front of the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) and then in front of your country's governing body, and then banned for going that little bit too far.


Will this happen with DayZ?  Who knows.  There are plenty of countries that are willing to censor and restrict materials based on initial press.  I believe Manhunt and Carmageddon have already seen multiple mentions today throughout various conversations.


So no, I wouldn't say "we all know this."


Some "bad press" is already circulating.


Even games like The evil within barely(if at all?) seem to be having any issues you people are talking about, so i highly doubt that Dayz will have any problems with it's fake as fuck cannibalism. 


Also, did you even read the post you're linking? That "bad press" doesn't have anything to do with cannibalism being morally bad. They literally say so themselves that they have no moral issue with the feature. Only that it will bad for gameplay.

Edited by Chompster

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I like the hopes and dreams of a Candyland Society after the apocalypse. It really is hilarious. We should all hold hands and sing Kumbaya and eat green bell peppers. 


I don't really like comparing real life to video games but I will just say this. How fast do you honestly think all of the food in this planet would disappear if such an apocalypse really happened?  Not a zombie one but say the Bubonic plague. After all of the nuke plants meltdown and most water sources are contaminated, the fires that will reach outside the big cities and scorch all of the forests and kill much of the wild life, you think there will be food? I'll eat you. I wouldn't want to. But if I was going to live? I would eat you. Fast.

No, actually. What education or experience do you have with that concept, besides " I think this will happen".? 


Secondly, I'd like to address some of your points

1) Nuclear Power plants do NOT "melt down", at least, not any more. Modern (Post-1975-ish) plants actually require human imput to keep working, as they are designed to overheat and shut down otherwise. Nuclear plants are very safe, nowadays. 

2) What, exactly, will the water sources be contaminated with? Without human input, chemical plants (hell, all industrial facilities) will shut down. And, the overwhelming majority of industrial facilities in Developed Nations don't exactly dump toxic waste into waterways (At least, not a lot, and not openly AKA "drainpipe into rivers"). Governmental Oversight tends to frown on that, in the form of heavy fines and shutdowns.

3) What, exactly, causes these fires that burn the world to ash? With the exception of Chaparral (which is the climate of California, Arizona, and the Mediterranean), which is essentially designed to burn down every so often, most live trees don't catch fire all that easily. And, animals know to run away from forest fires. They aren't stupid. 


I don't think you realize just how much potential food there is on the planet. In the case of a TSC-scenario, most of the world's population would be dead, mainly from disease (caused, and expedited by, malnutrition, not violence or starvation.) This malnutrition would be caused by the loss of industrialized agriculture. NOTE; the loss of industrialized agriculture does not mean "all the food is gone". We just won't have the OVERWHELMING HUGE (seriously. The US + Canada produces enough food to feed pretty much the entire planet. It is due to logistics that there are famines in Africa and such) amounts of food modern society has. Once the "unfortunately extraneous" population dies off, there would be more than enough food, in the form of wild edibles and arable land, to feed the survivors. There just won't be massive surpluses.

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No, actually. What education or experience do you have with that concept, besides " I think this will happen".? 


Secondly, I'd like to address some of your points

1) Nuclear Power plants do NOT "melt down", at least, not any more. Modern (Post-1975-ish) plants actually require human imput to keep working, as they are designed to overheat and shut down otherwise. Nuclear plants are very safe, nowadays. 

2) What, exactly, will the water sources be contaminated with? Without human input, chemical plants (hell, all industrial facilities) will shut down. And, the overwhelming majority of industrial facilities in Developed Nations don't exactly dump toxic waste into waterways (At least, not a lot, and not openly AKA "drainpipe into rivers"). Governmental Oversight tends to frown on that, in the form of heavy fines and shutdowns.

3) What, exactly, causes these fires that burn the world to ash? With the exception of Chaparral (which is the climate of California, Arizona, and the Mediterranean), which is essentially designed to burn down every so often, most live trees don't catch fire all that easily. And, animals know to run away from forest fires. They aren't stupid. 


I don't think you realize just how much potential food there is on the planet. In the case of a TSC-scenario, most of the world's population would be dead, mainly from disease (caused, and expedited by, malnutrition, not violence or starvation.) This malnutrition would be caused by the loss of industrialized agriculture. NOTE; the loss of industrialized agriculture does not mean "all the food is gone". We just won't have the OVERWHELMING HUGE (seriously. The US + Canada produces enough food to feed pretty much the entire planet. It is due to logistics that there are famines in Africa and such) amounts of food modern society has. Once the "unfortunately extraneous" population dies off, there would be more than enough food, in the form of wild edibles and arable land, to feed the survivors. There just won't be massive surpluses.


1) Who is maintaining these plants? 


2) Who is maintaining the water treatment facilities and keeping our potable drinking system pressurized and safe?


3)Fire requires three main things in order to function. The first is a fuel source. This would be combustibles from buildings, trash, wood, paper, etc.. The second is heat source. You can get that from let's say anything on a daily basis that may potentially catch fire probably from humans since 9 out of 10 fires are caused by humans(Thanks Smokey Bear ads). The third is oxygen. Well, I don't have to provide any credentials to tell you where oxygen is highly abundant.  That being said, who is going to put out fires when they break out? The fire department? The people that are either sick, dead of fending for themselves? Yea they are not going to stick around long enough.


I don't have any education on the matter other than common fucking sense. Where did you study, Post Apocalyptic Survival 101? What was your dissertation titled? 


I'm not going to attack you so please don't attack me. Use that mushy mass that is taking up the space in your skull and think long and hard about some things once in a while. People say cannibalism isn't going to happen. Or do you know how long it would take to resort to eating a person? Really? Does anyone know any of that? No.

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1) Who is maintaining these plants? 


2) Who is maintaining the water treatment facilities and keeping our potable drinking system pressurized and safe?


3)Fire requires three main things in order to function. The first is a fuel source. This would be combustibles from buildings, trash, wood, paper, etc.. The second is heat source. You can get that from let's say anything on a daily basis that may potentially catch fire probably from humans since 9 out of 10 fires are caused by humans(Thanks Smokey Bear ads). The third is oxygen. Well, I don't have to provide any credentials to tell you where oxygen is highly abundant.  That being said, who is going to put out fires when they break out? The fire department? The people that are either sick, dead of fending for themselves? Yea they are not going to stick around long enough.


I don't have any education on the matter other than common fucking sense. Where did you study, Post Apocalyptic Survival 101? What was your dissertation titled? 


I'm not going to attack you so please don't attack me. Use that mushy mass that is taking up the space in your skull and think long and hard about some things once in a while. People say cannibalism isn't going to happen. Or do you know how long it would take to resort to eating a person? Really? Does anyone know any of that? No.

1) My point exactly. The reactor will shut down after a period without input. The "dangerous part" of a nuclear power plant isn't the reactor per se, it is the reactor coolant, which in many cases nowadays is just a shit-ton of water. The coolant is pumped around the reactor (which is surrounded by 3 or more "caskets" (steel, concrete and such, specifically to prevent radiation from leaking out)), and then to an "evaporation pond/tower", which are the big towers people associate with nuclear power plants. This coolant is usually irradiated (NOTE: water can't actually get irradiated, it merely has radioactive particles suspended in it) to various degrees. That is what can get into the environment (etc Japan), but the whole coolant system is VERY tightly controlled, and is entirely separate from any water sources. With no maintenance, the plant will shut down, and will not "magically" leak into the local aquifer. So long as you let drinking water settle out particulates, and avoid eating fish from contaminated sources, nuclear power plants should not be a concern.


2) My point exactly. No-one maintaining the plant, there will be no chemicals being pumped into the environment, after whatever is left in the plant is gone, which is a drop in the bucket compared to the overall health of the environment. However, sewers and metropolitan overflow systems WILL fail (as a result of no maintenance), and as such, most towns would have flooded streets, at the very least. Much more if they are located near a river (as most towns are). This is important for #3


3) Congratulations, you can quote the "Fire Triangle" at me. -slow clap-. However, just because those things are there,  doesn't mean a fire will happen. Still doesn't explain where the fires will come from. Actually, without human input, wildfires (in most environments, as a caveat. Chernarus is part of an ecoclime not likely to catch fire), are rather rare in nature. Yes, lightning can cause fires, but they are relatively rare. 


I have a degree in Biological Science, have an OSHA Hazardous Waste/Emergency Response License, have Wilderness Survival training (and teach advanced courses), and worked with my city's Disaster Preparedness/Mitigation Department, which was also regional.


So, yes, I consider my points to be a wee bit more valid  than yours. Sorry. "Common Sense" doesn't quite stand up to education and experience.

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So instead of debating what I said you agree with it now. Cool.

I agree, but with a number of important distinctions. I explained in detail just how your points were incorrect. Well, not incorrect per se, but are more complex than the way you described. 


Essentially, who is manning a plant/factory/polluting center matters little, because they are designed to shut down without human input. Therefore, the pollution they put out when manned will end pretty quickly when they cease being manned

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Cannibalism is a good addition to the game because it is authentic and shows that the developers are willing to step into 'risky' ground to create their vision.




Its going to need to be partnered with the following:


  • Revamp of the Starvation and Dehydration Systems, where Malnutrition / Weakness for Hunger is a factor. Death from starvation is slow but will hinder your character greatly. Your movement / activity and Hydration will directly effect your Starvation. One who runs and does not drink will die faster from hunger, one who walks and stays in the same place while keeping hydrated will last longer but will still become a scrawny weak piece of shit if they don't get food in their system after a while.
  • Tone down food spawns immensely. Make it so fruit-picking is more viable then finding cans. Buff cans. Make canned goods sought after. Two - three cans of beans should be enough for a 'DayZ day.' Finding two - three cans of beans should be hell-like. Apples and tomatoes on the other hand...
  • Inspire players to hunt and farm. Alternative ways of bringing in food. Make fresh spawns fight against starvation and force players who want to survive to fight for their food. Those who are not weak from malnutrition will be respected hunters, aspiring farmers, or lucky fuckers who got their hands on a can stash.


This would make Cannibalism viable and a clear resort as players, even those with guns and 'gear', would slowly fall to their knees at Malnutrition. When there are no cans around and dozens of apples just aren't filling you up, human flesh will have to substitute less you want to die.


I will honestly not eat anybody in game and will instead hunt cannibals. This will add to the 'roleplay' aspect of the game for me and also make even more dramatic scenes across the countryside of men shot and skinned, not just, well, shot.


So, bring on the Cannibals. Maybe we shouldn't even call them Cannibals, maybe we should call them just people with an... exotic taste.

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Promoting griefing is BAD.


Who cares about griefing? This is a video game. Avoid the 'griefers' and be cautious before you try to make friends with somebody...

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